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Gandalf's evil game OOC-closed


Rakthor Half-orc NE druid 10 (wolf variant)
Travel Domain
Traits: Highlander (+1 stealth, stealth class skill, +2 in hill/mountain)
Reactionary (+2 init)

STR: 14 DEX: 10 CON: 14 INT: 14 WIS: 20 CHA: 10
half-orc racials and level bonuses goin in wisdom to 20

Racial Traits: Darkvision, +2 intimidate, ferocity, etc
Languages: Orc, Common, Druidic, sylvan, goblin, giant

Init: +8
Hit points: 11+(9d8+27) +Toughness
Favored class goes into HP.

Skill (6 per level)
Maximize: Survival, Knowledge (nature), perception, spellcraft, 5 ranks in knowledge geography
5 ranks in handle animal, 5 ranks in heal, 5 ranks in sense motive.

1) Track
3) Toughness
5) Natural Spell
7) improved initiative
9) aspect of the beast - wild instinct (+2 survival & + 2initiative)

Magic items. This is where it gets tricky for me i get very overwhelmed by all the options.

I'm going to steal from lughart, and go cloak of resist +3, headband +4 wisdom.

Other than that I would like a +1 dragonhide breastplate, if i can somehow add the foldin option
it's in the APG 284, instead of normal +1 fullplate, have it be +1 dragonhide for coolness factor
12k gold

And I would like opinions on whether to go greataxe, or scimitar + shield.

thanks everyone

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First Post
Work in progress

Saurian Summoner, Neutral Evil

Str: 14 (5 Points)
Dex: 14 (5 points)
Con: 14 (2 points, +2 racial)
Int: 8 (-2 Racial)
Wis: 13(3 points)
Cha: 18 (10 Points, +2 racial)
Points Spent: 25

Class features:

Spell Focus(Conjuration)
Augmented Summoning
Winter's Blast (Complete Mage)
Dimensional Jaunt (Complete Mage)
Cloudy Conjuration (Complete Mage)

Reactionary (+2 bonus to Init)

Lvl 0: Mage Hand, Light, Arcane Mark, Guidance, Message, Detect Magic
Lvl 1: Grease, Magic Fang, Mage Armor, lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon, Shield
Lvl 2: Lesser Evolution Surge, Glitterdust, Haste, Barkskin, Summon Eidolon
Lvl 3: Rejuvenate Eidolon, Fire Shield, Summon Monster IV, Evolution Surge
Lvl 4: Baleful Polymorph, Teleport
Lvl 5:

Equipment: 62,000 gold
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figured out my gear roughly

headband +4 wisdom 16k
cloak of resist +3 9k
+2 greataxe 8k
Ring of Protection +2 8k
Ring of Sustenance 2.5 K
Folding Armor 12.2k (+1 dragonhide, instead of +1 full plate if approved)
Cure Light Wounds Wand 750gp
rod of extend lesser 3k

this adds up to about 58.7 k, call it 60 for standard adventurers stuff
and I have 2 thousand to spare?

Standard Spells (this is standard adventurin):
Level 0: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Purify food/drink

Level 1: speak with animals, good berry, endure elements, pass w/o trace, feather step (APG), faerie fire, longstrider (Domain)

2: bull strength, barkskin (2), lesser restore, burning gaze (apg), locate object (Domain)

3: call lightning, stone shape, wind wall, cloak of winds (apg), fly (domain)

4: dispel magic, freedom of movement, flame strike, Ball lightning (APG), Dimension Door (Domain)

5: Deathward, Animal growth, aspect of the wolf (APG), teleport (domain)

The bonus spells were figured from 20 wisdom, if i should use the 24 wisdom with the item let me know.


First Post
Having never really played a vancian caster, I could definitely use some advice on the specifics for my character... >.>

Is what I have a decent base? Should I move attributes, etc...?

My vision would be a character who is 'decent' in melee combat but primarily focuses on casting to empower his 'vision' (his eidolon) and force that on his opponents, using him to lock down opponents while he can laugh at their inability to defend against him. :p


Work in progress

Saurian Summoner, Neutral Evil

Spell Focus(Conjuration)
Augmented Summoning
Winter's Blast (Complete Mage)
Dimensional Jaunt (Complete Mage)
Cloudy Conjuration (Complete Mage)

Reactionary (+2 bonus to Init)

Lvl 0: Mage Hand, Light, Arcane Mark, Guidance, Message, Detect Magic
Lvl 1: Grease, Magic Fang, Mage Armor, lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon, Shield
Lvl 2: Lesser Evolution Surge, Glitterdust, Summon Monster II, Slow, Summon Eidolon
Lvl 3: Rejuvenate Eidolon, Fire Shield, Summon Monster IV, Evolution Surge
Lvl 4: Baleful Polymorph, Teleport
Lvl 5:

Equipment: 62,000 gold

I'm no expert but here's my take. It looks pretty solid, and I realize a summoner has a limited list. I would look hard at what the save dc is going to be for your spells when picking slow, and baleful polymorph.
I can't remember the everyone's char, but haste is a solid choice at second, or heroism at third.

I understand if you don't want your char to be just a buff, those are kinda your only direct attack type spells, and they are just as decisive in a battle, there's just a chance they won't land though.

So, your choices from my read, seem solid, probably not the uber-optimized, but very strong and playable.

You'll notice my character concept is trying to be more buff spells then attack spells, but that fits my concept.


First Post
I'm no expert but here's my take. It looks pretty solid, and I realize a summoner has a limited list. I would look hard at what the save dc is going to be for your spells when picking slow, and baleful polymorph.
I can't remember the everyone's char, but haste is a solid choice at second, or heroism at third.

I understand if you don't want your char to be just a buff, those are kinda your only direct attack type spells, and they are just as decisive in a battle, there's just a chance they won't land though.

So, your choices from my read, seem solid, probably not the uber-optimized, but very strong and playable.

You'll notice my character concept is trying to be more buff spells then attack spells, but that fits my concept.

Well, how high does my DC have to BE? >.> I wanted something to muck up my enemies as opposed to just being a buff battery... lol.


If you want to muck up your enemies then I would suggest you exchange fire shield for black tentacles (which has no save & avoids SR, just a CMB check, great against spellcasters). And the monsters from Summon Monster 2 are not likely to be terribly useful at your level (10th is it?) unless you are going against mooks so I would probably exchange that one for haste. I know you don't want to be a buff battery but haste is really hard to beat.

Walking Dad

First Post
Here is my spell list again to coordinat our efforts:

0 (9) - detect magic, read magic, message, prestidigitation, dancing light, acid splash, ghost sound, mage hand, detect poison
1 (5) - charm animals - magic missle, mage armor, mount, color spray, shield
2 (4) - summon swarm - resist energy, glitterdust, flaming sphere, invisibility
3 (3) - contagion - stinking cloud, slow, dispel magic
4 (2) - repel vermin - Black tentacles, dimension door
5 (1) - Overland Flight

As you can see, black tentacles and slow are already on my list. Fire shield is far from bad, but hase beats SM 2.


here's an update of saves and such

Base Attack Bonus +7 Basic Melee Attack +9
Basic Ranged Attack +7

Weapon great axe +2
Attack Bonus 11/6
Critical x3
Damage 1d12+4

Weapon Club
Attack Bonus 9/4
Critical x2
Damage 1d6+2

Weapon Sling
Attack Bonus 7/2
Critical x2
Range 20ft?
Ammo 20 bullets
Damage 1d4

Fortitude Save +12 = 7 [base] +2 [Con] +3 [Cloak]
Reflex Save +6 = 3 [base] +0 [Dex] +3 [Cloak]
Will Save +15 = 7 [base] +5 [Wis] +3 [Cloak]
CMB +9 = 7 [BAB] +2 [Str] +0 [size]
CMD +19 = 7 [BaB] +2 [Str] +0 [Dex] +0 [size] + 10
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Walking Dad

First Post
Updated my character a bit. How do we determine HP past level 1?

Work in Progress


Saurian Sorcerer (Pestilence Bloodline) 10, NE

STR: 10
DEX: (16) 14 5
CON: (18) 16 5 (racial +2)
INT: 10 2 (racial -2)
WIS: 13 3
CHA: (24) 20 10 (racial +2) (+2 Level Advancement)

Base Attack Bonus +5
Basic Melee Attack +5
Basic Ranged Attack +8

HP: ? = [10d6 + 10xCON (40) + Feat (10) + FC (10)] (Sorcerer)]
AC: 22 = [10 + DEX (03) + Armor (00) + Shield (02) + Natural (05) + Size (00) + Misc (02)]
AC Touch: 15 = [10 + DEX (03) + Size (00) + Misc (02)]
AC Flatfooted: 19 = [10 + Armor (00) + Shield (02) + Natural (05) + Size (00) + Misc (02)]
INIT: +3 = [DEX (03) + Misc (00)]

Fortitude Save +10 = 3 [base] +4 [Con] +3 [Cloak]
Reflex Save +9 = 3 [base] +3 [Dex] +3 [Cloak]
Will Save +11 = 7 [base] +1 [Wis] +3 [Cloak]
CMB +5 = 5 [BAB] +0 [Str] +0 [size]
CMD +23 = 10 [BaB/Feat] +0 [Str] +3 [Dex] +0 [size] + 10

1) Improved initiative
1) Eschew Materials (Sorcerer)
3) Extend Spell
5) Combat Casting
7) Defensive Combat Training
7) Toughness (Bloodline Feat)
(11 - Arcane Blast)

Spells Known:
0 (9) - detect magic, read magic, message, prestidigitation, dancing light, acid splash, ghost sound, mage hand, detect poison
1 (5) - charm animals - magic missle, mage armor, mount, color spray, shield
2 (4) - summon swarm - resist energy, glitterdust, flaming sphere, invisibility
3 (3) - contagion - stinking cloud, slow, dispel magic
4 (2) - repel vermin - Black tentacles, dimension door
5 (1) - Overland Flight

Reactionary: +2 Initiative
Desperate Focus: +2 Concentration

Possible Items (62,000):
Handy Haversack 2,000
Headband of Alluring Charisma +4 16,000
Cloak of resistance +3 9,000
Amulet of nat. Armor +2 8,000
Ring of Protection +2 8,000
Belt of Pysical Might (Dex & Con) +2 10,000
Mithral Buckler +1 (light fortification) 4,000 +

Metamagic Rod (Extoplasmic, lesser) 3,000
Wand (Protection from good) 750

[sblock=Pestilence Bloodline]
Class Skill: Heal

Bonus Spells: charm animal (3rd), summon swarm (5th), contagion (7th), repel vermin (9th), insect plague (11th), eyebite (13th), creeping doom (15th), horrid wilting (17th), power word kill (19th).

Bonus Feats: Brew Potion, Diehard, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Self Sufficient, Skill Focus (Knowledge [nature]), Silent Spell, Toughness

Bloodline Arcana: Vermin are susceptible to your mind-affecting spells. They are treated as animals for the purposes of determining which mind-affecting spells affect them.

Bloodline Powers

Plague’s Caress (Sp): At 1st level, you can make a melee touch attack as a standard action that causes a living creature’s flesh to break out into rancid-smelling pustules and sores for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your sorcerer level (minimum 1 round). These sores cause the victim to become sickened for the duration of the effect; this is a disease effect. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Accustomed to Awfulness (Ex): At 3rd level, you become immune to the sickened condition and gain a +4 bonus on all saving throws against effects that cause nausea or disease.
At 9th level, you become immune to the nauseated condition and to the debilitating effects of disease (but you can still be a carrier of diseases).

Shroud of Vermin (Su): At 9th level, swarms no longer see you as prey. You can walk among swarms without fear of being harmed by them at all, and by taking a standard action to mentally command a swarm in which you stand, you can direct that swarm’s attacks and movements as long as you have more Hit Dice than the swarm. Even when you aren’t standing amid a swarm, your body crawls with vermin, and their chitinous bodies increase your natural armor bonus by +1.
At 11th level, this bonus increases to +2, and at 17th level it increases to +3.


Voidrunner's Codex

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