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Geisha, the (missing) Asian Bard


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Storyteller01 said:
Even the two in Zatoichi (one male and one female seeking revenge for the death of a relative) were more like rogues in the use sneak attacks. They used one surprise attack to make a kill, and those that survived weren't distracted by charm after the fact.

It's a dodge bonus not a fascination penalty to attacks made against them. It's not their charm that's allowing them to avoid the blows or any lack of effort on the part of the attacker but rather their use of graceful and distracting movement, for example, opening a fan as you swing it in an arc naturally draws the eye meaning that any blows cast at you will instinctively be aimed at it. As for Geisha's not being involved in direct combat well this class isn't exactly designed for it either, toe to toe with a melee class it's not going to last long, it's role in combat will be that of a supporting caster/buffer though with multi-classing it could obviously fill other roles.

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Historical feasibility is not what was intended for the class, as I discussed in my opening post. Really just trying to capture the basic flair of a Geisha, and applying that flair towards a fantasy game with dragons, demons, wu-jen, spirits, and the like. I could easily comment on any of the Asian inspired classes for their adherence to historical realities (or actual lack thereof).

As to the actual dodge bonus, the distraction can be whatever you want it to be... the simple smile with a suggestive look (similar to what was seen the movie Memoirs of a Geisha when the bicyclist fell), or it can be a quick dance move, or quick movement of the Kimono with a fan to mislead the attacker of the actual direction of her movements... as much description can be applied as desired. The bonus was lifted directly off the Jester class with a change from 'insults and jibes' to stunning beauty and dance moves... simple as that.

The geisha's HD and lack of combat skill will definitely show when she is struck in combat. The dodge bonus was an attempt to help the class when she is stuck in a situation where she cannot keep out of melee. You will notice that there was no attempt to give the geisha any sort of attack bonus anywhere. The class is not designed for a toe-to-toe warrior any more so than a Wu Jen is designed to be a armored tank.

Edit: And thanks Dei for your support. You seem to have a handle on the distinction between actual history, and my attempt to borrow some of the 'flavor' of an interesting and very distinct Asian profession, and apply it towards a game.

I am still waiting on any historical accounts of wizards actually shooting magic missiles, or priests buffing their comrades, or ninja actual going through walls.
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Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Thanks for posting this up Smootrk. You've put a lot of thought into the execution of the class, and I think you've struck a good balance between "Historical accuracy" and useful game material. I kind of wish I'd had this for my Korean game last year, though. Ah, well.

Kisaeng as possible precursors to the Hwarang class of young male knights is certainly interesting. I like it it. But then, I'm always a sucker for skill-monkey classes. ;)

I'll probably tailor the spell list for use in my own game, but that is likely what you intended. Thanks again for taking the time to post all this up. Well done. :)

I wouldn't feel bad about "only" having a western perspective on such things as Geisha, Samurai, and Ninja (and similar things). Even when concepts and themes are familiar to your home culture, they are prone to gross distorsions, exaggerations and inconsistencies.
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smootrk said:
I see your point, but I don't have any more trouble with adventuring Geisha, than I do with adventuring Monks, Priests, Wizard types. Why should a Monk leave the monestarey (historically that is)? Why should a priest-type leave behind the temple he is charged with serving (outside of the layman missionary)? Why should the reclusive wizard depart his lonely tower and his experiments just to travel? The reason is that it makes good stories, and good games. It might be easier to take the soldier (fighter/samurai/etc) and give him a mission or have him look for glory, but sometimes the more interesting character comes from different backgrounds.
Now the wondering monk is seen in many asian movies. Here's the typical story with a monk:
Trained from a young age by a wisened master, one day young Hua Li arrives at the temple, after running to the town for some goods, only to find his master and fellow students slain by a rival group of monks. Now Hua Li travels the earth seeking revenge....

I believe I saw two movies, one with Bruce Lee and the other with Jet Li that had this kinda plot.

Priests - I would certainly agree with you about Sohei. As a class, their role is to guard temples. Except for cases of revenge and redemption, like Hua Li's story, there is very little reason to adventure.

Shugenja - they are like samurai and have all sorts of intregue going on with other nations or temples.

Wizards & Sorcerers - as much homebodies as they are catching the wondering bug, if nothing more than to learn new magics they won't experience at home.

As for Dei's story of Okiya, it was customary for ninja to be inplanted into most any role in society. Some ninja kept cover stories of samurai or priests. Training in both the arts of the Geisha as well as assassination is most plausible. Besides, I'd rather have a spy that's trained secondarily as a Geisha then have it the other way around. Not all ninja come in the dead of night. Some wear makeup and a kimono. ;)


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As suggested already, I would remove Court Gossip and just rename Geisha Lore into Gossip or something. Sacrificing a small amount of reality is okay in my opinion, especially if we are talking about heroes here. I mean everything about DnD is exaggerated. To make them stronger, I would think adding charisma bonuses to saves or AC (or both) wouldn't be too bad and would help them stick around longer.

Just don't forget to add a Geisha-style ninja/assassin prestige class someone could aim for ;o. That would be a lot of fun.


Actually, that's a good idea, Cha to AC. Limit by class level, but otherwise, it allows you to have your dodge, but also allow you to put a different spin on it. For instance, have the Geisha's defense be confidence and grace that allows them to bluff and distract their enemy such that they are less likely to get hit. Make it not apply while flat-footed, or against their touch ac, and it'll make more sense. If a monk can get Wis to AC, why can't a geisha get Cha?


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bento said:
As for Dei's story of Okiya, it was customary for ninja to be inplanted into most any role in society. Some ninja kept cover stories of samurai or priests. Training in both the arts of the Geisha as well as assassination is most plausible. Besides, I'd rather have a spy that's trained secondarily as a Geisha then have it the other way around. Not all ninja come in the dead of night. Some wear makeup and a kimono. ;)

The whole point of my story was that you don't always want a ninja or an assassin, sending one of which would be extremely politically loaded. Sometimes you want a diplomat or agent with the skill to be utterly discrete in any subterfuge that may occure without arousing suspicion with their very presence i.e. a geisha and one without sixteen concealed weapons about her person.


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nobodez said:
Actually, that's a good idea, Cha to AC. Limit by class level, but otherwise, it allows you to have your dodge, but also allow you to put a different spin on it. For instance, have the Geisha's defense be confidence and grace that allows them to bluff and distract their enemy such that they are less likely to get hit. Make it not apply while flat-footed, or against their touch ac, and it'll make more sense. If a monk can get Wis to AC, why can't a geisha get Cha?
Interesting idea. Make the bonus either 'un-named' or competence like you say, and the character still has the option of getting other 'dodge' bonuses.

I hate to make up rules that don't apply across the board, but maybe even add some rules that it only applies to human or near human types (or those who would appreciate Human sensibilities of Charm/Beauty/etc, like a dragon or celestial); an animal, monstrous or alien intelligence would not notice the effect. Then again, it may just over complicate an otherwise very straightforward effect.

From other posts above:
Additionally, like I said above in a post, I am trying to think of some method of (logically) reconcilling the Rumor/Gossip/Informant aspect with the traditional Bard Knowledge ability. Does everyone really think that the focus should be swapped? With major ability with Gossip Intel Gathering, and lesser ability with Legend Lore type effects. I do not really see it that way, but I am flexible to view things differently. If anyone can point to new sources of similar abilites I would appreciate it (even non WotC, but I prefer to source them for ideas).
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Any more critiques? I will sit down to work on a new draft in the near future.

Some Changes and Additions I hope to get ironed out:
*Add Heal skill to class skills
*tweak description of Geisha Defense and possibly new name. Maybe change the bonus 'type'.
*Re-evaluate the Gossip and Bardic Knowledge aspects.
*Exchange some Bardic Music abilities (removing some Inspire aspects to gain more Fascination based ones).
*More Equipment and some Magic Items.
*Create one or two Prestige Classes to complement the Geisha.
*Cultural variations named and differences noted (ie Korean Kisaeng, others).
*Okiya (optional rules).
- *Tweak description of Okiya affiliation for clarity that it is optional.
- *Create an actual sample organization/affiliation for Okiya using PHB2 Affiliation rules.
If anyone has suggestions for any of these aspects, please feel free to share. I would especially like information on other cultural variations; at least names as a head-start for research, like Chinese variations, Indian, SE Asian variants. I expect one Ninja/Geisha based PRC, but any suggestions for others? Any equipment or magic items suggestions? :)
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First Post
First off, I do like the Geisha class. As one who owns about 90% of the Rokugan material I can say it's the one concept that never seems quite right. Certainly you can use combinations of Courtier with Ninja or Rogue...or you can later add the Artisan prestige class, but there's nothing specifically for the one or two geisha who aren't spies and assassins.

As for options for prestige classes...there are many styles of Indian dance which could be used to enhance a Geisha with that area of expertise. Everything from bharatanatyam , a graceful "fire-dance" to kathakali, a dramatic dance/play that might be superficially compared to Japanese kabuki. Even if these ideas don't warrant prestige classes, the language might be preferrable if a campaign was set in an Indian culture. For more information:


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