General Discussion


To let the general public know, IronWolf's life is getting a little busier right now, so he is stepping down as a judge for a little while.

Just want to say that I enjoyed my time as judge. With real life sort of throwing a monkey wrench into things recently I felt it best to give up my judge spot so someone that had more time to give could help out.

I plan on still being here to participate in discussions and such, just not in any official capacity.

Satin Knights said:
Systole has been picked as his successor.

Congrats Systole!

Yep, Congrats Systole!

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First Post
So ... do you guys mail me a check biweekly, or is there someone I can talk to about direct deposit or what? Oh, and I forgot to ask whether judges get vision and dental.


So ... do you guys mail me a check biweekly, or is there someone I can talk to about direct deposit or what? Oh, and I forgot to ask whether judges get vision and dental.

Oh boy, you might have been misled. Just make sure to show up for the judge's meeting - it is on the roof, by the pool.


First Post
Quick question, because it looks like we're doing two different accounting methods with respect to cost of living. The first way is that you buy stuff, like rations, and then replacing them is free. The second way is that stuff under the cost of living is free and Not Tallied. Those of us who grew up under the old system seem to be using the first system, but a couple of the newbies have started using (or possibly invented?) the second system.

Personally, I like the second system. The only real difference is the cost of that initial outlay, which usually only amounts to 5 or 10gp, maybe 20gp if you're one of those people whose handy haversack is full of chalk, needles, and iron pitons. And maybe a bit more for archery types. I hate tallying copper pieces, and we're trading about 20gp over the lifetime of a character for not having to deal with it.

Satin Knights

First Post
My intention was the second system. It is just that, until now, nobody started with spending on housing out of their initial character monies. Since it was rare that someone would pick up other minor cost items later in their career that they hadn't grabbed in the beginning, it only looked like system 1 was in effect.


I assumed number two and used it that way in many cases except for those items purchased before acquiring a house/apt/whatever.


First Post
I entreat you knowledgeable folks of LPF for advice.

I'm (very slowly) working on leveling Ni, my master summoner. I'm having trouble choosing a feat for him. Expanded Arcana would give me an extra spell known; there are some good 2nd level spells on the summoner's list (Create Pit and Glitterdust, for instance), so it'd be nice to nab another one of those. Extra Summons would give me another use of his summon SLA, which would be put to use, although I already have 11/day, so I'm not hurting on those. I contemplated Extra Evolution, but I've already taken it once, and I'm not going to be using Lu (eidolon) for much at this point: I'm going to take the flight and mount evolutions, along with Skilled (Fly), and Ni'll just fly out of harm's way on him. I also toyed with Persuasive, and then Rhetorical Flourish at 7, just to continue my absurd pumping of his social skills, but really, I'm not sure if that will get used too much. It would be fun when it did come into play, though.

Any thoughts on these or other options?

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