General Fuzzy Knight Update!


First Post
Okay, as some of you know, I was off adventuring around Japan this month, and after my vacation... I needed a vacation. :D

However, now I'm back and I'll be returning to a twice a week schedual starting with this Friday's strip! So check in on Tuesdays and Fridays!

The Fuzzy International Hackmaster Gamers Tournament is about to begin... get ready! The fur is going to hit the fan.... [insert more motivational short blurbs that you expect to hear on movie ads...]

Also, a minor rant... who writes those blurbs for new products anyways? Look at what they printed for the Fuzzy Knights Trade Paperback...

Fuzzy Knights $9.99
From the pages of KoDT come the adventures of creator Noah J.D. Chinn's Fuzzy Knights! Join Mossfoot, Dog, Violet, and Ben as they gather around the table for adventure and laughs. This trade paperback collects the Fuzzy Knights strips that have appeared online at Never before available in print!

Dog? DOG?!?! He was in ONE strip! After that it was all Target (the cat)! Yeesh! :p

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