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Generation Legacy (Issue #4)

Cassie frowns, "And how would you know of that fact? It's not on file yet." slides into a guard position. "And now that this is supposedly 'YOUR' system.. what new senario are we looking at?"

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Aust Meliamne

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"Hmm... you must be John... the mentalist, hi, my name is Chaos, welcome to my little game, I thought it was a little dull, so I decided to make a few adjustments..."
John looks really worried now, "Exactly what kind of adjustments are you talking about here?"

OOC: I will continue to use my telepathy +8 on Chaos, trying to read Chaos's memories (DC 10) and/or his subconscious (DC 15). I'm hoping to learn what he's done to "adjust" the simulation, in case he doesn't want to tell me.


Anika seemed to be settling into the test and gaining confidence until the program freezes. "What the---? Hey, what's going on?"

She listens as Ryan speaks into his communicator, awaiting an answer, before noticing John face crease with worry. "John, are you okay? What's wrong?" Anika asks, panic beginning to set into her voice.

Sen Udo-Mal

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James looks a little worried and says "Ah... he must be part of the 'test' for this mission. So are you here to block us from getting into the Meta-Ghost building? I just want to know the rules there Mr. Chaos."


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The Stealth Squad...

"Please I am not here to fight you, that would be suicide, besides, I control everything in this world it would be highly unfair to actually kill you. But I can make things more interesting, I mean, what is life without a little complication right?" Chaos replies, as he folds his arms and cocks his head to the side.

Back in the Car

OOC: John rolled a total check of 15, I shall wait to see if he chooses to use a Hero Point

Rick glances over his shoulder, "So any of you guys like gamers, I mean, you know if you did, I could-" Rick freezes in mid-sentence, before his form shifts changes, and shakes, and then a young boy, with light blue skin, and wild white hair sits in the driver seat. He wears loose fitting clothes, in a motely of colors, and has multi-colored beads in his hair.

The boy glances over his shoulder, "Hi," he drives haphazardly causing cars to drive out of the way, and avoid his path, "Whoa this driving things is abit harder then it looks, can barely reach the pedals!"


First Post
Sen Udo-Mal said:
James looks a little worried and says "Ah... he must be part of the 'test' for this mission. So are you here to block us from getting into the Meta-Ghost building? I just want to know the rules there Mr. Chaos."

"Oh please, sorry, *bzzzt*, wrong answer, but you can still win the consolation prize, you mortals are so funny. Let me guess, you really think I am going to reveal all the rules? Oh please, lets a play a game shall we, but first I need a team... I mean, I can't take you on all by my lonesome right?" Chaos replies, he holds out one hand, and an globe like object forms above his hand about the size of a basketball.

"Alright now look closely..." an image forms inside the globe, showing a car driving wildly down the road, "Oops! Looks like someone can't drive... hey is that John in their!" In the image you can see, your allies in the car, starting to look panicked.


Tokiwong said:
Rick glances over his shoulder, "So any of you guys like gamers, I mean, you know if you did, I could-" Rick freezes in mid-sentence, before his form shifts changes, and shakes, and then a young boy, with light blue skin, and wild white hair sits in the driver seat. He wears loose fitting clothes, in a motely of colors, and has multi-colored beads in his hair.

The boy glances over his shoulder, "Hi," he drives haphazardly causing cars to drive out of the way, and avoid his path, "Whoa this driving things is abit harder then it looks, can barely reach the pedals!"

Anika turns white as a sheet, her hands gripping the door and seat in front of her. "Who are you?! What are you doing!? Stop the car!!

She lets go of the door long enough to begin tracing a glowing rune in the air, resembling a cross with the horizontal lines pointing up, with her finger, as she whispers, "Freya, protect me."

OOC: Raising my Force Field +8

Aust Meliamne

First Post
"She listens as Ryan speaks into his communicator, awaiting an answer, before noticing John face crease with worry. "John, are you okay? What's wrong?" Anika asks, panic beginning to set into her voice."
"Someone named Chaos has taken over this simulation. He says he's made some "adjustments" to the game," John says to Anika, and the others in the car.

John concentrates, breaks mental contact with Chaos, and sends a message to Ju Min, Mr. McCallister, and Tommy (ooc: or only one of them if I can't do all three at once), "Someone named Chaos has taken over this simulation. He says he's made some "adjustments" to the game. You've got to try and shut the game down or kill power or something. Chaos seems to be in total control."

Next, John will call up his Telekinetic abilities and attempt to stop the car from careening out of control, either by stopping it from moving or lifting it off the ground (ooc: if I can't do this immediately after my telepathic message, then I'll do it asap after the telepathic stuff is done).

OOC: Telepathy +8, Telekinesis +8 (max TK weight is 25,600 lbs)
Last edited:


OOC: I think I know where I am now. :)

Tokiwong said:
Back in the Car

Rick freezes in mid-sentence, before his form shifts changes, and shakes, and then a young boy, with light blue skin, and wild white hair sits in the driver seat. He wears loose fitting clothes, in a motely of colors, and has multi-colored beads in his hair.

The boy glances over his shoulder, "Hi," he drives haphazardly causing cars to drive out of the way, and avoid his path, "Whoa this driving things is abit harder then it looks, can barely reach the pedals!" [/B]

Mark blinks. This can not be real. I didn't take a damn thing. Not even Tylenol. Flashback? Never had one of those before. "Uh, we're all seeing the blue kid driving, right?"


First Post
OOC: Just to be sure, everyone else is in the car, tightly packed I miht add, and James, and Cassie are the only members of the stealth squad...

Back in the Car...

The car swerves, back and forth weaving through traffic, as cars honk, and then suddenly it takes flight into the air, via constant strain, on his person, but easily lifts the vehicle off the ground...

John also makes mental contact with Jun Min, the most psychic sensitive of those outside the construct, Jun mIn replies, "Oh my god, I will try and get this thing shut down right away!"

Then the connection snaps, and he hears Chaos mental voice, "Oh no, no, no, you can't get outside help, that is cheating, just plain cheating!"

The young boy glances over his shoulder, "Oh no I am real Mark, not some drug-induced illusion, and now the Johnny Mentalcase has ruined my first hit of fun, I suppose we can get down to business," he flashes for a moment, and then appears on Anika's lap, "I mean, first off this simulation is sooooo droll, of course I can't blame you guys,your whole world, is pretty dull, almost as dull as Earth: Prime."

Outside the Construct

Jun Min screams, Shut it down now! There is an Intruder in the system!"

Tommy shkaes from th sudden scream, "Oh, uhh... sir?" he looks to Mr. McCallister, who nods in agreement, "alright, well.. let me... oh... this isn't good..."

"What isn't good?" Jun Min replies looking worried.

"The system has been locked out, SARAH has been hacked, and the powergrid, is on lockout, I can't get into the system from the outside," Tommy replies tapping through screens fairly quickly.

Mr. McCallister frowns, "This is worst case scenario, made manifest."

Tommy nods, "I could shut it down, but I would have to do it from the inside, inside the construct, short of that, we can't do anything until, this Chaos decides to relinquish control, if it is a hacker, he is a very damn good one!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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