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Generation Legacy (Issue #5)


OOC:These boards have been a bit wonky the last couple of days...

KaintheSeeker said:
Cassie watches calmly as she walks with the girls, taking note of what Anika picked out.

Anika notes Cassie out of the corner of her eye as she's buying her dress. When she finished she tells her, "Have you got something to wear yet? Knowing Yoshi, you'll need to look good if you're going to be on his arm." She grins, but then her face turns more serious. "Look, I know this isn't really any of my business, but..." she pauses, trying to figure out how to continue, "Ryan's got this notion that you might know something about his 'problem'. Now I don't know if you do or not, but I think it'd go a long way to easing his mind if you talked to him about it, even if it's just to tell him that you don't know anything, don't you think?" Anika winces a bit, "Boy, I feel like a buttinski right now...hope she doesn't take this the wrong way..." she thinks.

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First Post

William nods, "Acceptance is an interesting thing, one shoudl seek acceptance from within, not from without, but then again we all have different ideas of what it is to be accepted."

He chuckles softly, "Now I am just waxing philosophical, luv, I do that sometimes. Justice Elite does good things, if it is your dream to join them, then best of luck to you."

The Boys

The girls continue to flock around, Mark, and lavish attention on him, for whatever he needs, trying to make sure he is taken care. Another hostess tries to help Ryan out, but she shrugs, "I don't think we have anything like that, a robe, you sure you wouldn't like this soft purple suit over here?" she guides him over to some clothes, somewhat confused at what to get for the glowing elite.

John's head pounds, but he continues to keep his powers in check. John made a DC check of 17 with a 20. He keeps his powers in check. The lady helps him find what he needs, but gives him a curious as he continues to fight the voices in his mind...

"What is wrong with this kid?" ... "Man this guy is super cool, and super cute, I wonder if he will ask me for my number." ... "This glowing guy must be an elite, why can't he be cool like Paragon or Redline. He creeps me out." ... "Is this kid going to throw up?"

The Girls

Star finds a practical yet sexy blue dress, to wear, well more like a short skirt, with a black strapless top, as an ensemble and some knee-high boots, to complete the look. Sarah is somewhat amazed at the fashion sense of the android, "Wow, Star that looks great on you!"

Star nods, "I thought the outfit had a high probability of turning heads, now like Anika said, I will need approriate undergarments. I think Mark will be suitably impressed. She pulls out a Platinum Card, "and thankfully Tommy is worth several hundred million dollars," she smiles.
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Tokiwong said:
The Boys

The girls continue to flock around, Mark, and lavish attention on him, for whatever he needs, trying to make sure he is taken care. Another hostess tries to help Ryan out, but she shrugs, "I don't think we have anything like that, a robe, you sure you wouldn't like this soft purple suit over here?" she guides him over to some clothes, somewhat confused at what to get for the glowing elite.

Paying for his clothes, Mark gently tries to extricate himself from the saleswomen. "I think I'm set...and pretty much broke." He flashes a smile, "Why don't you ladies help the other customers? They still have money to spend."


First Post
Charlotte's Story

Jun Min seems unnerved by the display of the young elite's powers. But she smiles, at the end trying to keep the mood, somewhat relaxed, "Well I can't say that this is highly unorthodox, this is the first time we have had a student come to us without our knowing about it."

She leans back in her chair, as a song by that teen sensation Kelly Mitchell, she thinks for a moment, "We will have to do some background checking to make sure you are not fleeing the law or anything," she jests, trying to keep the mood light, "but if everything checks out, you can stay. I don't see anything that would make Dr. Hudabo turn you away. For the meanwhile, we have a room for you available, and some clothes, and the cafeteria is always open, so if you are hungry, have plenty. The UN keeps us well-funded."

Jun Min stands up and walks to the door, and leads Charlotte down the hall, and through the campus giving her a brief tour, through the Yard, the Classrooms, the Gym, and finally the Dorms which are of course segregated by gender.

Jun Min shows her into her room, it has its own shower, a bed, a desk, a cabinet, a closet, and a computer system linked to the mainframe named SARAH. Clothes sit on the bed, well more like uniforms. Jun Min smiles, "This will hopefully be your home for now, I am sure if everything is as you said it was, things will be fine. If you need anything, just ask SARAH, she will gladly help you."

Jun Min steps out as a trio of girls pass by looking in spying Charlotte, a beautiful mid-eastern, a blonde, and a brunette, each of them dressed in stylish clothes seem curious to seea new student, and Jun Min just moves aside, and leaves. The Mid eastern girl waves, "Hi, wow you must be new, the name is Arafina, this is Lisa," she gestures to the blonde who smiles, "and Yoko," to the brunette who has freckles, and an obvious mix of asian and caucasion in her blood.

Arafina asks, "So whats your name?"

Yoko sighs, "Ara, I thought we were going to the mall, why don't we take the new girl with us?"

Kelly's Story

The private Aerodyne sped quickly over the Saharan Forest towards Mudaba Adin, Kelly had a chance to relax, as her personal bodyguard, Charles sat grumbling. He never liked flying, actually he hated flying with a passion, but he did as told.

Charles spoke, "So you sure about this, Mudaba Adin isn't exactly a safe place, not with those recent terrorist attacks. I know you are daddy's little girl, but it isn't like he can come save you," he sighs knowing his words fall on deaf ears, "it ain't like I can protect you neither."


First Post
Tokiwong said:

William nods, "Acceptance is an interesting thing, one shoudl seek acceptance from within, not from without, but then again we all have different ideas of what it is to be accepted."

He chuckles softly, "Now I am just waxing philosophical, luv, I do that sometimes. Justice Elite does good things, if it is your dream to join them, then best of luck to you."

"I noticed," she replies with a grin, "you seem very passionate about Elites, are you one too? As for joining the Justice Elite, I'm already happy I can go to a school where I can fit in a little."
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First Post
Aenion said:

"I noticed," she replies with a grin, "you seem very passionate about Elites, are you one too? As for joining the Justice Elite, I'm already happy I can go to a school where I can fit in a little."

"I am an elite," he says softly, "I have come to grips with what has happened to me, and what has changed me, and how I must cope with that change. It is a change, a change I am willing to take with open arms. I just hope you find the happiness and acceptance, you long for, we all deserve to be happy."

William reclines in his chair looking ahead, "But of course there are something that that do scare me about my existence. Such as my right to exist free without being forced to register my idnetity for the safety of the baselines. The stripping of my rights, as an elite, for their gain. All because they fear us, and they envy us, and in the end they seek to control us."


First Post
Charles spoke, "So you sure about this, Mudaba Adin isn't exactly a safe place, not with those recent terrorist attacks. I know you are daddy's little girl, but it isn't like he can come save you," he sighs knowing his words fall on deaf ears, "it ain't like I can protect you neither."

"I know daddy isn't going to be around, I have gone on tour without him you know." The girl says frowning indignantly, her signature pig tails bouncing gently. "Besides, I am an Elite after all, I can take care of my self. Neuro was just lucky is all, I did fight the JE, well at least for a little while. And this wasn't my idea, they said I had to come here and do this or you know I wouldn't be. Not that they are be able to just order me around, I was getting a little bored too." she finishes the last looking out the Aerodyne's window at the lushness of the former desert, not bothering to add that the Justice Elite hadn't been trying or that it had barely taken them a minute to stop her. Her breath catches at the un-naturalness of the jungle, but even it too is beautiful, in its on way. She wished that she had that kind of power, to make the weather change so permanently, over so large an area.

"Oh quit being such a baby, its perfectly safe, you know daddy wouldn't let me ride in one if it wasn't"
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First Post
Shalimar said:
"Besides, I am an Elite after all, I can take care of my self. Neuro was just lucky is all, I did fight the JE, well at least for a little while. And this wasn't my idea, they said I had to come here and do this or you know I wouldn't be. Not that they are be able to just order me around, I was getting a little bored too."[/COLOR]

"Oh quit being such a baby, its perfectly safe, you know daddy wouldn't let me ride in one if it wasn't"

"You didn't last all that long, Paragon had you down quick, if I recall, and that Neuro creep got what he deserved. But I am just saying, you becareful, not that you will listen to me," he tries not to look outside and just sits and sulks. He pulls out his pistol, checking to make sure it is on safe, and cleans out the barrel , and checks the weapon over once more, it was always clean, and always well-kept.

He looked right at Kelly, from behind his mirror-black shades, behind those shades were cybernetic replaced eyes, with enhanced vision, linked a to a SMART system in his pistol. Not to mention the organic restructuring done to his muscle tissue by your father for services rendered. Charles finally breaks into a smile, "Just good luck," he finishes.

The aerodyne breaks low, and dips and dives, as it descends low into a river valley, skirting perhaps fifty feet over the water, between the trees, as they whiz past.

The captain calls back, "We will be arriving at our destination in approximately fifteen minutes."

Charles grumbles, "If I could get sick, I would."


First Post
Kelly smoothed out her, well, being generous, one could almost call it a short skirt, though short certainly wasn't the word for it, it was very close to the one she had worn in her video, actually her entire outfit was close to her video. Calf-high white leather boots, the silk skirt, with a white ultra-light long sleeve top completed her outfit. Smiling at Charles, she laid her small hand on top of his to comfort him, and take his mind off of the speed with which they were hurtling towards her new home.

"Don't worry, I can catch us if it breaks, well, I am pretty sure I can, but I'm sure it wont." she told him gently, something she wouldn't have bothered to do even 6 months ago, it probably wouldn't have even occured to her back then, but after the events of the last few months she was almost a different person, in many ways she was a different person, 2 different persons. "I promise I wont let the big bad Aerodyne hurt you." She rewards him with one of her famous smiles. "I really am glad that you are coming with me to help me get settled in, I know how much you hate this."
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First Post
Tokiwong said:

"I am an elite," he says softly, "I have come to grips with what has happened to me, and what has changed me, and how I must cope with that change. It is a change, a change I am willing to take with open arms. I just hope you find the happiness and acceptance, you long for, we all deserve to be happy."

William reclines in his chair looking ahead, "But of course there are something that that do scare me about my existence. Such as my right to exist free without being forced to register my idnetity for the safety of the baselines. The stripping of my rights, as an elite, for their gain. All because they fear us, and they envy us, and in the end they seek to control us."

"I think I can understand their fear of us, we are so very different from them. I can't even try to pass as baseline anymore. I guess in that Spiderman movie, that uncle Ben was quite on the spot with his 'with great power comes great responsibility' thing and if we take up our responsibility we might change their minds about the registration," she softly giggles before continuing, "It seems your philosophical mood is contagious."

Voidrunner's Codex

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