• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Generation Legacy (Issue #5)


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Shalimar said:
She rewards him with one of her famous smiles. "I really am glad that you are coming with me to help me get settled in, I know how much you hate this."

Charles grunts, and points the pistol to the floor to clear the barrel, and then slips it into the holster just under his arm. He grabs his glass of water and sips it down, "I am only sticking around for a few days to see you settled in. But I am glad to be here too."

Kelly glances outside, to see the ship pass over a sharp dropping waterfall, the aerodyne dips down low, and skims the ground... Charles looks otuside, "Lets just get to solid ground."

The aerodyne glides up for a moment, before dipping down, to avoid a low-hanging tree, it swerves to the right, and skims over a rafter, enjoying some wild recreation.

The aerodyne races through the forest, at breakneck speeds...

*Wa-BOOM!* it sound almost like a sonic boom of sorts, causing th ship to shake, Charles looks around, "What was that?" Before he can continue, a second deafening blast shakes the plane, causing it spin wildly out of control. Charles does what he is trained for, and dives on Kelly, as the Aerodyne smashes through the trees, the craft ripping around them...

Charles uses his body as a shield as he uses his great strngth to leap through the craft's walls, carrying Kelly in his arms, smashing through the tree's as the world around them races by madly.


Charles lands on his feet, his body bruised, bleeding, and worse, but the pain is passing as his body begins to reconstitute itself, his various injuries sealing up quickly. Overhead, the sky is filled with smoke, and the sounds of the exploding aerodyne in the distance...

Charles pulls out his pistol, "I never liked flying, you alright?"

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Aenion said:

"I think I can understand their fear of us, we are so very different from them. I can't even try to pass as baseline anymore. I guess in that Spiderman movie, that uncle Ben was quite on the spot with his 'with great power comes great responsibility' thing and if we take up our responsibility we might change their minds about the registration," she softly giggles before continuing, "It seems your philosophical mood is contagious."

"But responsibility to whom? It is an interesting dilemma, that we must place our abilities at the behest of others. It is expected that in order to show our worth we must make ourselves useful for the baselines, but what about our responsibility to our peers, to other elites. We must not forget those that are most like ourselves. Those that can understand what it is to be an elite," he smiles.


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"We're going too fast for being so low, can't we go higher?" Kelly calls out to the captain as she sees the craft speeding along a moment before the sonic boom rattles the craft, tossing her about. Kelly looks shaken as Charles grabs her and when he jumps, she lets out a loud scream that only a person whose voice has had training could do.

It all happened so suddenly that she din't even think to use the winds to break their fall until after they had reached the ground. Her eyes are already as wide as they can go as she sees the rest of the Aerodyne hurtle into the distance and explode. Its almost a minute before she realizes how tightly she is holding on to Charles, and that he is speaking to her. Her eyes still wide she gives him a sheepish smile and loosens her grip. I, I think I'm alright...but you, your hurt, are you going to be ok?" she asks worriedly, her normally tanned skin looking rather pale. Overall she looks very shaken by what has occured, even her golden eyes seemed to have paled slightly.
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Tokiwong said:

"But responsibility to whom? It is an interesting dilemma, that we must place our abilities at the behest of others. It is expected that in order to show our worth we must make ourselves useful for the baselines, but what about our responsibility to our peers, to other elites. We must not forget those that are most like ourselves. Those that can understand what it is to be an elite," he smiles.

Karen turns quiet for a moment, mulling over his words, before answering.
I believe our responsibility to other Elites would be to try and be an example to them, just as a baseline is expected to be an example to other baselines. But in the end someone should be only held responsible for his own actions and not the actions of another.
She is clearly enjoying the debate, it being the first time she was treated like a normal person since her change.
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Agamon said:
OOC:These boards have been a bit wonky the last couple of days...

Anika notes Cassie out of the corner of her eye as she's buying her dress. When she finished she tells her, "Have you got something to wear yet? Knowing Yoshi, you'll need to look good if you're going to be on his arm." She grins, but then her face turns more serious. "Look, I know this isn't really any of my business, but..." she pauses, trying to figure out how to continue, "Ryan's got this notion that you might know something about his 'problem'. Now I don't know if you do or not, but I think it'd go a long way to easing his mind if you talked to him about it, even if it's just to tell him that you don't know anything, don't you think?" Anika winces a bit, "Boy, I feel like a buttinski right now...hope she doesn't take this the wrong way..." she thinks.

Cassie opens up a bit. "Yoshi picked up something for me on the net." shrugs. "I must confess, fashion is still.. wierd in ways for me.. but I think it is quite.. nice what he picked out." she looks away at the mention. "I think what I know should be heard by him first." -I won't tell what I know about my own possible fate though- she resolves to herself. -And Yoshi promised not to say anything.-


Ryan sighs softly. "You don't exactly understand fashion theory, I'm afraid. Me wearing a purple suit would not only be somewhat embarassing, it wouldn't make sense. It would be the equivalent of Mark," Ryan says, gesturing towards his friend, "wearing some kind of peach suit or something. I figured that given my odd appearance, actually wearing something odd would make me look kind of good. Obviously, me wearing normal clothes looks stupid because of my abnormal appearance. I'm just giving an idea or something. Do you have any advice other than a purple suit?"

Ryan seems to give up for a moment, then turns towards Mark. "Hey, Mark, maybe you could give me some help here." Ryan smiles wickedly, thinking Ha, this will be interesting.


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The Boys

The girl makes haste, sighing, and relieved that Ryan is seeking her friend Mark for help. She makes herself scarce as the girls still chat with Mark, even though he is done buying his clothes. Tommy follows Ryan, "Looks like Mark's popularity is getting contagious, man he is cool isn't he, I mean the leader of Legacy. He is going to be as cool as Paragon! I am so getting his action figure!"

The Girls

Sarah turns to Cassie, "You just becareful of Yoshi, he is a cool guy, but he has just one thing on his mind like all guys," she rolls her eyes, "No real romance, makes you almost feel like a goalie," she grins.

Star listens, "You are speaking of sexual relations," she says bluntly.

Sarah blinked for a minute then giggled, "Yeah exactly Star, I guess Tommy didn't you make all that subtle."

Star shrugs, "There is no need for subtlety among us girls right? I just wanted to make sure I did not misunderstand you," she turns to Cassie, " and I agree Cassie, if you know something about Ryan, he should hear about it first."


William now thinks for a moment, "Very true, we are accountable to ourselves. In the end, we must live with the consequences we make, and hope that they make a better tomorrow. But the question is then poised, is that a better tomorrow for baselines or elites, or perhaps both. Because in the end, one group will most likely benefit more then the other."

He shrugs, "The good book says that the meek shall inherit the Earth, but it does not take into account the affect of men, now made gods, among men. It is an interesting question, don't you think. Because we modern elites are in effect demigods, with powers that amaze and our the general populace. People worship, the Justice Elite, they raise them up above the norm, and pay them homage. It is almost as if we are living the tales of mythology."


Charles nods, pushing Kelly back some, as he loads a clip into his pistol, with a quick motion. Charles looks around his shades missing and his green eyes scanning the surrounding lush environment, "My wounds won't bother me for long, you know that."

The scene is strange it is as if two images are being placed over each other and overlapping, vague images flit here and there, it looks like a battle, but the flickering in and out makes it hard to tell, and then an image explodes into reality, flying past the two, a large hulking humanoid with a black reptillian body, flies into a tree shattering it. it is quickly followed by two more figures.

The first is a lean boy, with close cropped dark hair, and pale skin, he wears a black cape, and a red body suit, with a P on his right breast. The other is a blue skinned girl, who lands on the ground, and seems to be creating some kind of field of force around her. The flying boy, continues forward and slams into the larger figure, as he shouts in english, "Now you are finished, Genocide, tell me what Overseer is planning now!"

The girl looks around slowly realizing that this place is very different from whence they came, she blinks for a minute before a blast of energy knocks her off her a feet, and an attractive woman dressed in a red scandoulous gown steps forth clutching a sceptre, "Hmmph, Miracle Girl, you let down your guard one moment too soon."

Charles lifts his weapon, and starts to back up, "I don't know what the hell is going on, Kelly, but this isn't a good place to be." The scenery continues to shift as if two worlds are colliding and vying for dominance.

The one called Genocide just laughs, at the boy, as he starts to stand, though he gives a quizzical look as he rubs blue blood from his chin.

OOC: Damn similar names, es all good just finished a session of Midnight, fun game, one death as opposed to two last session, and it is late :)
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First Post
Tokiwong said:

William now thinks for a moment, "Very true, we are accountable to ourselves. In the end, we must live with the consequences we make, and hope that they make a better tomorrow. But the question is then poised, is that a better tomorrow for baselines or elites, or perhaps both. Because in the end, one group will most likely benefit more then the other."

He shrugs, "The good book says that the meek shall inherit the Earth, but it does not take into account the affect of men, now made gods, among men. It is an interesting question, don't you think. Because we modern elites are in effect demigods, with powers that amaze and our the general populace. People worship, the Justice Elite, they raise them up above the norm, and pay them homage. It is almost as if we are living the tales of mythology."

You say people worship the Justice Elite, yet, as you said earlier, the Justice Elite themselves are exploited by baselines. The people raise the Justice Elite above the norm, but they still fear those that are different from them,” she pauses to think for a second, “But if the Justice Elite can create a better world for baselines wouldn’t that, in turn, make the world a better place for Elites?


Ryan looks at Tommy, confused. Action figures? You gotta be joking! "Please tell me you're kidding. Will team Legacy actually have action figures and other toys? And Paragon is not cool."

Ryan had ignored John's queries while he attempted to find anything that would look good on him. Now, he didn't have a convenient distraction. Remember, you have to be prepared to kill him. Even if he is your teammate. "I'm...uh...going with Anika," Ryan declares proudly. How did I ever get her to go with me? "You're uh...going with your friend Sarah, the telepath, right? You're a lot better than Jimmy Li." Ryan clenches his fists reflexively at his enemy's name. Then, Ryan looks at John, studying him. "Why the long face, John?"
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First Post
"I know, I know, its just really amazing everthing that Dad has been able to do for you. It is a little scary sometimes." she lets out softly, dabbing with the back of her hand at a cut above her eyes, it was nothing compared to Charles wounds, and it only stung, but still, it wasn't as if she could heal as fast as the older-man.

The teen popstar gives a double take at the appearance of the lizard like creature out of no where. She was used to strange things, well sort of, but today it seemed the world was finding it humorous to throw more and more strangeness at her untill she wanted to scream. She lets out a small moan of sympathy when Miracle girl is blasted, "That wasn't very nice of them, and with names like genocide, and a fashion sense that bad, they can't be good." she comments to her bodygaurd, who by now knows her well enough to know she probably wont be listening to him when he tells her to leave. Kelly was still scared from the Aerodyne crash, and she had a tendency to lashout when things weren't going the way she wanted them too, although she had been better about it recently, the day had been awfully traumatic already.

The popstar began to glow white and then blue, and finally gold as she was lifted off her feet by the very air itself. "Besides, blue boy looks kind of cute." she comments to no one i particular." The area around her, and aroud the lizard creature, genocide began to cool, and began to do so very swiftly, ice crystals forming from the humidity of the jungle air. Kelly concentrates as she floats an inch above the ground, working with the air around Genocide and the sluttiest witch of the west to try and freeze them to the spot and leave them helpless, at the same time as she is draining the warmth out of the air to trap the uglier combatants, she draws upon a level of control she doesn't even know she has to keep the area around the two young elites warm and passable.

[OOC: Snare +8, area, extra effort for selective, +7 to hit Genocide. Spend a hero-point to remove effects of extra effort.)

While Kelly knew on some level she was being foolish, she also didn't care, the urge to lash out was not just her own, but also something Neuro would have done as well, and those desires easily over-rode her sometimes lacking common sense.
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