Goblins in the Cellar (Bront judging)

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Justice heads that way as well, still curious about what is upstairs, but realizing that he has no right to question their employer, as the rightful owner of the building.


First Post
OOC: Sorry. I took a spur of the moment trip to Vancouver with the girlfriend. Yeah, I'm still in, just not posting as much as I was able to earlier (even though I actually have more free time now that I'm done school, less of it is "idle" time at home!)

Jezira will merely follow quietly, without saying much. She's still upset that she didn't get to stick that fleeing goblin.


First Post
OOC: No problem Wik.

You lead Farrian and two of his men (the other two don't follow on his orders, they are to secure the foyer) to the secret door. "Ahhh, very nice" comments Farrian at the quality of the door's workmanship.

"Well done once again my friends, you have my thanks. Remember to be sure that the Goblins are not backtracking through the tunnel, be wary". He gives you a deep bow and a warm smile.

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