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Golden Apple Rescue Squad ( Four Color to Fantasy campaign) Updated September 21th


PaynAndispare, thanks for the link and the extra info!
And thanks to all bumpers (Krellic and drunkadelic) :)

The write up of first session is not finished yet :(
When I began it turned up to be way longer that I'd thought. Now, I'm writing the second half of first session. If I finish, I will post it today (now it's 10 p.m. in France), if not, I'll post it tomorrow morning (European morning, I mean).

And as bonus, some pics of our wonderful miniatures in action in the first combat, againts Red Hair Mark, a well known villain with nasty weapons...

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Horacio, nifty idea on the minis! Playmobil does indeed make it over here, but by the time it's on our shores it's no longer so cheap.

So, do you have an unusual gender ratio in your group, or are some of the characters being played by male players? (Note that I don't want to hijack this thread with a discussion of whether or not you 'ought' to do that - that goes on General!)


P.S. drunkadelic, you are drunk. Playmobil is cool but nothing matches up to LEGO!


It seems that trying to post all the first session in a post would mean a way too long post, so I'm cutting it in several small parts.

In the first part of the session (the prologue), the four players took the role of some secondary members of the cast. Dandy player took Agent Stevens and Rubbergirl ran Agent Sanders, two policemen assigned to guard a theorically easy prisoner. Grenadier player was a lawyer too heroic for his own welfare and Blueskin player was a chinese cleaning woman who incidently, was a Martial Arts expert (my little homage to Doc Midnight's Six in the Chamber story hour). The first part of the session seemed directly taken from a Tarantino movie or a Feng Shui game.

G.A.R.S. Chapter 1: Lost old iron

Prologue, part 1

'Red Hair' Mark knew he had lost, even if he didn't fully understand why. That dammed Sentinels! He had thought New York to be a city as easy as Golden Apple, and it was... for a time. Until that silly clown, Defender, and his super powered friends, discovered his hideout and caught him. Dammed Defenders! Now he was there, in the waiting room of the Golden Apple Hall of Justice, where he was going to be judged, and as sure as his father was an old drunk, he was going to be sent to the Nohope, in the Death Valley, California, for at least ten years . A full paid trip to nowhere.

The cop who was watching him was a veteran, surely a full trained member of the APHSWAT, and he had one of that new electric gun capables of delivering 15.000 volts at 30 yards. And two other cops were waiting outside, a big guy and a pretty girl... He hadn't going to see many girls in Nohope... He hadn't any chance.

Then the policeman took his hands to his head and made a grimace of intense pain and, suddenly, he fell on the ground bleeding from his ears and nose. Before 'Red Haired' could move, he heard a voice in his head.

Don't move! I can make you suffer the same fate that the cop, and believe me, you wouldn't love it, so remain calm. I offer you freedom. I offer you a chance of revenge. I offer you more power that you could even dream. But you will have to obbey me.

You have a choice, Mark. You can take the offer, or you can remain here, and add policeman killing to your list of crimes. They punish policeman killing with the electric chair, do you knew it? What's your choice?


From the report of Agent Claire Sanders, Golden Apple Police Department

It was going to be a quiet day. In fact it was a very special day. Kyle, I mean, Agent Stevens was going to be transfered to homicides, he was going to be a detective. Kyle...

Agent Sanders interrupts her declaration and weeps.

I'm sorry... So we had been asigned to a routine task of custody of a prisoner in the Hall of Justice. The prisoner's name was Mark Arlington, know as Red Hair Mark, he was accused of bank theft and use of illegal weaponary, he used to hold up bank with a pair of energy guns. He hadn't killed anybody... yet...

Agent Sanders interrupts her again declaration and weeps. We suggest placing her under psycological help, she seems to be under post-traumatic shock.

Even if Mr. Arlington wasn't a parahuman strictely speaking, he was placed under the direct surveillance of a member of the APHSWAT (Anti Para Human Special Weapons And Tactics team), Sgt. Smith. The judge was going to call for Mr. Arlington, and he waited, with Sgt. Smith, in a room near the courtroom. Agent Stevens and me were waiting outside the room, ready to act if Sgt. Smith called for us.

Suddenly, the door opened and Sgt. Smith was projected into the corridor. A passerby cried. Agent Stevens and me reached our weapons and ordered the prisoner to go out of the room with the hands under the head. The prisoner looked at as and smiled. The bastard did smile! And suddently, he wasn't there. He dissapeared!


Next one this afternoon :)
Your comments are always welcome!
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Nice start, and I can't help but be drawn to a story with diary excerpts - good twist on the usual story hours out there.

Looking forward to the next post.

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Moderator Emeritus
Great work, compadre!

I dropped by and the characters look great and it should be a whole lot of fun. . . I look forward to more - the insights into what happens with minor characters and with villians will give the story a very comic book feel.


Nemm, nice to see you here, compadre! Thanks for your kind words.

Caliber, you have arrived just in time ;)

Spider Jerusalem, thanks for the praise, I hope you will continue liking it.

And, as promised, let's continue with Agent Sanders' report...

G.A.R.S. Chapter 1: Lost old iron

Prologue, part 2

Agent Stevens turned around, and warned the passerbys to go out, I called for reinforcements. Then the prisoner appeared just beside Agent Stevens and punched him. I couldn't shoot, I could had hit Kyle, Agent Stevens, I mean, so I covered them and demanded the prisoner to surrender. Then all went very confused. A lawyer who was in the corridor took a chair and throwed it against Red Hair Mark, but he dodged it and the chair impacted on Agent Stevens, who was pushed back against the wall. And the cleaning women, and old and thin woman of oriental origins, cried something like "It be not good hit police. You be a bad man." and used her broom to attack Red Hair Mark, who cried in pain.

Before I could shoot at him, Red Hair Mark dissapeared again. Agent Stevens stood up painfully and warned me that the prisoner (I should say the former prisoner) had taken his gun. I scanned the corridor searching for him. He wasn't supposed to have parahuman powers! The lawyer run towards Agent Stevens and begged pardom for his dumb move, and then the old woman pointed me to the window at the far end of the corridor, "He did go by that window, miss police, he did go by there!".

Agent Stevens and me ran towards the window, that was opened, and saw Red Hair Mark running over the roof of the side wing of the Hall. Agent Stevens jumped on the roof and ran behind him, and I informed the central and ran behind Kyle. I heard the old woman crying some kind of karate cry and run with us, and behind her the lawyer, who had taken a chair leg and also shouted warcries.

Red Hair Mark had reached the end of the roof and jumped on the air. Agent Stevens shot him twice, and I'm almost sure that at least one of the shots hit the target, but it didn't stop him. I turned and asked the two civilians to stop, warning them ofthe danger, but they didn't want to return to the corridor. The old dame said "Bad man hit police, bad man stop must be", and the lawyer said he had been in Vietnam, he had been a Green Beret, and he would stop the prisoner.

Agent Stevens tried to jump to the ground, but he slipped and fell. I ran before him and then...

Agent Sanders interrupts her declaration and weeps. She is visibly very shocked.


Next one this tomorrow
Your comments are always welcome!
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So nobody posted after my last update :(
Well, let's try again!

G.A.R.S. Chapter 1: Lost old iron

Prologue, part 3

... then... I saw the prisoner appear just behind the fallen body of Kyle. He was smiling! He was smiling while he took Kyle's gun and shot him. Ocne, twice, three times he shot him, without changing his smile. I didn't fully realize what I was doing, I raised my weapon and fired against the mad bastard. One of the shots impacted him on the shoulder, and he bled. He could bleed so he could be stopped, I thought. The old dame jumped literally over me and landed by Red Hair Mark and hit him again with her broom. The lawyer tried to jump too, but his landing wasn't so greceful, and he didn't try to hit Red Hair Mark.

He looked at me, he looked at my eyes, and smile again. He was smiling when he dissapeared, his smile faded in the air like in a bad old film. I jumped to the ground and ran to check Kyle's condition. He was barely alive. I tried to stabilise him, and called for radio, asked for an ambulance. He was dying. The old woman seemed to have a knack to detect hiding people, because she said "Still here he is, watching us like tiger watch lamb". The reinforcements shouldn't take too much time to arrive. I was knelt near Kyle, trying to stop the bleeding with one hand and covering the ground with my gun in the other hand. The old dame turned around, while doing karate-like positions, and the lawyer, who had wound his ankle in the fall, limped towards us. And there, he was there, again, still smiling. He appeared just behind the lawyer, and before anybody could do anything, he shot him in the back of the head. The lawyer fell, he was dead, he had a huge hole in the head and all his hair was covered with blood...

Agent Sanders' nerves seem to be breaking again.

...and him, Red Hair Mark, was also covered with blood, with the blood of those he had killed, damm bastard! I tried to shot him, twice, but I missed. He was still similing...

Agent Sanders' weeps again. I offer her to take a ten minutes pause, but she refuses.

The old dame ran towards him crying "Bad man, stop you must be, bad bad man!", and using her broom as a jumping stick, she hit him with a double flying kick. Red Hair Mark cried in pain and shot her multiple times, and dissapearing again. Agent Stevens was stabilised, it seemed he was going to live... But Red Hair Mark wasn't going to let him live, damm assasin, he appeared just before me, smiling, and shot me on the abdomen.

"I want to give you one last intense moment in your soon to be finished life, ma belle", he said, and taking my own gun, raised him, pointed to Kyle's forehead and fired. He killed Kyle! HE KILLED KYLE! And I could do anything! I COULDN'T DO ANYTHING!

Agent Sanders weeps and cries uncontrollablely.


Tomorrow I will finish the prologue and introduce main characters in the story line.

Your comments are always welcome, but please, post them :)

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