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Dog Moon

I'm still watching Stargate SG-1. It's an interesting show, but there are just some things I don't understand.

For instance Dr. Daniel Jackson. I get why he's on the SG1 team for exploring new worlds, but like when there is a need for a covert attack mission, shouldn't he stay back since he's just a civilian contractor with no military experience? I feel like he would just be a liability more than anything, except there you see him, going in with the rest of military soldiers who are considered the best of the best attacking an enemy base. I guess they just wanted to include him because he's a main character even though it doesn't make sense a lot of the time.

And another thing.... why is it that only the SG-1 team brings back evil THINGS? How come it's never "What is that? Oh, SG-5 brought back some weird alien device." Seriously, in the seven years that they've been exploring other worlds, how is it that no other SG team has done ANYTHING even half as exciting? Seems like they all just get the random "Guard X outpost or backup SG-1".

Which brings me to another point. They're freaking at WAR with this enemy. In one episode, like four people die and the now Vice President is like "We lost soldiers so now we must shut down the Stargate program". I would like them to point out any other war in world history where one side loses like literally MILLIONS and the other side loses four soldiers. They should be freaking celebrated for their deeds!

Anyway, random thoughts on the show. I'm still watching it, I find it interesting, but I still think there are weird things about it.


Staff member
The justification for Dr. J to be on away missions- and throughout the franchise other scientists with other teams- is that they always need someone to negotiate, translate languages and figure out science-y stuff that the team encounters.

Now, realistically, those roles would be filled by less valuable individuals, but...when you can pull rank as SG-1 can AND the meta rationale is that it's an action show that is based on a movie that featured that character in the past? Well...

In reality, it is no less or more messed up than Star Fleet's away team compositions.

Dog Moon

The justification for Dr. J to be on away missions- and throughout the franchise other scientists with other teams- is that they always need someone to negotiate, translate languages and figure out science-y stuff that the team encounters.

No, I get that part. That part makes sense to me. Earlier on especially there were LOTS of occasions where he needed to translate and stuff.

But like recently in one episode they find the location on Earth of an NID compound. Now, this has nothing to do with negotiation, translating or sciencey stuff. It is purely a mission of sending in the soldiers and taking the bad guys down in a firefight. And yet who do we have going in second? Dr. Jackson with a pistol, someone who probably only has the most rudimentary shooting skills and most certainly hasn't had any actual soldier training, but yep, he's going in second. Yeah, at this point he's been through a lot, but he's still not a trained soldier.


Staff member
I'm not saying you're wrong, 'cause you're not.

But it is a frequent problem in American Sci-Fi: once the nerds go on ONE away mission, they get to go on many. Even if it doesn't make sense.

Voidrunner's Codex

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