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I've been sleeping on my back recently to keep pressure off my bruised kneecap, but last night I apparently rolled over and slept face down most of the night. Now my knee is stiff and hurts like hell - and because I had my pillow folded up into a wedge to support my head, sleeping on it the wrong way killed my neck. I've been walking around looking like I was just lynched because my head is stuck resting on my left shoulder...

And for some reason, my cursor just randomly disappeared on me for about twenty minutes (making it really annoying to type), and then just as suddenly came back.

Clearly, this is all just Monday trying to < bleep > with me. Bah. :devil:

In the 1970s to 1990s, modern computing got its start in people's garages. Now, modern experimenters are creating 1970s to 1990s-era hardware in their garages.

Which inspires the thought that the original 68000 CPU used in some of the Commodore Amiga line of computers was fabricated on a process node with a feature size merely 3.5 microns (or 0.0035 millimetres) across - A feature size well within the theoretical grasp of current commercial 3D printer technology.

Of course, there are a number of potential legal problems, and I Am Not A Lawyer. I merely find it amusing to speculate on such possibilities. And, if demand is sufficient, some industry comparable to print-on-demand reprints of old books might occur - Print-on-demand of old computer parts. Largely, I think, the same impulses would drive this theoretical sales model; a desire to have that income directed to the IP owner, rather than someone selling a used copy; as well as to increase the repute of the company by supplying modern higher-quality reproductions. And, as modern print-on-demand books can exceed the physical quality of the original, a modern print-on-demand copy of some piece of retro hardware could also exceed the physical quality of the original.

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