I'm finally starting to put all this Jon Snow business together.
This contains spoilers for Game of Thrones, and the Jon Snow family tree in particular.
Okay, so Jon Snow's parentage appears pretty much locked in now.
As has been speculated for well over ten years now Jon Snow's parents are Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.
That means that Jon's aunts and uncles are Daenarys Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen, Eddard Stark, Brandon Stark, and Benjen Stark.
But wait, that also means that his grandfathers are Rickard Stark and Aerys II 'The Mad King' Targaryen. That's right, his grandfather had his other grandfather killed, which ended up causing Robert's Rebellion.
Now, Robert, Stannis and Renly Baratheon's father was Steffon Baratheon. Steffon was first cousin to the Mad King, as Steffon's father Ormund married Rhaelle Targaryen, who was Egg's daughter.
This makes Robert, Stannis and Renly first cousins to Jon. And Shireen is Jon's cousin. Right?
His great great grandfather was Aegon V 'the Unlikely' Targaryen, a.k.a Egg from the Dunk and Egg stories.
Also, Aemon 'Night's Watch Maester' Targaryen is a certain level of a great uncle to Jon (depends on whether one looks at Aemon's family tree in the books or on the tv show).