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Happy Haggert Hurried Hungry Hitch Hiking Hired Henchmen Hivers.... apply within

Yes, although I'm continually told this is not possible.
I have seen the same sorts of answers when browsing bug reports.

It does not bode well for the future of the suite. I would recommend saving in .fodt format regardless, as I have seen several word processors come and go. They can be opened as ASCII and the text of the document rescued.

Also, it enables version control of my documents.

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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Does LibreOffice/OpenOffice murder everyone elses' formatting on an inconsistent basis? It has reached the point where I am seriously considering paying money to Microsoft just to never have to deal with that, and other problems with it, again.

Yes, so much so that I gave up on openoffice some years ago and dished money to microsoft, just to never have to deal with that...


I think I would have preferred the foot of snow they were prophesying instead of the two inches of ice that I spend most of the day chopping off my driveway...

Not as far as I recall. What are the symptoms like, assuming they can be generalized?

(I'm only familiar with OpenOffice.)
LibreOffice is a fork of OpenOffice, so the majority of the code is the same.

The most trouble it is currently having is properly formatting a table that breaks over two columns and a page. However, the problem only occurs after updating a chapter table of contents that comes shortly before the table, on the same page the table starts on, and before the column layout. After updating the table of contents, the large table displays partly on the first page, on the right column on the second page (with the rest of the page blank) and continues on a third page.

However, I have other tables under the same general situation, none of which have the same problem.


A Wicked Kendragon
I'm finally starting to put all this Jon Snow business together.

This contains spoilers for Game of Thrones, and the Jon Snow family tree in particular.
Okay, so Jon Snow's parentage appears pretty much locked in now.

As has been speculated for well over ten years now Jon Snow's parents are Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.

That means that Jon's aunts and uncles are Daenarys Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen, Eddard Stark, Brandon Stark, and Benjen Stark.

But wait, that also means that his grandfathers are Rickard Stark and Aerys II 'The Mad King' Targaryen. That's right, his grandfather had his other grandfather killed, which ended up causing Robert's Rebellion.

Now, Robert, Stannis and Renly Baratheon's father was Steffon Baratheon. Steffon was first cousin to the Mad King, as Steffon's father Ormund married Rhaelle Targaryen, who was Egg's daughter.
This makes Robert, Stannis and Renly first cousins to Jon. And Shireen is Jon's cousin. Right?

His great great grandfather was Aegon V 'the Unlikely' Targaryen, a.k.a Egg from the Dunk and Egg stories.

Also, Aemon 'Night's Watch Maester' Targaryen is a certain level of a great uncle to Jon (depends on whether one looks at Aemon's family tree in the books or on the tv show).


First Post
Speaking of seeing word processors come and go ...

I still have documents that I originally composed in the 80s on Appleworks for the Apple IIe that have been ported through several different word processors all the way up to the latest version of Word.

I actually had to get them off my Apple floppies by using a terminal emulator to send the raw text to a friend of mine over a modem at 300 baud, where he could copy and paste the text from his terminal emulator into WordPerfect on the PC, then he put them on another diskette (I didn't have email of any kind on the new PC), used the sneakernet to get them to me, and I cleaned up the formatting. Opening them in other word processors has been much easier since then!

Voidrunner's Codex

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