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I am the mysterious professor.
Something else struck me. The story is about the mom being upset with bystanders, not the fact her 8 year old was on FIRE. This is not such a common occurrence that it's not newsworthy. What is common is people filming it instead of helping.


I am the mysterious professor.
When I arrive at my aunt's place I see two women blocking the front door. Since it looked like they were working on something I go through the garage. My mom meets me at the door blocking it. She starts whispering something and preventing me from entering. I say, "What?" " The tall one is a guy." To which I respond "okay" smh. All I noticed was two women. A tall well dressed one and a shorter more casual dressed one. I wasn't there to interact with them. I had a mission and a time limit. She didn't have to stop me. I thought something was wrong based on her behavior. I'm glad there wasn't a problem. I don't think my mom and her sisters have had much contact with transgender persons. I'm curious find out later how they felt having a man in a short skirt in their home.lol She was the best dressed and best looking one in the house.;)

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