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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter I: The Traitor's Gambit


The armor stands out pretty well. I think it was made to do so. Changing its color shouldn't be a problem, but if we modify it too much, it might not be functional. If anything, you can wear it where the Empire doesn't have a presence could be useful.
Mack agrees, "Yeah it does stand out, I was thinking of changing the color to gray and dull black. Add a few cosmetic things to the helmet to make it look different. I don't want to degrade it's function though. Sloor, any constructive ideas for me, you are an enterprising fellow?" He is hoping to distract the Besalisk from retorting to much and starting an argument with Keyton while he is busy working.

<<OOC: The following assumes Sloor isn’t going to start an argument with Keyton beforehand.>>

While he and Keyton are working on the salvaged equipment he will recharge all of the power cells so everyone can have plenty of ammunition for their new blaster carbines. He will separate out the medpacs for TB to carry.

Mack will test out the internal workings on the new helmet and begin the camouflage process. He is hoping he can find something on board that Captain Okeefe will let him use.

He will make polite conversation while working and ask Keyton, “You have me a little confused by our conversation earlier. If you don’t mind me asking, what do you mean by a ‘rebirth’? You are not some resurrected ghost are you? Or some born again religious fanatic? I would rather not see you running around free willy in your birthday suit trying to discover yourself.” His tone is lighthearted meant to be amusing, not insulting.

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First Post
No, no. I'm as flesh and bone as they come, as you can tell by the blaster mark. And I never delved too far into Jedi philosphy, but it is said that the Force is ever constant even through death. Now I wouldn't say that I'm dead per the medbots specs, but my life as I knew it is no more.

It was near the end of the Clone Wars and the Confederacy was on its last legs. I was stationed with my master Nem Bees on Orto. He and took down the shield generators to allow Republic Forces onto the planet. With them planetside, we began to drive out the driod forces. After a week of battle and during a heavy assault on enemies lines, the Clones turned on us. Master Bees fought back and allowed me to get away. I'm not sure of anybody else who escaped. I was able to lay-low on Merggo for a few months until I was able to board passage here. But upon arrival, I saw how much more Imperial influence there was and how Jedi became enemies to the Empire. I got out of the desert just to fall into the sarlacc pit.

So with the death of my master and the Jedi Order, I need to find a new life. And if I can stick to the Empire while I'm doing it, then that is a good life to live.


Mack looks up his face now dark with anger and grief, "It's not just Jedi being persecuted. My sister was murdered, probably for politics or something, but they claimed she was secretly Force Sensitive and a Jedi sympathizer. She was only a little lucky."

He pauses to let his emotions return back to normal, "My family never really understood the mysticism of the Jedi nor have I actually ever met one either. But apparently it comes in handy." Gives a nod back towards Mir in her trance.

"Well, we have found ourselves in a situation where we can stick it to the Empire. For me it's mainly revenge on the system that murders innocence girls. Being an insurgent, or 'freedom fighter' if you prefer, is not going to be an easy life but all it takes for evil to triumph is for good beings to do nothing, eh? "

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Mack gives TB a smile, "Yeah, like a medical droid named butcher, eh?"

TB inclines its cylindrical torso and spreads its manipulators in sophisticated acknowledgement.

Songdragon said:
Mir seems mildly amused at Sloor's comment and a wry smile crosses her face but she says nothing and remains seated. After several short moments she begins to meditate.

Sloor swallows. Very - reassuring...

I am sure it is a fine place to live, but with Imperials in very nook & cranny staying alive would be difficult. And don't worry about your head. What ever is in that vaccum is about as desired as a Hutt burlesque show.

"I'd pay taw see that!" chorus both Sloor and his droid, the former hitting his handrest for emphasis. Very distracting thought. Distracting thoughts are good right now. "And Sel Zawn's a backrim statian with an imperial every three klicks....." He peers at Keyton with lidded brown eyes, "You haven't been arawnd much, have you?"

Possum said:
"Maya's in the tank right now," she says to Mack. "We've got a day's trip to Alderaan to meet our mutual benefactor, and she's due to be out in a couple hours. After that, help yourself."

"Ack! Gawing taw be tight fawr that shipment... You gawt lang range cawm on this fine vessel awf yours, Sra?" he asks.

«If so, Sloor will Try to talk some of his contacts into picking up the Chevin's weapon shipment in his place, turning a pick-up-and-fence operation into a much less profitable finder's fee (creds are creds though). NEGOTIATION TO GET THE BEST PRICE: Persuassion\Haggle 1d20+7=12

Perrinmiller said:
Mack agrees, "Yeah it does stand out, I was thinking of changing the color to gray and dull black. Add a few cosmetic things to the helmet to make it look different. I don't want to degrade it's function though. Sloor, any constructive ideas for me, you are an enterprising fellow?"

"Bit busy here, Mack man,"
replies the alien entrepreneur from his seat in the cockpit. "Ditch the helmet: too frecksing awbviaus what it frecksing is," he distractedly concils before going back to his intense talk with the tiny green figure in one of his palms, a growling yuzzem with crudely carved tusks. "And *I'm* telling *you* that favawr awf yours didn't cawver the half awf a quarter awf it. (...) Dawn't give me that!"

TB does wander over thought and watches the humans with interrest, helping out in small ways if asked nicely.

Perrinmiller said:
"Well, we have found ourselves in a situation where we can stick it to the Empire. For me it's mainly revenge on the system that murders innocence girls. Being an insurgent, or 'freedom fighter' if you prefer, is not going to be an easy life but all it takes for evil to triumph is for good beings to do nothing, eh?"

"By that definition, your sir-iness, is not a significant pourcentage of the galatic population comatose?" academically inquires the droid. This does not directly concern it, after all.


TB does wander over thought and watches the humans with interrest, helping out in small ways if asked nicely. "By that definition, your sir-iness, is not a significant pourcentage of the galactic population comatose?" academically inquires the droid. This does not directly concern it, after all.
Mack gives the droid a smile, "Yeah we'd probably be better off WITH half the population comatose. Better than the alternative anyway. Since Sloor is busy, I'd be pleased if you have any helpful suggestions regarding the helmet, TB. I figure with a change of color and maybe some cosmetic add-ons, it might be enough different to be useful. Hate to throw it away."
[sblock=OOC] Significant color change plus a pattern on it like a hockey goalie mask and it might not look so stormtrooperish. Can he push the helmet back off his head to have is still attached on a clasp at the back of his neck? Or is there a way to hang the helmet off his belt to put it on before combat if there is time so he doesn't have to carry it under his arm? [/sblock]


First Post
OOC: perrinmiller: I don't know if you can do that with unmodified stormtrooper armor, so I'm going to say no. You can likely buy a tool to allow you to do that an Alderaanian hardware store for pretty much nothing, though.

Sloor is able to get around 500 total credits for finding the shipment, far less than he would really like, more than likely, but the closest he can now get due to the situation on the station.


Mir listens to the conversation as she meditates and continues to do so, but drops form her trance for a few moments as she decides to check on those she is now within the company of. She wants to be sure of her suspicions.

Sense force (full round, take 10, DC 17 to resist) for any other force users out ro 100 km.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Mack gives the droid a smile, "Yeah we'd probably be better off WITH half the population comatose. Better than the alternative anyway. Since Sloor is busy, I'd be pleased if you have any helpful suggestions regarding the helmet, TB. I figure with a change of color and maybe some cosmetic add-ons, it might be enough different to be useful. Hate to throw it away."

“Saving a majority from itself would seem to contradict the basic tenets of the Republic, but very well.” With an almost audible sigh TB lifts up the object in question and peers at its fearsome snarl, optics whirring... “In skilled hands plastclay can be shaped into almost any form and then hardened with an injection of tetracalifraksil. It is, let us note, not armor-grade, and the initial surface will likely have to be abraded to give it grip, but the only other limitations are imagination and final weight... Certain persons I shall not name have sometimes traded in ‘reconditioned’ goods,” it finishes, looking at Mack with perfect innocence.

«Didn't include it in TB's gear list, obviously, but I figure there's at least a chance a block of it might be lying around at the bottom of the droid's cargo box. What do you think, Possum? (Plastclay, by the way, is a variation on liquidrope technology.)

Sloor is able to get around 500 total credits for finding the shipment, far less than he would really like, more than likely, but the closest he can now get due to the situation on the station.

“Right. You’re jetting me straight intaw the poor hawse awn this awn, Partki - you furry sawn awf a vacuum tree - but it’s a deal : fawrward the creds where you knaw and the shipment’s yours! (...) Awt awn a crazy scavenger hunt fawr the next few days at least. You? (...) Don’t wawrry, they’ll settle dawn pretty quick. (...) Right, right. Dawn’t daw anything crazy till then, you hear?” The flickering green image vanishes.

“Freck. A frecsing 10% finder’s fee! FRECK!” Still, considering the 20 minutes he put into it, total, it’s not a bad hourly rate… Still, “I hawpe this spansawr awf yours is intaw bawnuses fawr wark well dawne? ‘Generous’ was the wawrd that was used.”

<Response Captain?>

«Sloor will call Pando next, the ex-Switch bodyguard, keep him apprised of the situation. I’m hoping all is quiet on his front?


Mack replies to TB, "Thanks. If we cannot find what we need to do the modifications on board, perhaps we can pick up the materials on Aldaraan. I need couple clasps for stowing the helmet anyway."

Then he turns to include Keyton in the conversation, "Speaking of shopping, I have some items we need before we take on more missions for our benefactor. I need a Computer Interface Visor and a Security Kit. Perhaps a better Datapad would be of more use than my basic one. We should be able to get something for this extra set of trooper armor and the hover sled. If our benefactor can use them, perhaps we can be paid for them to cover our costs."


First Post
OOC: I'd say give me a straight d100 roll to see if the droid has the product.

"I don't know about that, Sloor, isn't it?" Okeefe says. "If that's what was promised, I'd say it is, but that's ultimately left up to him. Haven't really known him to back out of a deal, though." Sloor's new Aqualish friend answers the com, having been hired by R5 as a humanoid go-between to replace the Twi'lek majordomo that Switch had previously hired. Things have been going smooth for the droid's upstart operation, and he has retained several of the few contacts that Switch had set up years previously.

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