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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter I: The Traitor's Gambit

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
OOC: I'd say give me a straight d100 roll to see if the droid has the product.

«1d100=32. How is that?

"I don't know about that, Sloor, isn't it?" Okeefe says.

"That it is, Sra."

"If that's what was promised, I'd say it is, but that's ultimately left up to him. Haven't really known him to back out of a deal, though."

"It's the vagueness awf that deal that bawthers me... But alright, I'll think awf it as a rawll awf the dice." He holds out his lower right fist and grins, "Want taw blaw awn it fawr me?"


"You knawn him lawng?"


Sloor's new Aqualish friend answers the com, having been hired by R5 as a humanoid go-between to replace the Twi'lek majordomo that Switch had previously hired. Things have been going smooth for the droid's upstart operation, and he has retained several of the few contacts that Switch had set up years previously.

"Baw is mawving fast!" exclaims the besalisk. "Tell him the rent awn the desk is 100 creds a week. (...) Well it's nawt like he can *sit* behind the thing, is it?"
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Hearing the conversation with Keyton and Mack of their losses reminds Mir of her own. While saddening, that has helped lead her to those before her. An interesting sort at that. With a deep sigh, Mir says aloud in a quiet voice, "We shall see where are to go from here."

Use the Force (telepathy) to Keyton, he hears within his mind Mir's voice, "Peace" (if resisted, take 10 DC 23)

The young woman watches those about her, do their thing as they travel to Alderaan. (Galatic Lore 1d20+8=9 (guess she deos not know much about it...))


First Post
Keyton looks over at Mir and gives her an understanding nod. He continues to help out where he can as the group makes their way to Alderaan. He wonders when Maya will get out so that Mack and he can get a quick deep and ask their host a few friendly questions.

OOC: I'm ready to go to the next part.
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After finishing up with the armor and looted equipment, Mack will take his dip in the Bacta tank to bring himself back to normal and then let Keyton have his turn.

OOC: I assume this will be finished before we reach Alderaan.

Once out of the tank, Mack gets dressed in the body glove and stormtrooper armor, sans helmet which he is carrying. He joins the others in the cockpit area. Once Keyton is done with the tank and present, he will strike up a conversation with Maya, "So Maya, can you tell us more about what's going on? We appear to have done you a big favor and it would be nice to have some answers. For starters at least who are you and who's this benefactor you mentioned?"

OOC: If I am taking too many liberties with the IC time advancement, I can easily edit this post later.
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"Well, I suppose that you're all in too deep right now to go to the Empire, and for that I thank you very much," Maya says after she has changed into dryer clothes. "Our benefactor is Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan. He's not the only rebellion group on the planet," she says with a slight amount of disdain on her voice, "but we're the only one that matters. I've been working against the Empire before it even existed, I protested against some of Palpatine's measures in the dying days of the Republic."


First Post
But how could anybody know this is how events would procede. Even the Jedi were blind to his deception until it is too late. So what is in the carbonite that is so important for the Empire to have a garrison to search for and a dying women to trust strangers to recover?

Keyton then says with a smile but without sarcasm, "You are welcome, and thank you. Let's hope further endevors can be made without the blood and blasterfire.


Mack comments a little sarcastically, "Bail Organa, huh? Funny I left Alderaan after my sister's relationship with one of their family ended badly and I was dissatisfied with how the authorities dealt with it. Been searching for a place to do some good, but I should have stayed home and saved myself the trip."

After Maya answers Keyton's question, he asks politely, "How is it that Bail is keeping himself out of the Empire's prison if he is running a rebellion? He is pretty well known. So other than picking up cargo, what else do you do for him?"


First Post
"He keeps his involvement in it low-key. He pretty much has to after what happened a few weeks ago. Did you hear of Senator Fang Zar's death on Alderaan? The Emperor's right hand man personally executed him while the senator was fleeing.

It's true that the Jedi were blind to Palpatine's deception as was pretty much everyone not in his circle of advisors, but it still doesn't mean that the Republic wasn't slowly becoming what it eventually became on Empire Day. I was against some of those measures when they were first introduced. That's why I said that I was against the Empire before it even began.

I'm sorry about your sister,"
Maya says to Mack.

"As for what the agent knows, he was assigned to keep an eye on the Empire's interests in the Deep Core. All I know from his last transmission before shipping himself to the station was that there was a lot of new activity; those new star destroyers shutting down the few trade routes into the region, as well as a lot of resources being funneled there. That's all I know."


Mack acknowledges Maya's condolences with a solemn nod of he head. "So other than being an agent in Bail's rebellion, is there anything else we should know about you specifically?"

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Well, I suppose that you're all in too deep right now to go to the Empire, and for that I thank you very much," Maya says after she has changed into dryer clothes. "Our benefactor is Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan."
Sloor's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, before settling into a slow 'ain't-the-rim-a-small-place' grin.

Mack acknowledges Maya's condolences with a solemn nod of he head. "So other than being an agent in Bail's rebellion, is there anything else we should know about you specifically?"

"In awr burgeawning relatianship," specifies the besalisk, elbow on one knee, upper arms against opposite back rests, the very picture of one intending to wedge himself in any door leading to personnal profit -- and *this* perticular door doubly so.

Voidrunner's Codex

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