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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter II: A Wretched Hive

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Earn it you say..." Mir smiles,"How about I look you in the eye and ask you for it?" The woman grins.
Sloor's eyes go wide (and that's saying a lot), though it's in a pleasantly surprised way. "Fu-rek. Looks like I brought a fork to a mind fight." He looks at his chosen weapon as if somehow *it* had betrayed him before using it to drop the hawk tail in Mir's plate/bowl/whatever it is. "Accept my unconditional surrender, Sra." His lower right hand mimes a grandiose courtoisie, grin above all scoundrel.

<Resposne Mir?>

Possum said:
«Binder: I'm guessing Darius ended up saying this bit?

"Anyone attempting to enter any 'sensitive' area of the palace was politely turned away by security," answers that worthy. "We were unable to reach any slave pen, if it even exists."
"Dan't suppawsse you crawssed any 'embassy' either, right? That's the place we want taw avawid when the reps are here this week," he 'explains', not waiting for an answer. "Think it's separate frawm the main quarters - fawtified prawbably, paranawid sawns awf N'zoth - saw keeping away shawldn't be *taw* much awf a prawblem, right?" He offers a grin deeply steeped in dark humour.

<Response any?>

"No idea on the next match, but I am sure it is whenever Darga wants such entertainment, he gets it." the scout adds.
"Fair enawgh, Sra, but let's check anyway." He leans way back on his chair and twists around so he's more or less facing a lean and mean looking trandoshan on the next table over: "Hey friend! When's the next qualifier fawr the rattatak melee, daw you knaw? If you're entry level, I mean."

<Response Trandoshan?>

EDIT= The next question is likely going to be: "Who daw we talk taw abawt that?"

OOC: Short on time now, folks. Missing bits tomorrow.
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Mack shakes his head, "No, we didn't see something like an embassy. We really could not explore too, much. Sorry."

"If those hawk bat tails are so good, can I have half, Mir? I don't know what I just ate, but that's gotta be better."

OOC: Assuming we didn't.
[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 3 (Rescue) FP: 6
Init: +8 Perception: +9
HP: 47 (16 Threshold) Current: 47 CT: 0
Reflex: 20 (18ff) Fort: 16 Will: 14

Weapon in Hand: Blaster Rifle

Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis, Cover Fire, Running Attack, Quick Draw[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Mack remarks about the other issues, "We could offer to help in negotiating. I think Mir would definitely be able to assist in Lord Darga's favor. Or we can use blasters to take a firm stance on the issue."
"That's assuming we're invited taw the meet, awf cawrse." And that doesn't sound too frecsing likely right now, frankly. Sloor looks around the dilapidated throne room some more... "Awr daw the Hutts usually daw things like that in frant awf family and friends?" He wouldn't, but then he isn't 'royalty', is he?

OOC: The question is directed mostly at Mir, since she knows Huttesse and may know their customs as well, but he'll search his own memories for stories about the usual MO of Hutt crime lords as well. Untrained(?) knowledge check: 1d20=8. Nope. Up to you, Songdragon.
Mack's face contorts in disgust as he struggles to chew and then swallow the rubbery thing.

"Auugh. What was that thing I just ate?"
"Naw idea," replies Sloor with a grin, reaching over and plucking another of the small soft-legged, blue-eyed things from their bowl. "Think you're suppawsed taw swallow it whole thawgh. The awtside melts nicely in your mawth, cawts your thrawt awn the way down." He demonstrates, looking straight at Mack as he does so.

"If those hawk bat tails are so good, can I have half, Mir? I don't know what I just ate, but that's gotta be better."
"Awhaw, a flanking manoeuvre," comments the big alien from the sidelines. "Using her biggest weakness against her too!"


"Awwwwe. You're such a sweetie." Mir smiles, "You do know that I would not do that to you, right?" She pauses, "Well, unless it was necessary. One does abuse their talents without consequences." And with that, the woman digs in.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Awwwwe. You're such a sweetie." Mir smiles, "You do know that I would not do that to you, right?" She pauses, "Well, unless it was necessary. One does abuse their talents without consequences."
"We'll re-negawtiate awver dessert then," chuckles Sloor. Meanwhile, he's mulling 'sweetie' over in his head: was that supposed to be a compliment or a slur? Bit of both? He suddenly grins to himself: Should probably have countered with 'lamby-kins' or something. He too starts digging into his first plate.

OOC: There's also the public/non-public Hutt meeting question asked by Sloor three posts above. Mir is a popular girl today. :)
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((Nope, no intention meant. Just missed the comment is all PM))

She looks to Mack, "I just won this pretty morsel fair and square, battle for your own." she says with a flashy grin. She points to some bowl of small moving grub-like creatures, "Those are tasty."

"I am not sure Sloor, I do not think we can pin down what a particular Hutt will do compared to another." She considers it

((Knowledge (Galactic Lore) Darga 1d20+8=12 Knowledge (Galactic Lore) Hutt in general 1d20+8=14 Nothing here... ))


First Post
OOC: OOC: None of you saw any signs of the Empire nearby on either the drive to the palace or your explorations of it. As for Mir, the only thing that she can remember about Hutts is that someone once told her not to trust any numbers that they give you.

The mean looking Trandoshan gives Sloor a toothy smile, one of his arms beginning to shake moderately. "Two years ago..." he says with a sad look to his face, nodding towards the arm. "Probably after dinner," he says.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The mean looking Trandoshan gives Sloor a toothy smile, one of his arms beginning to shake moderately. "Two years ago..." he says with a sad look to his face, nodding towards the arm. "Probably after dinner," he says.
Sloor loses some of his smile. "Thanks, friend." Then he finds it again, sharper, toothier. "Where can a spirk place a bet then?"

<Response Trandoshan?>


Mack Granger, Human Male Soldier

Mack looks disappointed, but then Mir is always just ignoring his advances regardless, so he is not surprised that she won't share.

Examining the bowl of the alleged delicacies, he tries one cautiously.

OOC: Not sure what we are going to do next, but I am ready to get to it. ;)
[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 3 (Rescue) FP: 6
Init: +8 Perception: +9
HP: 47 (16 Threshold) Current: 47 CT: 0
Reflex: 20 (18ff) Fort: 16 Will: 14

Weapon in Hand: Blaster Rifle

Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis, Cover Fire, Running Attack, Quick Draw[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger

Voidrunner's Codex

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