D&D 5E Heroes of Hydellor

Lord Twig

Crossing her arms, Mindra looks to the Halfling. "The money paid is more than enough pay for a trip to visit an inn. If our mysterious employer fails to show on the day she specified that's her problem. I'm not going to go hunt her down."

Just then the door opens to admit a handsome Half Elf. For a moment Mindra is intrigued, then she sees the lute and the self-assured smile. "Oh gods! A musician! Just what we need." Mindra throws up her arms in disgust and walks back to her table to take a seat.

There is no way he is not involved with all this, Mindra thinks to herself. Still, I should give him a chance to prove he is not a self centered jerk. Mindra crosses her arms again and glares at the newcomer, but on her it just looks cute.

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Bartender, older man, young man, and young woman
Essess/Bredonshire/Bredon/The Sawtooth Inn
29 Mother/8:03 PM (after sunset)
Weather: 80 F/27 C; No wind; Light rain

As Theramin enters and takes in the common room of the inn, he notices the young man and woman in the back. They definitely give all signs of young love. The bartender is keeping to his duties at the bar, but he seems interested in the group gathered at the table. He noticed that the older gentleman, despite his attention to his papers, also seemed to be keeping an ear on the conversation of the strangers. Theramin heard the tattooed halfling say something loudly about an old crone and a note.

And then there was the cute elf’s little blow up at seeing him.

As the group discussed how and why they were here, the young couple got up. The big young man took the woman’s hand. The older man with the papers glared at them as they passed.

“Excuse us,” the young man told Theramin politely as they passed him out into the rain, the raven-haired girl pulling up the hood of her cloak as they disappeared into the dark.

Steve Gorak

Bartender, older man, young man, and young woman
Essess/Bredonshire/Bredon/The Sawtooth Inn
29 Mother/8:03 PM (after sunset)
Weather: 80 F/27 C; No wind; Light rain

As Theramin enters and takes in the common room of the inn, he notices the young man and woman in the back. They definitely give all signs of young love. The bartender is keeping to his duties at the bar, but he seems interested in the group gathered at the table. He noticed that the older gentleman, despite his attention to his papers, also seemed to be keeping an ear on the conversation of the strangers. Theramin heard the tattooed halfling say something loudly about an old crone and a note.

And then there was the cute elf’s little blow up at seeing him.

As the group discussed how and why they were here, the young couple got up. The big young man took the woman’s hand. The older man with the papers glared at them as they passed.

“Excuse us,” the young man told Theramin politely as they passed him out into the rain, the raven-haired girl pulling up the hood of her cloak as they disappeared into the dark.

OOC: The name is Theremin, just like the instrument, not Theramin ;-)

Theremin politely lets the young lovers pass, his eyes dwelling on the lass, and his mind drifting, thinking of what he would do to her; er, with her...

He focuses again on the moment, and recalls there was a lovely elf inside that starred just long enough at him. He enters the room, nods at Mindra with a smile, and subtlety fetches the note he received some months ago as he walks to the table with the halfling and her. Pleasantly, he introduces himself "Hello fellow travelers, I believe we are here for the same reason; may I sit at your table", without waiting for an answer, he pulls a chair. He briefly flashes his note on the table, and pockets it again. In a lower voice, he says "it seems your conversation is gathering interest here" and his eyes roll over to the gentlemen with the papers. More loudly, as a distraction, he says to the barkeeper "Barkeep, mind if I take out my lute? And a drink for my friends and myself please!" and he starts playing a pleasant melody, not to loud as to invite conversation.


Torban Ingpol, the bartender; older man
Essess/Bredonshire/Bredon/The Sawtooth Inn
29 Mother/8:04 PM (after sunset)
Weather: 80 F/27 C; No wind; Light rain

The young man caught Theremin’s look at the young woman and the big boy gave him a glare, putting a thick arm around her protectively as they walked out.

"Barkeep, mind if I take out my lute? And a drink for my friends and myself please!"

Torban stopped his humming and straightened up. “Ah--” he stumbled. He looked to the older gentleman by the fire. The man just gave a subtle nod.

“Yes, sure, citizen!” Torban said said. “Might coax some people out of their homes for an ale an’ a song,” he said with a smile as he started getting the drinks together. “Will you citizens be needing rooms for the night?” he asked. “I have two rooms upstairs with two beds each, an’ we can put out cots here by the fire,” he told them. “Ten silver for the rooms, two for the cots in the common room.”

He bustled over with a tray of mugs of ale. “That’ll be thirty copper,” he said.

Lord Twig

Sighing Mindra stands back up to count out coins from her pouch. "I'll take a bed in one of your rooms for tonight. As for tomorrow, we'll have to wait and see." Mindra then sits at the table with the others and takes a mug of the offered ale with a nod of thanks toward the bard.

"My name is Mindra. Although it seems none of us chose to join this exclusive group of clueless wanderers, someone has chosen for us. So it would be good to know who I am caught up with in this."

OOC: I assume standard coin conversion rates? So 10 silvers = 1 gold?


"I'll take a room as well," Liam says as he dishes out a gold piece. He sniffs a bit, then looks towards Coriana. "Missin' my eyes gives me a rather sensitive nose, and I can't smell human as well as some of the others. I don't suppose you'd be interested in sharing a room with a blind man?"

Lord Twig

Mindra is a bit taken aback by Liam's suggestion to Coriana and quickly looks around the inn. Then with a short laugh looks back to Liam. "She is the only other woman at his inn. Who exactly would you propose share my room then?"


Liam shrugged. "You could share with us, I suppose. I wouldn't do well in the main room, not being able to see and all. The halfling smells like he hasn't bathed in a...well, ever, and I'm sorry sir Bard, but as enjoyable as your company may be, I'd rather not have my things unattended with you in the same room."

He turned to the women, "Surely you couldn't be scared to room with a blind man. It isn't like I would be leering at you. If any of us would be helpless, it would be me."

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Charwoman Gene

"You really have got to be kidding me. I don't care myself, I live aboard ships, and I'd enjoy killing anyone who tried something but if the elf wants to not sleep in a room with men, she doesn't have to."
"I'll take the other bed in your room, Mindra."
*to all* "My name is Coriana, by the way."

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