D&D 5E Heroes of Hydellor


Torban Ingpol, the bartender; Omri Bine
Essess/Bredonshire/Bredon/The Sawtooth Inn
29 Mother/8:06 PM (after sunset)
Weather: 80 F/27 C; No wind; Light rain

As Coriana rushed out the door of the tavern onto the square, she emerged into chaos. It was dark. The town didn’t seem to provide any lighting outside. From the light spilling from the tavern, Coriana spotted small figures dashing about at the edge of her vision before the darkness swallowed them. She heard more smashing of windows or doors being slammed open. From the hill above town, she saw a line of torches rushing down. She heard a horn blow a warning from somewhere, screams of frightened people.

[sblock=OOC]Coriana has bright light within 20 feet of the door and dim light for another 20 feet.[/sblock]

At the back, Mindra rushed through the kitchen. The back door was latched and locked, but she couldn’t be sure how long that would last.

"Who is it? What do you want?" Mindra yelled.

The pounding suddenly grew silent. Through the door she could hear whispering, but she couldn’t make out the words. She heard scampering feet, some shuffling, and then a polite knock on the door.

“Hungry,” a voice said.

[sblock=OOC]Mindra, make me a Perception check[/sblock]

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Torban Ingpol, the bartender; Omri Bine
Essess/Bredonshire/Bredon/The Sawtooth Inn
29 Mother/8:06 PM (after sunset)
Weather: 80 F/27 C; No wind; Light rain

Stealth: 1D20+6 = [19]+6 = 25

“What is it?” Torban asked Mindra as he came into the kitchen clutching his axe handle.

“Let us in! Hungry!” came the voice on the other side of the door.

Perception: 1D20+2 = [7]+2 = 9

Out in the common room, the older gentleman looked to Coriana in the doorway. “What do you see, citizen?” he asked. He picked up a cane and gave the head a twist, pulling out a thin blade.

Coriana could see the line of torches getting closer. A couple split off, heading to various parts of town.

Lord Twig

"Whoever it is I don't think they're looking for table scraps." Mindra says quietly, then backs up and starts looking for a place to hide so she can ambush anyone coming through the door. "Go let Coriana know we have someone trying to get in the back door. Maybe she can circle around and attack them from behind."

OOC: Ideally Mindra would like to find a place that is hidden from the backdoor, but would also let her run back into the common room if whatever it is that is coming through the back is too much for her.

Not sure who the stealth roll if for, but it sure beats Mindra's passive perception of 18(!). In case Mindra has a chance to hide, here is her roll: Mindra Hiding: 1D20+8 = [6]+8 = 14

Not great. Oh well.


Torban Ingpol, the bartender; Omri Bine
Essess/Bredonshire/Bredon/The Sawtooth Inn
29 Mother/8:06 PM (after sunset)
Weather: 80 F/27 C; No wind; Light rain

As Mindra retreats from the locked door toward the work counter, behind which would likely be the best place to hide besides the pantry if she wanted an escape route, she notices that the window over the washbasin is now open. As she rounds the corner of the counter she nearly stumbles over five small, green-skinned humanoids dressed in ragged leather armor with small shields and wicked, curved blades at their belts. Their eyes widen at her and one of them says something in a language she doesn’t understand, and they jump at the elven ranger!

[sblock=OOC]Let’s roll initiative!
Initiative: 1D20+2 = [4]+2 = 6

Steve Gorak

OOC: initiative [roll]1d20+4[/roll]
Sorry about the slow posting rate. I was in Europe, and got back home yesterday. I'll be travelling to Asia, leaving tomorrow, and apologize if I lag behind a bit. Things will get back to normal the week of Feb 20th.

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