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Heroes of the Day [Dawnforge] Part 1: Attack in Ebernath!


Welcome to Heroes of the Day! A game of epic heroism in the Dawnforge campaign setting.

Ebernath. The island-city of Anderland. Though one of the oldest cities in Eadar, it hardly shows. The Druids of the Panthic Order have shaped Ebernath from a city into a masterpiece of art. Barely visible from the sea, it seems to spring up from the earth once one steps beyond the wall of living wood that surrounds it. Buildings are constructed in and around large trees. Lush vegetation grows freely covering everything in a rainbow of greens, reds, yellows, and other colors. Canals and waterways snake through the city and seem to be a deeper blue than the water in the surrounding Parthian Sea.

All of the races of Eadar seem to be represented in Ebernath. Though lowlanders are the most common race, halflings, trueborn, dawn elves, night elves, and gnomes abound. Even orcs, tieflings, and lizardfolk go about their business drawing no more attention than anyone else. People from all across Eadar find their way to Ebernath, some to study with the Panthic Order, some looking for rare magical goods, some looking to become wealthy merchants. All of them come away enchanted by its rare beauty.

The group arrived in Ebernath shortly after midday. It took an hour to disembark from the ship and get all of your gear. Asking the captain about accommodations, he recommended the Giant’s Tankard or the Broken Horn. Both are toward the central part of the city, so you hired a gondola ride there. The gondolier, an old lowlander named Chiv, regales you with tales of his adventures that took him to all parts of Eadar. Some of it is obviously embellished (gold-skinned women on an island in the Summer Sea that satisfied your every desire), but some of his stories rang true.

After another hour or so, you reach your destination and get directions to the two Inns recommended by Captain Brunwick. You have all just stepped off of the gondola and are standing on the shore when a number of screams break the tranquility. Looking left and right you see a number of frog-like creatures crawling out of the water and attacking people with their spears. Ellawyn and Tervelyn recognize the creatures as
. Just as you are about to spring into action, you hear Chiv mumble something. A hideous form rises suddenly out of the water next to the boat. It looks at first to be an old human woman, but her yellow skin is covered in scars and warts and oozing pustules. Her hair is blue and green and resembles seaweed. She screams and waves her arms. Tervelyn identifies the creature as a
sea hag
. Everyone, but the gnome, gets a good look at the creature and feel ills, but manages to brush it off. Ellawyn, unfortunately, is left wretching and feels weak. You see more of the frog creatures climbing out of the water near you.

Frog creatures
Disgusting woman


Targ Fort save: 22
S'sebek Fort save: 16
Kellix Fort save: 20
Ellawyn Fort save: 8 4 points of Str loss
Tervelyn Fort save: 19

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Isida Kep'Tukari

Targ, male ogre fighter

Targ had been enjoying the beauty of the green city, sniffing happily at the lovely flower scents, listening to Chiv's stories, and contemplating exactly how much ale he could get at the Giant's Tankard. However, the beauty was shattered with blood, much as it had been months ago in Anderland, when the orcs had attacked. Snarling giantish curses, Targ withdrew his pick from the loop at his belt and lunged at the disgusting woman. Kill master, slaves run, he thinks dimly.

OOC: Targ attacks with a mighty 16


First Post
Kellix enjoys the view the Gondola gives. He is amazed at the view. Since he was last in Ebernath things are more beautiful than ever. He doesn't pay much attention to the stories.

Kellix will try and flank the closest target, if need be he will roll past the creature. As he moves he will pull his rapier and short sword from there scabbards slashing the creatures as best as possible.

Normal Damage
Flank Damage


First Post
S'sebek, male Yuan-ti Psychic Warrior

(On S'sebek's turn: )

S'sebek will dart towards the nearest target that isn't being seen to*; he'll focus himself on the attack as he does so**, and press the head of the Rebel Prism into his choice target. He's got a sort of determination about him, in the way he moves and attacks.

[sblock]*If there's no unattended frogmen, then he'll go for the yellow woman.
**2PP, focusing Deep Crystal weapon. [PP: 17/19]

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Guest 11456

Ellawyn, female gnome shaman & Molly, female wolf

Ellawyn staggers under the sudden loss of strength. As her load changes from a light load to a medium load, the small gnome adjusts her stance. Then she casts a spell while placing a hand on Molly's side. Finally she points at the woman and yells, "Molly, attack!" Molly leaps forward and tries to bite the woman.

OOC: Casting magic fang on Molly. Molly's attack: 25 & damage: 7 (Note: Includes the magic fang spell.)


Tervelyn - Dawn Elf, Duskblade

Tervelyn spends the first few seconds of the encounter centering himself, and entering the Dawn Dance. He will then size up the situation quickly looks for a target for a couple of arrows, positioning himself so that none of the creatures can attack him as he looses the arrows.

OOC: Starman, I don't mind you making my rolls for me if you'd like. If not I'll have to figure out how to use this invisible castle thing to link the rolls to this forum.


Ellawyn's spell flows through her wolf and Molly's attack on one of the frog creatures is successful. It bites deep into the creatures flank making it scream in a strange croaking voice. A thick yellow colored liquid pours out of the wound.

The same frog-thing glares at the wolf with its large black eyes It's skin was a very pale gray, but it starts to turn red. It ducks behind its small shield and lashes out with its shortspear. The tip digs into Molly's shoulder and draws a trickle of blood. Another of the creatures climbs out of the water and attacks Targ. It quivers and stabs at the ogre, finding a chink in his thick skin of his leg. A third frogman is holding no weapons. It runs at Ellawyn, large mouth open, and tries to bite her. She easily steps out of the way of the clumsy attack. A fourth frogman approaches Tervelyn unseen and stabs him in the back with its spear. Only the elf shifting slightly at the last moment kept the wound from being more serious.

Targ, nearly oblivious to the strange creature next to him, jumps into the water and unleashes a mighty blow on the watery woman. His pick cuts deep into her chest and she screams horribly.

Kellix nimbly moves in behind the frogman attacking Ellawyn. His rapier and short sword swiftly dart out, one blade finding a heart and the other the neck. The thing collapses to the ground dead.

Tervelyn backs away from the frogman that attacked him, easily dodging its spear. That one stands alone. One is in melee with S'sebek and another is in melee with Ellawyn's wolf, Molly. The disgusting woman is in combat with Targ. At least a dozen other frogmen are attacking people up and down the dock.

S'sebek runs at the frogman that attacked Targ. His spear pierces the creatures between its big black eyes and it falls to the ground, brain matter pooling around it.

The disgusting woman looks at the giant ogre. Her yellow eyes take on a sinister glow and Targ feels himself growing weak in the knees and feeling dazed. The strange assault almost stops his heart, but the ogre's strong body clings to life.

Molly takes 6 points of damage from the frog creature.
Targ takes 5 points of damage from the frog creature.
Targ is dazed from the woman's attack and can take no actions.
Tervelyn takes 5 points of damage from the frog creature, an unconfirmed crit.

I'm sorry if I wasn't clear enough with the description. The woman was still in the water on the far side of the boat. I decided that Molly couldn't get to it, so she attacked a frogman.
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First Post
Kellix looks at the closest one and thinks "These things are ugly and smell horrible."

Kellix moves over to the one that just attacked Tervelyn. He flips his swords around and stabs at the creature, trying to dispatch the disgusting frog-like thing as quick as possible.

Rapier & Short Sword Attack - 17 & 19
Damage - 5 & 6
Flank Damage (Maybe) - add 12 & 16 to above damage [/sblock]

Isida Kep'Tukari

Targ, male ogre fighter

Targ moans internally when the strange woman's magic draws the strength from him. Witch, bad magic witch! he thinks weakly.

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