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Hero's Quest (Solo Eberron Campaign)


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
"I'll stay" Iod says. Nephaestos nods and explains. "Citadel lieutenant. He outranks the whole watch and will do all the paperwork on this. Don't worry, these were murderer's all. You'll probably get a medal after he's cleared all the bureocrasy" The bigger man called Beau grumbles. "I'll go get the watch. They can do the bagging. Meet you later Phae." Nephaestos wawes a hand at his friend and turns to you. Shall we. There's a tavern just two stories up

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Valsamath nods politely and pauses to let Nephaestos lead the way.

Reflecting on the battles of the last several days, the kalashtar gets a bit nostalgic for the good old days when he could expect with fair certainty to lot have to face a battle to the death more than once every few weeks while travelling from village to village. In this place though, Sharn, trouble seems to have his scent...

Stealing one last lingering look at the bodies filling the alleyway, he turns his back to follow the other man to the tavern.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Nephaestos, or Phae as he is called, leads you to a nearby tavern "Hidden Forge". It is run by a dwarf with a magnificant set of moustache. Phae brings two big mugs of black beer to your table. The evening passes pleasantly as he tells you stories of his adventures and you tell of yours. When you again talk about the goblins he starts a breathtaking tale that involves two rival gangs, incredible scheme to steal their wealth, unspeakable acts with a female elven assassin and a public humiliation of the leader of Bloody Fist gang. When the evening turns to night and you leave for sleep, at least Phae is considerably drunk. You part ways but Phae promises to keep his word about that medal for dealing with one of the most annoying criminal gangs of the city.


Valsamath steps out of the Hidden Forge feeling a little lightheaded, but not too heavily under the influence. Dusting off his cloak, he considers heading back towards the kalashtar community in Dura, but decides it might be better, and easier, to just find somewhere to lodge close to here. But not too close, best not to keep around the scene of the crime lest the other two thirds of the Bloody Fist gang come looking for him.

For a moment he considers going to the local Sivis message station to check if Lady Elaydren has sent him an update, but he decides against it because it is easier on his conscious to put off checking than it would be to put off responding to an emergency if something were to be happening. Valsamath may be feeling relatively selfless, but he needs to recharge his mental energies with a few hours of sleep and some meditation. About two hours of the former, thanks to his enchanted ring, and six hours of the latter.

Briefly he thinks about what he has been told about the connection between meditation and the Dream of the Age, but he brushes the thought aside and sets out to look for some lodging.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
From the high vantage point you can see the mouth of the alley you fought in few hours ago. It has been brightly lit by lanterns and you see a dozen or so watchmen hanging around. Nothing special. You find an inn to stay for the night and get some sleep.

As you are eating your breakfast next morning you hear a paperboy outside cry. "Sharn Inquisitive! Extra News! A Mysterious Hero disbands local criminal gang!"
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Valsamath allows himself a small smile as he dons his armour and gear. He is not immune to the feeling of an inflated ego that comes with such accolades, though he rarely lets it distract him overly much. " Mysterious Hero, eh? I rather like the sound of that. "

He goes out into the commons area to look for a meal. After he has finished eating, Valsamath heads towards the Sivis message station to see if Lady Elaydren has left him any word.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
It's another rainy day in Sharn. Thunder rumbles off to the distance as you cross the rain-slick bridge to Barmin Tower where the House Sivis message station is. Ahead you notice the door to the message station hanging open at a strange angle, broken, hinges bent from the frame. Lightning flashes and you think you hear a groan inside the otherwise silent station.


Drawing his sword, Valsamath cautiously approaches the door. He pushes it open and looks to see what has happened inside before entering.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
The place is a mess. Stools and tables have been thrown aside, the scroll-cases are scattered around, and the Sivis Heir running the station lies on the reception desk unconscious. She breaths heavily and is obviously in pain. You spot some muddy footprints on the floor, claved feet, very small, you're not sure but would guess them to be kobold footprints.
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Glancing around to be sure that there are no cretinous thugs still present, Valsamath moves to the side of the unconscious woman.

" Wake up, miss. Please, " he says, nudging her gently with his hand.

If there is no response, he sheathes his sword and gathers her up in his arms to take her to the safety of a guardhouse or a Jorasco healer.

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