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Hewligan's Rise of the Runelords: The Skinsaw Murders


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Sorry for the delays, I wasn't around this weekend. Also, I will be gone Thursday 09/18 thru Monday 09/22, with no internet access. Going to Lake Powerll for a last summer trip before things beging to cool down."]

Danth helps the others search the area, walking about the mill, his sharp eyes taking in the entire scene. The cleric holds a piece of scented silk to his nose in an attempt to cover the stench of the place; on some level, it reminded him of the goblin stronghold that they had assaulted last year.

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Jokad searches the area near the pier, and then retraces his steps. He can see that the footsteps came both ways, both in AND out of the building this way. Buddy feet marks are visible on the lower wall. The ... thing ... scaled up a drainpipe to the upper window. A smear of blood on the window sill show part of a palm print. Jokad retraces again, trying to distinguish where the tracks diverge, but unfortunately, either from too much foot movement (the guards really should have locked this place down), or from the general muddiness of the area, the task proves beyond him.

Returning to the room, with the all too pervasive stench, proves more successful for Jokad. His allies move around, each searching for that elusive clue. Jokad scans the room, letting the entirety of the scene soak in. What is obvious is that a terrible struggle took place here several hours ago. You can see the same barefoot footprints, and the place reeks of rotten meat.

Harker's body is disgusting. The mark of the silhedron rune dominates, carved deep into his chest. The hooks that hold him pull horribly at his flesh.

OOC: Can one of you please make a Heal check to inspect this body please.

OOC: I am moving house this week. Very stressful, and time will be very limited for me.


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Jokad crouchs near the open window surveying the carnage with a sharp eye. His mind trying to recreate the attacks based on the strange tracks uncovered thus far.

"Kael," he shouts suddenly, "the alchemist you were framed for... is his shop noisy and set out of the way?"

Jokad has come to the conclusion the rest of you probably have; the shrieking saw blades and grinding machinery gave the killer ample cover to make his kills. No one could have heard anything over that cacaphony.

"Look guys, this killer was barefoot, probably a human male. He came in and out of this window and may have observed the mill for some time from a hiding spot under the pier. Oddly, this stench of decay clings to the killer and is not just coming from these two corpses."

"He is probably quite smart. I am guessing he selected the miller and the alchemist based on their being far from the center of town with few, if any, callers. He does not want the chance of being discovered. I'd be interested to know who the first kill was to see if my guess holds water."

"As for the weird mutilations and use of that damned rune... I got nothin. Did we leave any loose ends I'm not remembering? Doesn't seem like anyoe should know of that rune besides us."

OOC: As he speaks Jokad would like to go over and look at the bloodied axe, assuming it to be the murder weapon, or perhaps the miller defended himself for a bit?


"It was only noisy when he complained," says Kael with a sad tone in his voice. "But, it was a private space, with lots of space to hide in."

"Two for two, I'd say it holds some water," says Kael. "As for the rune, we know of it and the one who wished to be freed knows, as well as anyone he could have influenced, or pulled to influence."


Untrained - Post #24 - Untrained Heal Check (1d20 1=12)


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OOC: The dreaded house move is sort of complete (sort of - you should see all the boxes!). Tomorrow i leave for Scotland for the week. I hope to be able to post again from tomorrow, but it will be sporadic at best for the remainder of the week. Sorry about the very slow post rate lately, but moving house is stressful.



Hey, no worries, you gotta take care of the important stuff, so it's all good. We'll still be here. :D
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While Jokad moves over towards the bloodied axe, Kael and Danth go about examining the body. It is in a horrific state. The poor man has been affixed to the wall by several hooks normally used to hang machinery. His body is mutilated, the face carved away and the lower jaw missing entirely. His bare chest is defaced as well, bearing the silhedron rune.

Closer examination of the body reveals the presence of several additional wounds. Unlike the deeper slashes on the body, these smaller gashes almost seem to have been made by a claw - a five-fingered human-hand-sized claw. The rotten scent seems stronger near these wounds.

A faded tattoo of a raven is visible across the man's lower abdomen. This, it appears, is about the only remaining identifying mark on the body.


Jokad spends some time down close to the hand axe. It is embedded in the floor, as if it had been dropped there. The handle is covered with blood-finger-marks (normal human looking ones, possibly the woman's) and a close examination of the head reveals two things. First, smears of what look like rotten flesh and fragments of bone are caked on the blade, and second, the rotten meat stench is strong on it.

Jokad recoils backwards. The smell hit him like a punch in the gut. He doubles over, hacking a little, before he can regain his breath. Suddenly the stench of this place seems cloying.


As the four adventurers share their findings, outside in the fresh air. Jokad looks like thunder, and barks at one of the guards to get rid of the gawping crowd. The guard seems unsure of how to manage the task, but runs off with arms waving, trying to shoo people away as one might try to scare off a particularly angry sheep.

After a few minutes, Hemlock comes walking along the road, four guards beside him. He orders them to assist in clearing the scene, and then joins the Wolves of Sandpoint.

"Well, did you uncover anything? I still have Ibor Thorn, Harker's business partner, in a cell. He found the bodies. A bit shaken, and not too helpful, if truth be told. There is also Ven Vinder. I took him in when he flew into a rage. It was his daughter that was in there. His daughter that got shredded. He did not take the news kindly. Struck a guard! I took him in to cool down. You can speak with him too, if you wish. Lastly, there is the rune. I thought of Brodert Quink, but he has gone and disappeared south to Magnimar. Kael knows him, and it was a long-shot anyway. I just thought he may have come upon it before."

OOC: Let me know of your next actions. Given my likely sporadic posting, please use initiative, make rolls, and even partly role-play interactions if you wish. I will be sure to correct you if you mess up ;)


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"Well, did you uncover anything? I still have Ibor Thorn, Harker's business partner, in a cell. He found the bodies. A bit shaken, and not too helpful, if truth be told. There is also Ven Vinder. I took him in when he flew into a rage. It was his daughter that was in there. His daughter that got shredded. He did not take the news kindly. Struck a guard! I took him in to cool down. You can speak with him too, if you wish. Lastly, there is the rune. I thought of Brodert Quink, but he has gone and disappeared south to Magnimar. Kael knows him, and it was a long-shot anyway. I just thought he may have come upon it before."

Jokad looks at each of his companions to confirm their agreement before answering.

"Maybe..." he says.

"I'd say there was one killer. He hid under the pier for some time watching the place. Came in, and out, through a back window. Barefoot. Probably human male. But something else... there is a stench of rot, of death, about the killer."

"He may be undead." He lets that thought sink in.

"I think the girl hit him with that axe. Hit him good. There is rotten flesh and bone on it but the blood isn't the killer's. The killer left no blood trail on the way out."


Jokad seems more sure of his guess the second time he says it.

"Any more disturbance at the graveyard?"


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Jokad seems more sure of his guess the second time he says it.

"Any more disturbance at the graveyard?"

Hemlock scratches at the stubble on his chin. "The graveyard has been untouched since Nualia dug up the remains of her father ... what was it ... four months ago? Other than that ... well, we had the grounds consecrated again, so I doubt it stems from there. But undead ... undead. I guess it almost makes me relieved to believe that no living person could do something so horrific to people.

Now, let's head back to town. I will introduce you to our two prison guests, although I am planning to let them both go by the end of the day unless you find something that says otherwise. I will tell you what, though, it cheers me to think that the girl went with some proper fight in her, and at least took a chunk out of the THING that killed her.

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