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Pathfinder 1E High-level Pathfinder Planar Game: The Lich-Queen's Beloved


Queen of Everything
I'd LOVE your help!

In Shadowrun, DT built my character or ported it from the book, but I don't understand what most of it MEANS. Fenris has played SR and offered to help build personality around the character he's just super busy, especially because he got behind because of our trip. I started looking at pictures of Shadowruner girls with guns but haven't found anything great yet. That usually helps me move forward with personality.

For this game, it should be easier. I played my 3.X career in FR so choosing something from there is ideal. I thought Sune would be fun, but if we need a hardcore cleric who can fight rather than just spells I can do that too. Truthfully, I haven't looked over anyone's character sheets yet I just assume you guys have things covered.

Choosing at least some of the spells myself should be easy enough, I am familiar with most of them. But the actual build, putting in the stats, choosing feats or skills or expertise skills or whatever and then magic items. Ooffff. I'm just not familiar enough with extra books or the new stuff. Or are we playing Pathfinder? I'm decently familiar with that too. Lol

So I would happily submit to you building a cleric for me! I'd like to have a crack at the spells but am totally open to your suggestions there too.

But please only do this if you have the time and really want to do it! If not, I can pester Fenris this weekend and we can get it done.

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Unsung, there's no RAW about 'trap components' as far as I know of. I don't see any balance issues with treating them as 'generic ritual components' a' la 4rth Edition though, since most traps will need similar stuff...little cogs, sticks and braces, bits of string, adhesive paste, poison sharp things, and so on. 10,000gp of trap 'stuff' would probably be fairly big and heavy, but nothing a bag of holding couldn't fix in a jiffy. :)

In fact, a Haversack is MADE for this. Just dump it all in there, then the sack auto-sorts and delivers the specific spring or bolt that you need, when you need it. No rooting around in a bag required. :)

Sweet! I was hoping that's the way it was. I actually picked up both the handy haversack and a portable hole on precisely that basis. :D

The haversack is actually almost full of alchemical consumables and potions already, but I plan on filling the bottom of the hole with what amounts to a full-scale workshop, since tools cost peanuts when you're starting from 530K.


First Post
Unsung, just don't put the haversack IN the portable hole! :)

That said, the hole is a GREAT idea for transporting pre-assembled traps around! What, this trap required a full sized ballista over here? *NO PROBLEM!!

Queenie, I'd be happy to help on both fronts! A cursory glance at the Pathfinder Domain lists gives me some ideas for what would work for a goddess of 'love and beauty.' And I think there's a LOT of potential there for this group, as it focuses on spells and abilities I'm not seeing in the rest of us, including Mei. Lots of hard-hitting enchantment especially.

Before I go into too much detail, just tell me what kind of Suneite you're looking for. Race, skills, and a general idea of what kind of tactics and personality she or he will have. That will help guide me through the myriad choices Pathfinder has to offer.

Then once I generate a base sheet, we can go over it in more detail and tweak it to your liking to make it fully your own.

As for Shadowrun, if you have a sheet you can post or PM me I'll look it over, make some suggestions as far as mechanics go, and then we can do the same thing where we develop the character's past and story, and her mechanical abilities, in a rough sort of synergy.

* (Imagine in a gruff, jovial Russian accent for best effect)
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Queen of Everything
Shayuri, Awesome! And thank you! Let me think on your questions for just a little bit and will get back to you soon with a little write up. You ROCK!! :)


First Post
Actually, order of operations makes a difference in bag of holding-portable hole interactions under Pathfinder rules. And I quote:

d20 Pathfinder SRD said:
If a bag of holding is placed within a portable hole, a rift to the Astral Plane is torn in the space: bag and hole alike are sucked into the void and forever lost. If a portable hole is placed within a bag of holding, it opens a gate to the Astral Plane: the hole, the bag, and any creatures within a 10-foot radius are drawn there, destroying the portable hole and bag of holding in the process.

If we go by that in this game, it's something Krupps is aware of, and might deliberately make use of as part of some last-ditch emergency trapsetting.

I might want to free up some gold again to have some pre-built traps prepared. Still debating that.


My apologies but I'm going to have to pull out of this one. Wrapping my head around a high-level Pathfinder character is just a bit too much for me at the moment.

Sorry. :(

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