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Hosting Compiled Story Hours

Dr Midnight

nemmerle said:
Instead of having "the Man" recommend our story hours - perhaps we can go back to the idea of a "reviews page" like for d20 products where people can post reviews and ratings if they like.

I think that's a great idea.

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First Post
Why not ? Several people have already inserted a poll in their story hour thread (like Posy's the one and only true Best story hour... she's just too cute), so this show there's a demand for rating !

Lars Frehse

First Post
I am comparitively new with my story hour, but I don't like the idea of a ranking.
After all, everybody who is writing one here is investing a lot of time, work and love into it. Now, if there were ratings, some people would get better ratings then others, and those who wouldn't rank so well would be disappointed.
I know I would be.
The danger with a ranking system like it is suggested here is, that for many, it would feel like a popularity contest. And since there are losers in every contest, that means that there would be losers here, as well.
Now, I know how gratifying writing my own story hour turned out to be for me. I would bet, that for a lot of you who are writing your own, it feels the same way. There is a certain feeling of achievement and you are turning your fleeting joys of the gaming table into something that lasts.
I wouldn't want anybody who is doing this labor of love to be told that he sucks- and a low ranking would say just that much. And for everyone with a low ranking, a small place of happiness would be shattered.

But, I think an election of the top three would be fun. Each reader and writer here would have one vote and could vote for his favorite three story hours and send his vote to Morrus. (Or one of the admins. Whoever would do the job, really.) Then, Morrus would only post the top three, and no one would be hurt, because everybody who doesn't make it to the top could think:"Damn, that must mean I am on spot nr. 4!" :)

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
I agree with Lars. I don't think a ranking would be helpful, and it could even be discouraging. Everyone can see at a glance which are the top stories by their large following and number of views after all! (perhaps the storyhour download page could dynamically display the current number of views for each storyhour :))

Generally though, I'd say no. I remember when these boards first opened in the current format their was a star ranking that could be applied, but it was quickly turned off - too demoralising for those of us that don't get good rankings!


Lars Frehse

First Post
Reminds me off "Sirens of Titan". Is it a part of it? I only remember this "Malachy" religion which forced people to burden themselves so that they are equal.
Listen, I don't want to fight about this. In fact, in general, I am tired of fighting. All I am saying is that a ranking system in here would hurt feelings. Of course, some story hours are better than others, I am not denying this. I am not demanding good writers to write badly.
All I am saying is that if a ranking system is introduced, people will get hurt.
And I don't like people getting hurt.

Wulf Ratbane

Actually, I agree with you; if you scroll back a ways you'll see that.

Your rationale on the matter struck a chord with me, today of all days.

But I have to say, writing is not an exercise for those with fragile egos. The act of writing is deeply personal, sure, but submitting it to outside eyes and facing up to rejection is part of the process. This isn't the forum to put that to the test, I agree, this is a friendly place-- but sooner or later they'll simply have to get over it.


Lars Frehse

First Post
Wulf, you are right, I guess.
Still, since I don't see the point in anyone being disappointed, I think we can well do without a ranking system.

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