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House Millithor in COSQ: part 4

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Initiative Round 3
The Balor’s booming voice roars in Abyssal. Non-undead who don’t speak Abyssal, still understand what he said.

“Kurgoth is the Conqueror of Maerimydra, but I am the Scourge of the Drow! I am the only God you shall have for the rest of your lives!”

Torellan 24(-72): Torellan moves forward and hurls a dagger at the Balor that misses. (5+ bonuses vs. AC 39)
Kilcif 23: After aiming at the Matron, Kilcif moves forward to edge of the chasm and shoots a single arrow at the Balor. This arrow goes through the flames and shadows and blasts its way through the Demon, causing a howl of rage. Arrow hits (17 + bonuses vs. ac 39) and inflicts 29 points of damage. Somehow, Kilcif knows that this arrow had been crafted by the Drow Archmage and it would have destroyed an undead creature.
Quertus 20(-44): Quertus moves to the edge of the chasm, casts Cone of Cold, and the cold begins to freeze around the Balor. SR: 10+18=28, spell affects the Balor. Balor Reflex Save: 8+23=31. Balor takes half of 62 points or 31 -10 resistance = 21 points of damage. Zieggrek reflex save 17 + 13 =30, Z takes half damage or 31 -10 resisatance = 21 points of damage.
Tierak 19(-72): Tierak moves forward and fires her hand crossbow at the Balor and misses (13 + bonuses vs. AC 39).
Narcelia 17:waiting
Balor 17 (-180 hp): The Balor flies up the chasm, fifteen feet past the noble level and casts Fire Storm for 82 points of damage. Everyone is in the area of effect except those in the river, the Balor, Narcelia, and the Earth Elemental. Reflex DC 26. Nobody is protected by SR. Reflex saves:
Torellan 3 +; takes 82-10=72
Kilcif 13 +; Evasion, takes no damage.
Quertus 14+; takes 82-10=72. fort save 5 +
Tierak 8+; takes 82-10=72. fort save 9+
Vampire commoner:11+; gaseous form
Vampire warriors (1-5):9,10,9,14,13; all gaseous form
Vampire wizard warriors:2,13; gaseous form
Leonon, Kiernan: 8,17; Leonon -82 gaseous form; Kiernan -41
Zieggrek:13; 41-10=31 damage
Kripp:9; takes 82-10=72. fort save 18+
Croc:10; takes 82; croc is dead
Bebiliths (1-4): 3,5,11,9 take 82 each. fort saves, 3, 18, 17, 17
Mage: 7; mage dead
Ki'Willis:12; takes 41-10=31
Carcelon:15; takes 41-10 =31
Wraith Morcane: 8; wraith destroyed.

Balor uses quickened telekinesis to hurl burned drow survivors on the edge of the chasm into the river. DC 23 will save for Torellan, Quertus, Kiernan, Carcelon, and Tierak. (Kilcif is too heavy to Telekinsis). SR protects Tierak. Kiernan rolls 8, Carcelon rolls 7, everybody else rolls high. Everybody passes will save except Kiernan Morcane, who is swept into the river.

Kiernan 17: Swimming in the river.
Dariel 15(-61): Dariel swims away from the Shark.
Zieggrek 14(-103 hp): Zieggrek levitates 20' up the chasm.
Kripp 13(-41 hp): Kripp casts Cure Critical Wounds on self (healing 31).
Fiendish huge Shark 13: Opens its mouth wide.
Bebiliths 10(-82 each): The Bebilths attack the Balor in the chasm. Three attempt to bite him, the fourth tries to web him. 13,9,7 for bit attempts, 1 for web attack. The three Bebiliths fail to penetrate his flame and the webbing misses.
Earth Elemental 9: moves into chasm to attack Balor
Ki’Willis 8(-31): Matron casts Cure Serious Wounds on Quertus (healing 28).
Carcelon 7: Carcelon casts Cure Critical Wounds, healing herself fully.

Current Status of Vampire Minions:
Two Vampire Morcanes: Leonon, Kiernan : gaseous, river
One Officer Vampire: gaseous form heading to coffin
Two Wizard-Warrior Vampires: gaseous
Three Thug Vampires: 3 in gaseous form
Five Commoner Vampire Spawn: Two in river, three in gaseous form
Fourteen Warrior Vampires: eleven gaseous form, three in river
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OOC: Sorry, been gone...

OOC: I can see Zieggrek attacking the Balor without waiting for vampiric aid. "Why would Zieggrek wait for such inferior creatures to help? The Matron will be much more pleased if Zieggrek takes care of it himself." ;)

IC: Ziegrek sneers at the Balor's words as it cowardly attempts to leave. He touches his House Insignia to activate levitate to follow.


First Post
Round 3: Quertus follows to the edge of the chasm, and if he can place Cone of Cold so that he doesn't hurt anybody important (or too many nonimportant vamps), he'll cast it at the Balor. If there's too many friendlies in the way, he'll just try to cast Dimensional Anchor again. If the Balor is too far for the spells, he'll activate Fly from his boots.


First Post
Round 3 (round 2 if possible)
The Matron hands a Fly potion to Ziegrek and two fly potions to Tierak, ordering her to feed them to the Bebiliths.
She then, not knowing how close she came to her final death (thanks B S :)), cancels the elementals order to cave in the ceiling, ordering it to repair any fatal damage it may have already done.
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"Blasted demon, running away when the fun is just starting."
I'm not sure how far from Torellan the Balor currently is. If it is within 60ft, he'll just throw it with his standard daggers (the returning ones), if it's much farther that that, he'll move closer and then throw one. If the Balor is within 30ft, he will use Ranged Disarm with his highest attack(s).

Current full attack (thanks to haste)
+1 Dagger (type depending) +24/+24/+19/+14 (d4+10, 17-20/x2)
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First Post
The Matron orders Tierak to retreat just out of range of the battle. "There is nothing you can do to help us now, if you stay you will put yourself at risk needlessly. Do not go so far that the Bebiliths become distracted from their task."
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