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how to hit on girls without being creepy?

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Hida Bukkorosu

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Teflon Billy said:
Heh. Ok mna, if you say so. Though if that is your high-water mark for evil, you should really see more of the world.

I'm not sure why you would place such a high premium on rudeness (or "blunt honesty" as you call it), and I am entirely uncertain why you think the following conversation...

[bq]Me: "Thanks for the evening, I'll call you"

Her: "Ok, bye bye"[/bq]

Is somehow more evil than

[bq]Me: "I don't think I'll be calling"

Her: "why not?"

Me: "You are not as interesting in person as you were described. Also you are fatter"[/bq]

how about something in between those extremes. something that doesn't leave her hanging waiting by the phone for you to call only to be crushed worse when you don't, and doesn't go out of its way to be rude. a simple...

"i don't think we are very compatible" or

"you aren't my type"

Everyone thinks they want blunt honesty, but all that the elimination of the face-saving, feeling sparing white lies that make up a decent portion of what the majority of the folks in the world call Social Interaction does is ensure that people will feel terrible most of the time, instead of some of the time.

there's a difference between a white lie and leading someone on.

So when your Boss asks you if you like his new (and ugly) toupee, do you tell him "you look :):):):)ing ridiculous. Take that thing off" or is your blunt honesty mitigated by financial compensation in the same way that your invioble taste in clothing is?

"i'm sure it looks good to someone. not to me, but that's cause i'm not attracted to men."

I don't think you want help Hida. I'm not sure what you do want, but you have shot down all advice given you here and in that "Are gamers this pathetic" thread.

i haven't shot down everything. i have listened to some of what was said and am going to try those suggestions which fit who i am. probably if i haven't shot something down i'm considering it.

i don't want to change who i am, however, i am striving to find a way to be a more successful form of myself. while still being ME.

honestly all i really wanted to know was how to tell girls i think they're cute and would like to get to know them without offending them...

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Hida Bukkorosu said:
i haven't shot down everything. i have listened to some of what was said and am going to try those suggestions which fit who i am. probably if i haven't shot something down i'm considering it.

i don't want to change who i am, however, i am striving to find a way to be a more successful form of myself. while still being ME.
OK. Which are you taking and which aren't you taking?

I certainly hope you don't define yourself by not-bathing, not-exercising, and wearing smelly clothes.



First Post
Hida Bukkorosu said:
i don't want to change who i am, however, i am striving to find a way to be a more successful form of myself. while still being ME.

STEP 1: Well, then... In 100 words or less, who are you? And why?

Hida Bukkorosu said:
honestly all i really wanted to know was how to tell girls i think they're cute and would like to get to know them without offending them...

Say it with me now, "Hey, you're kind of cute. What's you're name?"
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Hida Bukkorosu

First Post
i've been trying to bathe whenever i leave the apt at this point. even when it's just a taco bell run or the grocery store. that's why i was seriously considering trying to talk to the girl i saw there, cause i had bathed and put deoderant on and everything

exercising is more something i know i should do, but being a low WIS guy, the short-term pain and lack of immediate gratification nature of exercise, tend to combine into me not doing it. it always comes down to "i'll excercise later..." i know that's a problem i need to fix. dieting is something that i know is beyond my ability however. i just don't have the willpower to resist the delicious taste of snacks... nor do i have the willpower to close the bag once i open it until i'm stuffed. however, i have managed to replace drinking 2 liters of pop a day with drinking 2 quarts of kool-aid (made with half the sugar the recipe calls for!) a day.

and i wear clean shirts whenever i go out. and clean underwear and socks too. i reuse pants for a few days though. but i never wear the same pants out that i sleep in.

Hida Bukkorosu

First Post
Pbartender said:
STEP 1: Well, then... In 100 words or less, who are you? And why?

I am... a gamer geek. and proud of it. the greatest joy in the world is to play. whether that's a video game, a board game, an RPG, or whatever. there's nothing like taking on a mental challenge that's safe from real-life consequences for failure. i love the amusement park, i'm just a little boy at heart. i'm a rebel and non-conformist. i don't like being told what to do, or doing something because everyone else does it. i'm an ex-christian who's currently an agnostic. i have a high sex drive and perverted, twisted sense of humor. star wars rules.

that's all i can squeeze in to the 100 word limit.

Writing under my husband's account here. Just wanted to chime in and say, darn guys. Some of y'all are bitter for very little reason.

Point #1: A girl desires confidence just like men do. I get far more attention when self-confident. Just like MEN. Shocking isn't it?

Point #2: Please please please don't take dating so bloody seriously. If they say "I'm not interested" or just interested in friendship, it's not like they killed your soul. You really will live again. The problem is when you've already moved her into your apartment mentally and you haven't even talked to her. Or, we might be interested at first then find out you aren't as interesting (to this particular woman) as she thought. It isn't a tease. It's getting to know someone.

Point #3: Plumage really is important. It isn't shallow, she just doesn't know you! All she has to go on at first is physical.

Point #4: Teflon Billy is wise, from what I've seen. Therefore, hot. How YOU doin?

Point #5: All harshness aside, I married a nice guy. I dated nice guys almost exclusively. Any jerks, when found out, were tossed aside like trash. We really do dig nice guys, just not whiny ones.

Jennifer Younts :)
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First Post
Hida Bukkorosu said:
dieting is something that i know is beyond my ability however. i just don't have the willpower to resist the delicious taste of snacks... nor do i have the willpower to close the bag once i open it until i'm stuffed. however, i have managed to replace drinking 2 liters of pop a day with drinking 2 quarts of kool-aid (made with half the sugar the recipe calls for!) a day.

If you can't resist opening the bags, then don't buy junk food in the first place. It can't be that hard to resist at the store, can it? Maybe if you don't buy any for a couple weeks you'll see how much money you save without the :):):):).


First Post
Hida Bukkorosu said:
I am... a gamer geek. and proud of it. the greatest joy in the world is to play. whether that's a video game, a board game, an RPG, or whatever. there's nothing like taking on a mental challenge that's safe from real-life consequences for failure. i love the amusement park, i'm just a little boy at heart. i'm a rebel and non-conformist. i don't like being told what to do, or doing something because everyone else does it. i'm an ex-christian who's currently an agnostic. i have a high sex drive and perverted, twisted sense of humor. star wars rules.

It amazes me how a lot of the "non-conformists" are so much alike.

Teflon Billy

Hida Bukkorosu said:
how about something in between those extremes. something that doesn't leave her hanging waiting by the phone for you to call only to be crushed worse when you don't, and doesn't go out of its way to be rude. a simple...

"i don't think we are very compatible" or

"you aren't my type"

let me tell you where it goes from there friend. it goes like this...

[bq]Why not?[/bq]

How does your blunt honesty handle the situation now.

Hida said:
"i'm sure it looks good to someone. not to me, but that's cause i'm not attracted to men."

[bq]"I'm not asking you for a date Hida, I'm just asking if you think it looks good on me. So....?"[/bq]

Is blunt honesty (it looks like crap) going to serve you well?

And you still haven't answered if financial compensation wil make you lie in this situation. How about it? Is your blunt honesty for sale?

Hida said:
honestly all i really wanted to know was how to tell girls i think they're cute and would like to get to know them without offending them...

Well certainly you can understadn how post #76 from this thread, where you said....

Hida said:
...i'm not neccessarily looking for a monogamous relationship, i'm looking to get laid by someone i find attractive, and if that can be by someone who i ALSO click with personality-wise, then so much the better...

...might have led me to believe something different.

You're on your own from here out Hida. Good luck to you in your future endeavors.
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