how to hit on girls without being creepy?

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Princess of Florin
Hida Bukkorosu said:
i guess ill go seek professional help then, and let them hook me on meds and expensive therapy sessions for the rest of my life.

Is that sarcasm, Hida? I can't tell.

Anyway, if you really do have Asperger's Syndrome, medication wouldn't be necessary. Also, the counselling sessions wouldn't go on forever. Instead you'd get some coaching on how to read the subtext in conversations and some concrete explanations for how to decode nonverbal signals. I've read that most people with Asperger's can be taught the things that other people learn automatically, and once they have mastered these skills, their lives go much more smoothly.

I wish you well, Hida. There is hope for you, but only if you decide to take charge of your life instead of just letting it happen.:)

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Buttercup said:
Anyway, if you really do have Asperger's Syndrome, medication wouldn't be necessary. Also, the counselling sessions wouldn't go on forever. Instead you'd get some coaching on how to read the subtext in conversations and some concrete explanations for how to decode nonverbal signals. I've read that most people with Asperger's can be taught the things that other people learn automatically, and once they have mastered these skills, their lives go much more smoothly.

This is important, all therapy isn't sitting on the couch talking about your mother. There are a lot of programs in place that help people learn how to deal with life situations, how to recognize their irrational responses, and how to keep them in check while deciding on a rational reaction to life's vicissitudes. *That* kind of therapy is extremely valuable.


First Post
This thread has been going on for almost twenty pages. And while there have been plenty of digressions and pointless advice, most of it has been about one thing. Getting you, Hida Bukkorosu, laid.

Read that again until it sinks in. We want you to succeed. Every time a gamer gets laid, an angel gets its wings. But throughout this thread, you've repeatedly proven that large amounts of groundwork have to be set down before that's anything resembling possible. You seem to want some simplified fantasy world where everything's out in the open and all the things you miss don't really matter, and you seem to be taking a petulant stand against the fact that reality does require all those things in order to succeed. And you've done an excellent job alienating people who have been trying to help for all this time.

Were Buttercup, Teflon Billy, Torm, myself, or any of the other regulars on this thread trained therapists who happened to live in your area, I'm sure someone would have already offered to get together to help point out all the little social cues you miss out on. But none of us are, so we reccomend that you find someone who is a local trained therapist to fit that role. Because frankly, you need more help than this thread alone can provide.

How do you build up any form of relationship without being creepy? Realize that you have a lot of work to do before you're ready to play those games. But at the same time, keep in mind that this is less about changing and more about learning and growth. Will it be a little harsh on your ego now to admit your flaws? Yes. Will it be much more satisfying once you've worked around those flaws? I'd like to think so.


tarchon said:
Well, as a counter-example to the Shower Theory, I should note out that I had a friend in college who spent a couple years in a non-showering hippie phase, and he had hippie chicks jumping on him like you wouldn't believe. Really, I had a couple er... poorly groomed pals who never lacked for company. The neatest neat freak I knew was usually single, but that was more out of his apparent disinterest in women at the time - they definitely came after him, and he does allright nowadays. What did all these guys have in common? Tall. That's most of what it's about.
Get some elevator shoes, man, elevator shoes.
I seen it too! At college, one of my female friends had a housemate we dubbed "Stinky Jeff" who fit the profile perfectly (completely unhygienic & tall). He never lacked for hippie chick attention. One morning, he made pancakes for his gal-o-the-moment and himself. Pancakes were inserted into mouths, then pats of butter and squirts of syrup were added to the consumer's mouth. My friend moved out QUICKLY.

The Shaman

First Post
Humanophile said:
This thread has been going on for almost twenty pages. And while there have been plenty of digressions and pointless advice, most of it has been about one thing. Getting you, Hida Bukkorosu, laid.

Read that again until it sinks in. We want you to succeed.
Yeah, I would've agreed with that sentiment until I read...
Hida Bukkorosu said:
well, pretty much the girls in the 18-22 range tend to be the ones i'm attracted to. not all that into the girls my own age (though some of the younger looking ones my age are still hot.)
...and that pegged out my creepiness meter.

Hida, my advice is to you is stick to internet porn and be sure to get regular treatment for your tennis elbow.

In all seriousness that speaks of a level of immaturity that precludes me from encouraging someone to seek physical intimacy with another person.

Oh, and Humanophile?
Humanophile said:
Every time a gamer gets laid, an angel gets its wings.
That is just puro oro.


Stone Angel

First Post
I was going to post something but I am just going to say @#$@# it and go beat my head into a wall that hopefully has a nail protruding from it.

Hida please do us all a favor post no more replies (but continue to post other places just not this thread) just do whatever you do or don't do don't let anyone help you out and just leave this thread alone.

The Seraph of Earth and Stone

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