Hungry, Hungry Mimics! [SHACKLED CITY]


First Post
Hi all,

In our Shackled City campaign, two of the player characters were killed by the mimic in the malachite fortress before the party could escape. Their comrades have returned to the surface and now plan to rest, re-equip and recruit before making a return trip to finish it off.

Now the question: how long will it take for the mimic to eat the two bodies lying about? I have emailed the players of the two survivors to ask how many days they intend to spend in preparation. The cleric has item creation feats and they just got paid for rescuing the orphans, so I could see it taking a few days before they return. I just wonder if there will be bodies left to rescue...


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Azer Paladin
I'd personally say the first body would be gone within the hour, the second one could either be eaten or disposed by other denizens of the dungeon, or be eaten the following day.

The party is probably too low level to have them raised, but maybe after the next adventure, you could have the half-drow druid arrange for their reincarnation ...


First Post
Archade said:
I'd personally say the first body would be gone within the hour, the second one could either be eaten or disposed by other denizens of the dungeon, or be eaten the following day.

The party is probably too low level to have them raised, but maybe after the next adventure, you could have the half-drow druid arrange for their reincarnation ...

I am using the 3.0 Raise Dead cost of 500 gp for the time being, so it is not out of the question.

Also, one of the bodies is a Gnome. You know what that's like, eat one and you're hungry an hour later. ;)


Wild Gazebo

Can't really help with this one. My DM took some major liberies with this encounter. He made the mimic intelligent and we conversed with it quite regularily. We actually ended up feeding it with all of the badguys we could find. In fact, we found out more information from that mimic than we did from any tavern was one of our favorite encounters. Afterward, we continued to send errant badguys, with false treasue maps, directly to our friend the mimic.


First Post
Wild Gazebo said:
Can't really help with this one. My DM took some major liberies with this encounter. He made the mimic intelligent and we conversed with it quite regularily. We actually ended up feeding it with all of the badguys we could find. In fact, we found out more information from that mimic than we did from any tavern was one of our favorite encounters. Afterward, we continued to send errant badguys, with false treasue maps, directly to our friend the mimic.

Hmm. This is a spoiler if you haven't finished Life's Bazaar:


There are actually TWO mimics in the dungeon. The one who guards the familiar can be negotiated with - heck, my players convinced it to relocate to their headquarters for the promise of better food. (They asked what it's favourite food was, and I decided the answer was "cheese!") The mimic that guards Kazmojen's treasury is much more dedicated to its job, and simply attacks.


Wild Gazebo



Oh, yeah....that's right! My character actually almost died during that encounter. The mimic took the shape of a gong....I got stuck to the entire surface of one side while the rest of the group was pounding on the thing.....gong....gong....gong!!!! lol!!!!

In fact, my character took the brunt of the damage if it wasn't for my damage reduction I would have died twice over. Yeah, that place was was our first big haul of loot.


First Post
Hi all,

In our Shackled City campaign, two of the player characters were killed by the mimic in the malachite fortress before the party could escape. Their comrades have returned to the surface and now plan to rest, re-equip and recruit before making a return trip to finish it off.

Now the question: how long will it take for the mimic to eat the two bodies lying about? I have emailed the players of the two survivors to ask how many days they intend to spend in preparation. The cleric has item creation feats and they just got paid for rescuing the orphans, so I could see it taking a few days before they return. I just wonder if there will be bodies left to rescue...


First things first. Are you a player or the DM?


Sage of the Scarred Lands

I think he's the DM. I could be wrong but I don't think so since he put "spoiler" in front of that part.


First Post
Even a day's worth of digestion would ruin raising possibilities and it is worse for victim of a mimic. A mimic would use it's ability to crush to render it's victims into easy digestible pulp. This way the mimic does not have a human sized lump hindering its mimicking ability. As the party left, the two left behind were being ground into ‘meal’ as it were.

While the spell closes mortal wounds and repairs lethal damage of most kinds, the body of the creature to be raised must be whole. Otherwise, missing parts are still missing when the creature is brought back to life.

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