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I have faiths of Eberron


ask any questions, but I'll preface it with some FAQs.

The WotC preview is up, discussing gods, domains, feats, and the ToC. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060911a&page=1

In general (and I haven't read everything) the book looks fanatastic. Each faith is fully detailed and given lots of breathing room to flow. It also discusses holy days, clerical training, and the last war though each faith's eyes.

Each of the Sovereigns have their own holy symbol, as well as a variant of the Octogram (the symbol of the whole pantheon).

The Dark six get their own pantheon symbol as well, a hexogram.

There are Five Prestige classes: Sovereign Speaker (who gains a domain at each level!), Escalation Mage (Dark Six, a mage who draws upon the Shadow), Argent Fist (Silver Flame, a paladin/monk class), Planar Shepard (a druid of the planes prc) and Thief of Life (Vol, a class who uses SA to steal life from their foes).

They go into greater detail on Sovereign, Dark Six, Druidic Sects (including a small new one, the Nightbringers), Silver Flame and Blood of Vol all one chapter each. The rest of the faiths (and there are new ones) get a large chapter to cover them all.

New faiths? There are the Warforged Mysteries Cults (The Reforged, the Lord of Blades, and the Becoming God), Valenar Ancestor Worship, The Path of Inspiration (clerical inspired), and more on Seren Dragon Worship. The Undying Court, Path of Light, and Dragon Below Cults get treatment here as well.

There are two new domains: Ancestor (Valenar), and Warforged (Warforged Mysteries). Some additional new spells, but not many.

New feats, some new magical items, and psionics round off the list.

I'll entertain specific questions. Ask away.

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Can you tell us a bit of detail about why the elves and dragons went to war (before the destruction of House Vol)?

Also, can you tell us something about what the Order of the Emerald Claw gets out of following orders from Blood of Vol priests? Are they (usually) all Seekers?


The biggest thing I'd love to know is if they discuss in more detail alternate names for the Gods of the Host and the Dark Six. Keith mentioned that different races and cultures might know the gods by different names, or at least that's the Host's take on it (Beltar is the Orcish god of the Hunt, but he's basically another aspect of Balinor, that kind of thing).

This book really interests me, even with my Eberron campaign coming to a close soon.


(Psi)SeveredHead: They don't get into what caused the elf-dragon war, only how Vol's birth ended it in the way they didn't expect. Interestingly, They talk abit about her family (both mom and dad) but nothing about her mark.

Henry: I didn't see anything on alternate names, sadly. Not even on the Vulkoon/Drow thing in the Dark Six part...

EDIT: I found the "orignal" names of some of the Dark Six; the Devourer was once Shurkaan, the Fury was Szorwai, the Keeper was Kol Turrant, and the Mockery was Dol Azur. These were there names when they were part of the larger host. The shadow never had a "real" name and the Traveller has too many to count.
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Wow. Thanks for the preview...

Could you give us some more insight into the Warforged Misteries thing an the Warforged domain please?


Matafuego said:
Wow. Thanks for the preview...

Could you give us some more insight into the Warforged Misteries thing an the Warforged domain please?

Sure: the mysteries are three seperate faiths. The first is the Lord of Blades, whose faith is pretty much described in the ECS (his domains are listed though). The second is the Becoming God, or Godforged. They are building a mortal vessel for their deity and work fevorishy in the Mournlands to complete it. The last is the Reforged, who believe they must transcend their metal shells to become "mortal." The last don't have a domain list, but have a PrC in Races of Eberron.

The warforged domain lets you rebuke constructs and grants a bunch of infusions or construct spells (construct essence, repair light damange, iron constuct, etc). Interestly, Onatar (of the Sovereigns) can grant it too.


Remathilis said:
EDIT: I found the "orignal" names of some of the Dark Six; the Devourer was once Shurkaan...
Why am I getting images of Shere Khan from the Disney Jungle Book? :)


First Post
I picked my copy up from the FLGS yesterday after work (they hadn't unpacked the shipping boxes yet when I got there - I tried to keep my drool off of the floor as much as possible). I'm most of the way through the Dark Six chapter yet. Kudos to Mouseferatu on the amazing job done with the Sovereign Host! This book is *exactly* what I (and the player of the SH cleric in my party) have been waiting for!


First Post
Any info on the Argent Fist? How many levels, what do they get, and stuff...

When the DMG II came out, I saw this picture

which looked a lot like this picture

and I asked if I should feel flattered.

Now, in Faiths of Eberron there's this picture

which reminds me a lot of this picture

Should I feel flattered again? Am I seeing things? :confused: :confused: :confused:

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