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IC: Dichotomy's Age of Worms Redux, Part IV


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[sblock=oc]alright, I perused GitP and found my semi-legal digital copy of the phb. I don't think I can actually use spring since i don't have a move action after standing up (I see it as similar to the surprise round nix that we agreed on before).

So I have a number of ideas, but I think it would just be easiest to see how everyone in front of me resolves before I post my action, por favor.[/sblock]

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As Bazrim stands up, the beast near him lashes him with a stinging tentacle. The dwarf mage fires missiles at the beast on the other side.

Eskard delivers two strong blows. While the second misses, despite what Eskard thought was true aim, the first connects.

The beast near Eskard strikes back with both tentacles and a bite. It only hits once. It then takes a step back.

The beast near Erdolliel hangs back and strikes with both tentacles. The blows hit Erdolliel squarely, and her wounds start to look severe.

Nethezar stands up, and takes a smack for his trouble. He then almost roughly kicks Erdolliel while muttering a prayer. The elf's wounds completely vanish.

Kushnak stands and casts his spell. Unfortunately, Kelanen's sword makes a horrid swing.

The beast near Bazrim closes in so that it can use both tentacles and deliver a bite. One tentacle and the bite tear into the dwarf's flesh.

[sblock=OOC]Bazrim: stands
3: AoO, 7+ hit, 6 damage
Bazrim: MMs 2, 10 damage
Eskard: full attack 1, 14+, miss chance 65, hit, 13 damage, 15+, miss chance 5, miss; dodge against 1
1: full attack S, 19+ hit, 5+ miss, 2+ miss, 8 damage; 5-foot step; same dodge
2: full attacks R, 13+ hit, 8+ hit, 15 damage; same dodge
Nethezar: stands
2: AoO, 15+ hit, 9 damage
Nethezar: CModW R, heals 24 damage (good roll)
Kushnak: concentration check 16+ success; spiritual weapon; stands
Spiritual Weapon: attacks 3, 3+ miss
3: full attacks B, 16+ hit, 2+ miss, 11+ hit, 12 damage; same dodge

Status & Init (rearranged order)
Erdolliel: 0 damage
Bazrim: 22 damage
Eskard: 14 damage, dodge against 1
1: 30 damage; dodge against S
2: 10 damage; dodge against R
Nethezar: 9 damage
Spiritual Weapon:
3: dodge against B[/sblock]


First Post
Eskard lets out a ferocious roar and steps confidently toward the retreating fuzzy thing.

[sblock=oc]Rage, 5' step, Full attack 1(PA 2): +11 / +6 2d6+14 Keep dodge on 1, AC now 17 vs 1, 16 vs 2&3[/sblock]


First Post
Uff!!! Thanks, you little bastard." Erdolliel stands up, steps towards the beast while drawing, and attacks.[sblock=oc]Dodge bonus against 2, THEN stand up. Step 5' N while drawing sword and attack the kitty (+7 1d8 +3)[/sblock]


First Post
Kushnak takes a step back and challenges the beast, "Let's see you do when you have a hard time seeing us!"

[sblock=ooc]5' W. Cast blindness on #3. If it works, move spiritual weapon to #2.[/sblock]


First Post
Bazrim spits blood in the face of his attacker and withdraws from combat.
[sblock=ooc]withdraw 15' west. Next round draw best cure potion I have and drink it. Can't check my sheet right now.[/sblock]


SRD said:
If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you may draw a weapon as a free action combined with a regular move.
From the section dealing with move actions.
My interpretation of the rules is that (absent the quick draw feat) Erdolliel cannot stand, 5-foot step, draw a weapon, and attack. One cannot draw a weapon as part of a 5-foot step. I also take the above text to indicate that one also cannot draw a weapon as part of any move action that is not "move" (which is the first action listed in the "Move Actions" section).

If anyone disagrees, let me know. Otherwise, Ti should post a new action. I want to specifically apologize to Ti. He asked me some rules questions earlier about move actions, and I was not aware this was what he was attempting to do. I probably mislead him.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=oc]dooodeeeeeeeedooooo sorry for the troubles guys

Erdolliel stands up and moves SW, SW, SW, SW drawing her sword while she moves[/sblock]


Erdolliel stands up, with her kind words to Nethezar, and backs away.

Bazrim attempts to carefully extract himself from the melee, however, the wizard failed to calculate the reach of the long tentacles. He gets struck again and looks gravely wounded.

Eskard flies into a mighty rage. Unfortunately, the half-orc is unable to connect with his wild swings.

The beast near Eskard lays into the warrior with tentacles and teeth. The creature tears the half-orc open with well-placed hits.

Seeing its prior prey retreat, but now having fresh blood nearby, the second beast steps forward. Its tentacles lash out at Bazrim, nearly bringing the mage down. It tries to bite Nethezar, and without his armor, the poor attack manages to strike.

"Dammit!" Nethezar growls, frustratedly. He pushes Bazrim while sending healing magic into the dwarf.

Kushnak tries to turn the tide with his spell, but the creature shrugs it off. The sword of Kelanen manages to connect this time, however.

Finally, the last beast moves to threaten the middle of the group. It delivers a blow to Erdolliel, who is once again bleeding.

[sblock=OOC]Erdolliel: stands; moves while drawing
Bazrim: withdraws
3: AoO (has reach), 16+ hit, 7 damage
[sblock=SRD, on Withdraw action]If, during the process of withdrawing, you move out of a threatened square (other than the one you started in), enemies get attacks of opportunity as normal.[/sblock]
Eskard: rage; 5-foot step; full attack 1, 1! miss, 4+ miss; same dodge
1: full attack S, 17+ hit, 20! threat, 18+ confirmed, 15+ hit, 26 damage total; 5-foot step; same dodge
2: 5-foot step; tentacles attack B, 16+ hit, 1! miss, 9 damage; bite attack N, 7+ hit, 7 damage; dodge against N
Nethezar: 5-foot step; concentration check 20+ success; casts CModW on B, 17 damage healed
Kushnak: 5-foot step; blindness on 3, fort save 12+ success
Spiritual Weapon: attacks 3, 9+, 57 miss chance, hit, 4 damage
3: moves; attacks R, 20! threat, 9+ not confirmed, 7 damage; dodge against R

Status & Init
Erdolliel: 7 damage
Bazrim: 21 damage
Eskard: 40 damage, dodge against 1
1: 30 damage; dodge against S
2: 10 damage; dodge against N
Nethezar: 16 damage
Spiritual Weapon:
3: 4 damage; dodge against R[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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