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IC [DW] From the Outside

Isida Kep'Tukari

Peripoptofulavar dances a few steps and claps his hands.

"Peripoptofulavar will take that as a yes," he says, poking his tongue out at Khirynnax. "Excellent!"

"My first gift to you is of wisdom; be careful who you mention the Witching Troll to in this Kingdom. The Queen is of a mood, a dark mood that brooks no intrusion.

"In return, Peripoptofulavar would like something old. Something old and much loved would be perfect!"

"My second gift to you is of discretion; Peripoptofulavar will say nothing of the Witching Troll to anyone. Which for poor Peripoptofulavar the Faun will be hard. Faun's love nothing more than dancing and music and telling stories."

Peripoptofulavar sighs theatrically.

"In return , Peripoptofulavar would like a boon; think kindly of Faun's. We are, at heart, good natured creatures. If no so brave sometimes."

Peripoptofulavar regards each of you with an intent, sombre expression.

"Finally, my third gift is of knowledge. Peripoptofulavar will show you something. It won't take long, and hour out of your way at most.

"In return, Peripoptofulavar asks just that you watch over the little children of the village until the Glowering Night has past, banished by the morning sun.

"How does that sound? Peripoptofulavar is sure that you will find the exchange a good one!"

Hawthorne finds herself smiling at Peripoptofulavar's insolent manner and rather thoughtful gifts. Flighty as the faun seemed, gifts of wisdom were always to be appreciated, even over physical trinkets. She had learned that lesson well in Ushane's service.

"I thank you for your gift of wisdom. Such a thing is valuable indeed. I shall give you an old gift in return, one old and much loved by many. It is a tale I was told by Melathorn, the Great Mother of our Order, and now I tell it to you.

Thucrist was a sylph, or so they say, a creature of the upper air, delighting in flying and cavorting on the breeze. He traveled far and wide, over hill and dale, mountain and plain, forest and sea, never stopping, never resting, always seeing a new thing every dawn. He had no friends, for no one could keep up with him, but felt that wasn't important.

Thalia was an undine, a spirit of the water, a dancer on the waves. She loved to float and fly through the water amongst the fish and dolphins, dart amongst the anemones and kelp, and play hide-and-seek with the sun's rays. None could swim as fast as she.

One day, as Thucrist was flying over the water, he saw Thalia dancing, and she saw him. She danced below and water, and he danced above, and neither had ever been so entranced. Thucrist flew and cavorted, and Thalia matched him, and she dove and twisted, and Thucrist matched her. He flew over the oceans and up the rivers, and Thalia followed him, and she swam down the waterfalls and up across the lakes, and he followed her. And they thought they would want to fly and follow each other forever.

But Thucrist could fly over plains and mountains were Thalia could not go, and she could go to the depths of the lakes and oceans where Thucrist could not follow, and for the first time they both felt sorrow.

Both of them were proud and unwilling to ask for help, but they met at the surface, his hand dipping down into the waves, hers reaching up into the air, and they asked, "Why can't I go into your world? Why can't you go into mine? I want to be with you, beside you, forever."

And though neither knew it, they had felt, not just friendship, but love. They had learned how to love.

Their hands met, their love acknowledged, and suddenly something changed. They now skimmed across the surface of the water, neither of one world or the other, but a part of both. They could dance and fly and soar forever, to the wonder and amazement of all. You can see their children even now, those little creatures who walk upon the surface of the water, defying both air and sea to dance upon both."

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Khirynnax watches Hawthorne as she tells the story of the sylph and the undine. There is a truth within the tale that resonates with him and his typically stern expression softens slightly. He opens his mouth to speak...

"Nicely done, Lady! Nicely done indeed," interrupts Trickle. He nods and is obviously entertained by the tale and just as obviously oblivious, deliberately or not, to any deeper meaning. He turns his attention to the faun and the stream of words continues. "I think you are a right fine fellow and all your fellow fauns fine also. How could it be otherwise when you play such charming music? Now as to the third, I don't speak for all of us but I think an hour and a night is not too long to ask unless it is one of those eternal night deals."

Human Thief (level 1; 0 xp)
Shifty Eyes, Cropped Hair, Fancy Clothes, Lithe Body

STR 9 DEX 16 (+2) CON 12 INT 15 (+1) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 8 (-1)
Max. hp: 18 Current hp: 18

Alignment: Neutral: Avoid detection or infiltrate a location.

Gear: (Load 6/9) – Base Dmg: d8
Dagger (hand, 1 wt.) and Short sword (close, 1 wt.)
Ragged bow (near, 2 wt.) and bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 wt.)
Adventuring gear (1 wt.)
Bloodweed poison (touch, 3 uses): target deals -1d4 damage ongoing until cured

[sblock=Thief Moves]Human: When you spout lore or discern realities about criminal activities take +1

Trap Expert: When you spend a moment to survey a dangerous area, roll+Dex (2d6+2)
10+: hold 3
7-9: hold 1
Spend hold as you walk through area to ask questions:
  • Is there a trap here and if so, what activates it?
  • What does the trap do when activated?
  • What else is hidden here?
Tricks of the Trade: When you pick locks or disable traps, roll+Dex
10+: you do it, no problem
7-9: you do it, but GM offers two options between suspicion, danger, or cost.

Backstab: When you attack a surprised or defenseless enemy with a melee weapon, you can choose to roll your damage or roll+Dex
10+: choose two
7-9: choose one
  • You don’t get into melee with them
  • You deal your damage +1d6
  • You create an advantage, +1 forward to you or an ally acting on it
  • Reduce their armor by 1 until they repair it
Flexible Morals: When someone tries to detect your alignment you can tell them any alignment you like

Poisoner: Bloodweed (touch) is no longer dangerous for you to use. When you have time to gather materials and a safe place to brew you can make three uses of Bloodweed for free.
[/sblock][sblock=Bonds and Backgrounds]
I stole something from Needles.
Slice has my back when something goes wrong.
*** knows incriminating details about me.

After a year and a day of service the Witching Troll will teach Trickle the secret of Witch's Tears.

In the course of his work Trickle came across a poisoner’s tome (no longer in his possession) that described a potent poison called Witch’s Tears. The poisoner learned the formula for the poison (frustratingly not written down in the book) from a powerful unseelie sorcerer, a troll…
Khirynnax Skinchanger, AKA Khir
Elven Druid (level 1; 0 xp)
Wild Eyes, Messy Hair, Practical Leathers

STR 15 (+1) DEX 12 CON 13 (+1) INT 9 WIS 16 (+2) CHA 8 (-1)
Max. hp: 19 Current hp: 19

Alignment: Neutral: Eliminate an unnatural menace.

Gear: (Load 3/7) – Base Dmg: d6
Token of the Mire: the Copper Coil, age-blackened armband in shape of snake
Hide armor (1 armor, 1 wt.)
Staff (close, two-handed, 1 wt.)
Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 wt.)

[sblock=Druid Moves]
Elf: In addition to any other attunements, the Great Forest is always considered your land.

Born of the Soil: Attuned to the Stinking Mire—when shapeshifting you may take the shape of any animal who might live in your land. Your tell (a crown of ivy) remains no matter what shape you take.

By Nature Sustained: You don’t need to eat or drink. If a move tells you to mark off a ration just ignore it.

Spirit Tongue: The grunts, barks, chirps, and calls of the creatures of the wild are as language to you. You can understand any animal native to your land or akin to one whose essence you have studied.

Shapeshifter: When you call upon the spirits to change your shape, roll+WIS.
10+ hold 3
7-9 hold 2
On a miss hold 1 in addition to whatever the GM says.
You may take on the physical form of any species whose essence you have studied or who lives in your land: you and your possessions meld into a perfect copy of the species’ form. You have any innate abilities and weaknesses of the form: claws, wings, gills, breathing water instead of air. You still use your normal stats but some moves may be harder to trigger. The GM will also tell you one or more moves associated with your new form. Spend 1 hold to make that move. Once you are out of hold you return to your natural form. At any time, you may spend all your hold and revert to your natural form.

Studied Essence: When you spend time in contemplation of an animal spirit, you may add its species to those you can assume using shapeshifting.
[sblock=Bonds and Background]
*** smells more like prey than a hunter.
The spirits spoke to me of a great danger that follows Slice.
I have showed Needles a secret rite of the land.
*** has tasted my blood and I theirs. We are bound by it.

After a year and a day of service the Witching Troll will reveal a secret of the fae's primordial essence.

Khirynnax was an outsider, too fey for the humans, too unseelie for the elves. He didn’t care because he sensed a deeper essence, pure and powerful, that he needed to understand. When a halfling told him there was one who could put him on the path that might lead to his understanding Khirynnax didn’t hesitate. He made his way to the Witching Troll and readily accepted the bargain of service that the troll required as payment.


Day Three - Afternoon, Deep in the Forest

Peripoptofulavar claps his hands a dances a little jig.

"Yes! Yes! It is an old story. Peripoptofulavar knows it, but a story about sprites of fire and water.

"Peripoptofulavar cannot take your gift, for stories are meant to be shared, not owned. But he accepts the fine telling of it.

"So shall we go?"

Peripoptofulavar heads out of the clearing on route slightly tangential to the one you were one. You walk for about half an hour, working your way slowly up the side of the valley. Eventually the faun comes to a halt at the top of a low rocky rise.

"There," says Peripoptofulavar in a hushed voice, pointing back down into the valley. "Weirhenge your people call it."

The Weirhenge is a circular group of standing granite stones sitting atop a perfectly round hill that have clearly been in the area since ancient times. They are covered in moss and faint, weather worn pictographs that are barely discernible and impossible to read. The area of the Weirhenge is shrouded in a light mist as if it were early on a winter's morning. Even atop the rise, a mile or so away, there is a chill to the air out of keeping with the season.

"It was worth seeing, yes? Beautiful, but terrible." Peripoptofulavar spits. The air indeed has a metallic tang that sticks in the mouth.

Even as you take in the sight it becomes apparent that Peripoptofulavar is keen to be gone as quickly as possible.

"Now I think we should go. Peripoptofulavar will show you the way back to the world of stone houses, smokey fires and itchy scratchy clothes. If we hurry, you can be there before the nightfall."

He will answer questions, but insists on doing it as you travel. On no account will he be convinced to go any closer to the Weirhenge.

[sblock=Edit Note]I have removed the section taking the party to the edge of the forest and within sight of the village in order to open the option of inserting some random Paladin. Humm ...[/sblock]
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Trickle stares out in the direction of the village. "Is that the village with the children that need watching over?"

"What is this Glowering Night you have spoken of?" asks Khirynnax.

Human Thief (level 1; 0 xp)
Shifty Eyes, Cropped Hair, Fancy Clothes, Lithe Body

STR 9 DEX 16 (+2) CON 12 INT 15 (+1) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 8 (-1)
Max. hp: 18 Current hp: 18

Alignment: Neutral: Avoid detection or infiltrate a location.

Gear: (Load 6/9) – Base Dmg: d8
Dagger (hand, 1 wt.) and Short sword (close, 1 wt.)
Ragged bow (near, 2 wt.) and bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 wt.)
Adventuring gear (1 wt.)
Bloodweed poison (touch, 3 uses): target deals -1d4 damage ongoing until cured

[sblock=Thief Moves]Human: When you spout lore or discern realities about criminal activities take +1

Trap Expert: When you spend a moment to survey a dangerous area, roll+Dex (2d6+2)
10+: hold 3
7-9: hold 1
Spend hold as you walk through area to ask questions:
  • Is there a trap here and if so, what activates it?
  • What does the trap do when activated?
  • What else is hidden here?
Tricks of the Trade: When you pick locks or disable traps, roll+Dex
10+: you do it, no problem
7-9: you do it, but GM offers two options between suspicion, danger, or cost.

Backstab: When you attack a surprised or defenseless enemy with a melee weapon, you can choose to roll your damage or roll+Dex
10+: choose two
7-9: choose one
  • You don’t get into melee with them
  • You deal your damage +1d6
  • You create an advantage, +1 forward to you or an ally acting on it
  • Reduce their armor by 1 until they repair it
Flexible Morals: When someone tries to detect your alignment you can tell them any alignment you like

Poisoner: Bloodweed (touch) is no longer dangerous for you to use. When you have time to gather materials and a safe place to brew you can make three uses of Bloodweed for free.
[/sblock][sblock=Bonds and Backgrounds]
I stole something from Needles.
Slice has my back when something goes wrong.
*** knows incriminating details about me.

After a year and a day of service the Witching Troll will teach Trickle the secret of Witch's Tears.

In the course of his work Trickle came across a poisoner’s tome (no longer in his possession) that described a potent poison called Witch’s Tears. The poisoner learned the formula for the poison (frustratingly not written down in the book) from a powerful unseelie sorcerer, a troll…
Khirynnax Skinchanger, AKA Khir
Elven Druid (level 1; 0 xp)
Wild Eyes, Messy Hair, Practical Leathers

STR 15 (+1) DEX 12 CON 13 (+1) INT 9 WIS 16 (+2) CHA 8 (-1)
Max. hp: 19 Current hp: 19

Alignment: Neutral: Eliminate an unnatural menace.

Gear: (Load 3/7) – Base Dmg: d6
Token of the Mire: the Copper Coil, age-blackened armband in shape of snake
Hide armor (1 armor, 1 wt.)
Staff (close, two-handed, 1 wt.)
Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 wt.)

[sblock=Druid Moves]
Elf: In addition to any other attunements, the Great Forest is always considered your land.

Born of the Soil: Attuned to the Stinking Mire—when shapeshifting you may take the shape of any animal who might live in your land. Your tell (a crown of ivy) remains no matter what shape you take.

By Nature Sustained: You don’t need to eat or drink. If a move tells you to mark off a ration just ignore it.

Spirit Tongue: The grunts, barks, chirps, and calls of the creatures of the wild are as language to you. You can understand any animal native to your land or akin to one whose essence you have studied.

Shapeshifter: When you call upon the spirits to change your shape, roll+WIS.
10+ hold 3
7-9 hold 2
On a miss hold 1 in addition to whatever the GM says.
You may take on the physical form of any species whose essence you have studied or who lives in your land: you and your possessions meld into a perfect copy of the species’ form. You have any innate abilities and weaknesses of the form: claws, wings, gills, breathing water instead of air. You still use your normal stats but some moves may be harder to trigger. The GM will also tell you one or more moves associated with your new form. Spend 1 hold to make that move. Once you are out of hold you return to your natural form. At any time, you may spend all your hold and revert to your natural form.

Studied Essence: When you spend time in contemplation of an animal spirit, you may add its species to those you can assume using shapeshifting.
[sblock=Bonds and Background]
*** smells more like prey than a hunter.
The spirits spoke to me of a great danger that follows Slice.
I have showed Needles a secret rite of the land.
*** has tasted my blood and I theirs. We are bound by it.

After a year and a day of service the Witching Troll will reveal a secret of the fae's primordial essence.

Khirynnax was an outsider, too fey for the humans, too unseelie for the elves. He didn’t care because he sensed a deeper essence, pure and powerful, that he needed to understand. When a halfling told him there was one who could put him on the path that might lead to his understanding Khirynnax didn’t hesitate. He made his way to the Witching Troll and readily accepted the bargain of service that the troll required as payment.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Peripoptofulavar claps his hands a dances a little jig.

"Yes! Yes! It is an old story. Peripoptofulavar knows it, but a story about sprites of fire and water.

"Peripoptofulavar cannot take your gift, for stories are meant to be shared, not owned. But he accepts the fine telling of it.

"'Tis the oldest and best thing I could offer you, as I carry not much in the way of things."

"So shall we go?"

Peripoptofulavar heads out of the clearing on route slightly tangential to the one you were one. You walk for about half an hour, working your way slowly up the side of the valley. Eventually the faun comes to a halt at the top of a low rocky rise.

"There," says Peripoptofulavar in a hushed voice, pointing back down into the valley. "Weirhenge your people call it."

The Weirhenge is a circular group of standing granite stones sitting atop a perfectly round hill that have clearly been in the area since ancient times. They are covered in moss and faint, weather worn pictographs that are barely discernible and impossible to read. The area of the Weirhenge is shrouded in a light mist as if it were early on a winter's morning. Even atop the rise, a mile or so away, there is a chill to the air out of keeping with the season.

"It was worth seeing, yes? Beautiful, but terrible." Peripoptofulavar spits. The air indeed has a metallic tang that sticks in the mouth.

Even as you take in the sight it becomes apparent that Peripoptofulavar is keen to be gone as quickly as possible.

"Now I think we should go. Peripoptofulavar will show you the way back to the world of stone houses, smokey fires and itchy scratchy clothes. If we hurry, you can be there before the nightfall."

He will answer questions, but insists on doing it as you travel. On no account will he be convinced to go any closer to the Weirhenge.

[sblock=OOC]The next part takes you through to the village. Of course, you are not obliged to follow the path laid out. But its there to move things along if it suits.[/sblock]

True to his word, Peripoptofulavar brings you to the edge of the forest as the sun closes with the horizon and the shadows reach their full length. Along the way he points out a number of unusual things; a lightning split tree, a stone shaped like a toad squatting in a stream, etc. Oddly useful should you ever wish to find your way back.

About half a mile south from where you stand at the edge of the forest lies the first of a number of outlying farms. About three miles further lies a village. To the east of the village (to the left from your point of view) there is a small keep atop a hill. To the east of where you stand, the ground becomes more hilly. Smoke rises from somewhere in among the hills about 5 miles away.

It all seems peaceful enough.

"What can we expect here? What things happen on the Glowering Night? What stories are told about it, what songs are sung?"


Day Three - Late Afternoon, at the edge of the Forest

Trickle stares out in the direction of the village. "Is that the village with the children that need watching over?"

"All children are precious and need watching over, Peripoptofulavar thinks."

"What is this Glowering Night you have spoken of?" asks Khirynnax.

Peripoptofulavar looks at Khirynnax oddly for a moment.

"Its the night the Mistress Moon glowers, of course. The silver haired Princess Sorcerer Tika'kii sought to challenge the Night Mistress's magnificence. It is a night of dark passions, sacrifices and old magic. Oh, it did not end well."

"What can we expect here? What things happen on the Glowering Night? What stories are told about it, what songs are sung?"

Peripoptofulavar claps his hands. "Yes! Yes! Songs and stories there are. But the day grows old and the shadows fade. I must go, and so must you. Another time we shall sing and share!"
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Day Three, twilight, deep in the forest

"Follow the stream to the edge of the forest. From there you will be able see the fields of the farms, and smell the smoke from the houses. It is less than a day's travel to find lumpy beds and even more lumpy food!

"Peripoptofulavar wishes you a safe journey!"

And with a leap and a bound Peripoptofulavar disappears back into the forest.
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Day Four, mid morning, in the forest

The next day breaks grey and overcast. The trickle of a stream joins another, and the flowing water guides you unerringly through the forest. After a couple of hours walking you notice a bad smell. It grows stronger. Eventually you come across its source; bloated decaying body of dead horse, clad in broken and rust streaked barding. The ground around is scarred and torn up, although grass and wildflower shoots are already appearing in the furrows and gouges. A splintered lance lies nearby.

Trapped beneath the dead horse is an armour clad figure. Like his mount, his armour is filthy and streaked with rust. His beard and hair are mattered and tangled.

Unlike his mount, he still lives.


First Post
The man stirs at the sound of the group's approach.

The moldering corpse of his armored destrier has him pinned fast and it's all he can do to strain his neck, the chain of his coif pooled beneath his head. At the sight of the three strangers he swings a mailed arm out for a gore-streaked sword that remains several painful inches out of reach. Fingers claw at the soft earth but go still in moments as the man accepts the futility of it.

He's old, at least 60, with grey skin that could be hewn from rock. His face is covered in an equal number of wrinkles and scars and it gives the man a worn appearance. Despite his age, his limbs - or what's visible of them - remain thick and powerful.

He seems to have been here for some time. Most of his equipment is layered with rust and his horse has been dead for two weeks at least. Aside from his sword and shattered lance there is also a wooden shield nearby, emblazoned with the image of a golden chalice and dotted with the marks of parried attacks.

"Who are you?" His voice is like gravel. "And what're you about?" He's in no position to make demands of anyone but he stares hard back at the others. His eyes are clouded like a blind man's, but not milky: They're deepest gold.

[sblock=Tristan Le Pennec][section]
Tristan Le Pennec
Human Paladin
Looks Glowing Eyes, Helmeted, Worn Holy Symbol, Bulky Body
Alignment Lawful: Deny mercy to a criminal or unbeliever

Maximum Health 25 Current Health 25 Armor 3 Base Damage 1d10
STR 16 (+2) CON 15 (+1) DEX 8 (-1) INT 12 (+0) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 9 (+0)

Gear (Load 6/28)
Long Sword (close, +1 damage, 1 weight)
Shield (+1 armor, 1 weight)
Scale Armor (+2 armor, 3 weight)
Medallion of Our Virgin Mother the Lady of Tranquility (0 weight)
Adventuring Gear (1 weight)​

[sblock=Paladin Moves]Human When you pray for guidance, even for a moment, and ask, “What here is evil?” the GM will tell you, honestly.

Lay on Hands When you touch someone, skin to skin, and pray for their well-being, roll+CHA. On a 10+ you heal 1d8 damage or remove one disease. On a 7–9, they are healed, but the damage or disease is transferred to you.

Armored You ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear.

I am the Law When you give an NPC an order based on your divine authority, roll+Cha. On a 7+, they choose one: Do what you say; Back away cautiously, then flee, or; Attack you. On a 10+, you also take +1 forward against them. On a miss, they do as they please and you take -1 forward against them.[/sblock][sblock=Quest and Bonds]Quest
Tristan's quest is to slay the monster, a great blight on the land.
His boons are
Invulnerability to bite damage, and
A freedom from hunger, thirst, and sleep.[/sblock]

Isida Kep'Tukari

Hawthorne, priestess of Ushane

Hawthorne's heart swells with pity when she beholds the old knight and the dead horse. What horrors has he seen, waiting here to die?

"We're not here to hurt you," she says, going down to her knees beside his head. "I'm a priestess of Ushane, my name is Hawthorne. Please, stay still, we'll try to free you. Are you hurting anywhere?" Hawthorne looks him over, trying to see if moving him will hurt him anymore. If she's reasonably sure moving him won't kill him, she turns to her companions. "Khirynnax, Trickle, will you help me? I'll try to pull him out if you can lift the horse just a little." Hawthorn tries to find some leaves to protect her hands from the worst of the dirt, and prepares to pull.

Voidrunner's Codex

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