IC - Mad King's Monkey II


Day Five, early morning, in the Hall of the Gentle Community.

A thought hits Jan suddenly, "Father, if you hear of any news of this haneouse crime, We could use what ever may be heard out there. May hap this can be an exchange between us? Performance for for information?"

"There is no need for an exchange, I would gladly help you if I could. The first I knew of this attack was when you were brought in through the door on a cart. I would gladly help if I could, but I know nothing about any goblins in the city. At first, when I saw the mask, I thought that it was one of the children from the orphanage that had been killed. They are always wearing those things."

He scratches his head. "It does look like one of their masks. I hope that none of the children have been hurt. Perhaps you could visit the orphanage to check on them. It is not far from here. I can have one of the boys show you the way."

Turning to Jan he added "I not be sure these be a maker's mark (Perception: 3 - guess seeing the obvious isn't his strong suit!)." Turning the weapons over in his hand, he studied them again. "It be looking like the goblin be writing his name to me. Be stopping other goblins thieving so much, mebbe. But these be Hessian made, listen," he adds (appraise: 16).

Without warning, he raps the flat of the knife against his steel arm guards, producing a clear ringing sound. "They be good Hessian steel. That goblin steel we be finding in the caves be worthless. It be breaking if you be dropping it. These," he continued, indicating the two darts and the knife, "be the work of men."

Mr Superior nods in agreement. "We'll submit a report to the castle recommending an investigator have a look into it. Give us a couple of days and, if they were made in the city, we will know made them and who they sold them too ."

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"I will try and get my fellows to check the orphanage, but there is still another assassin. They split up s did we. We need to find them. A stolen mask does not bode well. However, lets do this first . . . . ."

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . . . .

A soothing note is hummed and it then turns in to a melody of short duration. His wounds visibly heal before everyone's eyes.

status : 8/16 hp
"Bayar, you are hurt, may I give some healing to you too?"

[sblock=Spells known:]

Cantrips [unlimited]

Dancing Lights
Detect Magic

Level 1 [000]

chord of shards
Cure light
Ear-Piercing Scream
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Isida Kep'Tukari

Ullara Halx, female human druid with dog companion Bran

"I follow lead of you in matters of these. I not talk so good. You talk and I watch for trouble?"

Ullara nods. "Thank you, Thuan," she says. And sighs. They have lost the element of speed, so now they are on a cold trail. What they can no longer make up in fleetness of foot and sharpness of nose they must make up in sweetness of tongue.

Ullara takes a wide swing around the square to come to a portion where no one might have witnessed the little fracas they'd been involved with. Taking to an alley, the way one might hide in a thicket, she turns to her two companions. "While not everyone in the square saw what happened, I think we shouldn't exactly look like we did. That would be an invitation to trouble. If we can disguise ourselves just a little bit, enough to throw off any more spies, then we might be able to ask questions without rousing as much suspicion. Libros, my friend, I would not care for the ignorant to go after you, if they are so frightened of magic. Like how a wolf will roll in deer droppings to disguise his scent, we need to seem other than what they are." She pauses and adds quickly, "Without the dung, naturally."

Ullara takes a moment to comfort Bran, patting and scratching him, telling him what a good hunter he's been, and how well he's done tracking their prey. She feeds him and gives up a good scratch behind the ears, then points at a sheltered corner and tells him to "stay." Bran is too distinctive, but he'll come at her whistle if she needs him. He wouldn't stay there for too terribly long, but as long as he could see her occasionally, he would likely linger.

That done, Ullara rearranges her scarf to cover her hair, and smears a bit of the dirt from their little scuffle on her face. She rearranges her shawl like that of an old grandmother, and then leans heavily on her stick like she's far older than she is. It's not a terrible bit of miming, and she'd amused her mother, who called her an "old soul" by hobbling about like a granny as a child. This wasn't too terribly different.

That done, and after aiding Li Thuan or Libros if needed, Ullara will re-enter the square and try to ask questions about their quarry, framing it as looking for a wayward rascal of a relative who's probably in some sort of "high-spirited mischief." With a canny wink (and hidden wince) she'll part with some gold, if necessary, to loosen tongues.

[sblock=OOC]OOC: Untrained Disguise check: 16
Gather Information: 18[/sblock]


Day five, early morning, somewhere in the city backstreets


After ten minutes talking to the people in the square, Ullara has picked up some information. The man they were chasing is a local. A few of the people in the square recognise him, although they don't know much about him. One man, a young dock worker, knows a little bit more. The man that Ullara is asking about lives in house a couple of blocks away, a few streets behind the docks. The house is near an orphanage at which the young dock worker occasionally helps out. The man Ullara is asking about makes masks for the orphans, as well as sparkers and fireworks for the holidays. Its shouldn't be hard to find, all locals know of the orphanage, and all of the children there know the man who makes the masks.


First Post
As Bayar and Jan were ready to go, Bayar said, "If you be leaving this coat, I be knowing how to avoid all the touts. You be walking, I be staying behind on your shoulder. Be trusting me, no tout be coming to our side of the road."


Jan and Bayar, early morning, in the city

As Bayar and Jan were ready to go, ...

Bayar and Jan head back the way they came. You find no trace of the wand, although the location of the attack is easy enough to find give the blood still staining the dirt road.

You have more luck with finding food, several stalls have set up in the small junction next to where the attack occured.

[sblock=OOC]Welcome back Axel. I hope that you had a good time.

I wasn't quite sure if you were heading to the orphanage or back to the the scene of the fight to look for food and the wand. I guessed the former, but if the latter I'll edit to reflect.[/sblock]
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First Post
The latter was Bayar's intent. Orphanage would be there next week. Instead we have a missing wand and an empty stomach.

Holiday was good. Returning to work was :):):):). The phrase "you couldn't pay me to do that" sometimes runs around my head.
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Isida Kep'Tukari

Ullara Halx, female human druid with dog companion Bran


After ten minutes talking to the people in the square, Ullara has picked up some information. The man they were chasing is a local. A few of the people in the square recognise him, although they don't know much about him. One man, a young dock worker, knows a little bit more. The man that Ullara is asking about lives in house a couple of blocks away, a few streets behind the docks. The house is near an orphanage at which the young dock worker occasionally helps out. The man Ullara is asking about makes masks for the orphans, as well as sparkers and fireworks for the holidays. Its shouldn't be hard to find, all locals know of the orphanage, and all of the children there know the man who makes the masks.

Grateful to have a solid lead, Ullara returns to get Bran, praises him for waiting, and buys him a treat as well as something for herself. She had woken early, fought off a swarm of rats, aided a dangerously ill boy, then spent hours running across the city. She gets food and drink as she heads for the orphanage, and hopes Libros and Thuan are ready as well.

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