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Pathfinder 1E [IC] Pathfinder: Iron Gods


Guest 11456

"You said Bazlundi Otterbie and Joram are working to get rid of Torch's waste disposal system. If they aren't done soon, and we have to use Joram's spell to cross the flooded cavern, how are we supposed to get back out? Is the flooding getting worse every day or has it stopped?"

"The caves are not flooded as far as I know. There’s an underwater passage connecting the caves to Weeping Pond. Khonnir noticed a large number of human footprints on the pond’s banks—he was there the day the fires went out, eight days ago, testing the water to ensure it hadn’t suddenly grown more toxic—and he realized that a sizable group of people had entered the pond but had not emerged."

"Oh, yeah...and is the Council offering teams supplies? Rope, torches, rations, and the like? I'm not sure Val's still at the Foundry. I heard she's gone missing."

"Once you’re on the job, I’ll give each of you a writ that you can show to any of the merchants in town for a flat 20% discount on any gear you need to purchase—I wish I could offer a greater discount than that, but that’s the best I can do."

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"Personally, I would not have expected a discount of any kind," comments Olrich. "We are essentially playing the role of bounty hunters in this, after all. While we are at it though we might consider over-provisioning. If anyone from the previous expeditions is still alive they might require clean food and water. On the other hand, there might be supplies to be salvaged from fallen explorers. But that is not the scenario we should be counting on, of course."



Vandor had kept quiet, listening to everyone's questions and answers. Rescuing the councilor was important and seemed to be the 1st priority along with the rescue of any other survivors. Providing, of course, they were not members of the League.

"A sensible suggestion Olrich. We should also ensure we have enough medical suppliess. While there are some of us capable of healing injuries, our abilities are limited."


Hailey Navare


Hailey nodded appreciably at the offer for reduced prices of gear. But she was not carrying enough gold to buy spell scrolls. She could afford some more rations, though.

“Yeah, some extra rations would be a good idea. But I do not have any gold for healing supplies, even with the 20 percent discount.”

“If we cannot get scrolls or potions to be able to come back through the late, we have to be quick in our own expedition or we’ll be trapped too. Either that or we find another way out.”

There did not appear to be more to discuss so Hailey got to her feet.

“Let’s go find Baine’s daughter and see if she is around to answer questions. We can get some supplies along the way, then meet the wizard for the spell to let us breath underwater.”

[sblock=Mini-stats]Hailey Navarre
Init +6, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14 (Chain shirt) , CMD 16
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3
HP 12; Current: 12
Conditions in effect: Rapid Reload, Point Blank Shot
Grit: 3
Deeds: Gunslinger Dodge, Quick Clear, Up Close & Deadly

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]


Guest 11456

Seeing Hailey stand the old dwarven woman starts to stand as well. "If that is all the questions then I can get those writs for you." She looks around the room at the others.



Vandor waited for the discount voucher. He didn't really need it since he was already equipped with what he needed for this short journey. Nonetheless, he would accept it. When they returned, they might have a greater understanding of what they will need to solve the mystery and defeat whatever evil they may encounter.

"An alternate entrance and exit is very likely. We may not be able to locate it though."


Guest 11456

Hearing no further questions the old dwarf excuses herself for a few minutes and then returns. She gives each of you a writ with the following statement: 'Please give this person the standard council discount.' It is signed: 'Dolga Freddert', bears a stylized seal and is dated today. It has also been placed into a sealed transparent plastic cover (laminated). "These will get you the standard 20% council discount. They are good for the next week." She then bids you well and returns to her office.

Where do you wish to go next? Current locations of interest are:

2. General Store (where you can get normal supplies)
5. The Copper Coin (where you started the adventure)
9. Weeping Pond (where you enter the caves)
10. Crowfeather Palace (one of the two locations that Joram Kyte may be)
12. Foundry Tavern (where Val should be)
13. Tempting Tonics (where you can get alchemical supplies and potions)
15. Town Hall (your current location)
17. Temple of Brigh (one of the two locations that Joram Kyte may be)
21. Torch Guildhouse (where you can get weapons and armor)


Hailey Navare


Hailey pocketed the writ, for all the good it would do her for now. She touched the brim of her hat with her trigger finger in farewell to the Councilwoman and left the Town Hall.

Outside she looked at her companions. “To the Foundry, then?”

She had no spare coins for shopping; the writ was not going to be worth anything yet. At least it would last for a week and she could take advantage of the discount later.

[sblock=Mini-stats]Hailey Navarre
Init +6, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14 (Chain shirt) , CMD 16
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3
HP 12; Current: 12
Conditions in effect: Rapid Reload, Point Blank Shot
Grit: 3
Deeds: Gunslinger Dodge, Quick Clear, Up Close & Deadly

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]


First Post
Aja Reinfall, human female
[sblock=MiniStats][SIZE=+1]Aja Reinfall[/SIZE] Human Cleric 1
Initiative: +3 Perception: +5

AC: 15 (13 touch; 12 flat-footed)
HP: 10 Current: 10
CMB: +2 CMD: 15 Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will: +6

In Hand: Bread and Cheese
Conditions: None

Diplomacy +6, Handle Animal +7, K(Religion) +4, Perception +5, Ride +4

Morningstar: Attack: +2 [0 BAB, +2 Str], Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: x2, Type: P/B
Longspear: Attack: +2 [0 BAB, +2 Str], Damage: 1d8+3, Crit: x3, Type: P
Sling: Attack: +3 [0 BAB, +3 Dex], Damage: 1d4+2, Crit: x2, Type: B, Range: 50

Channel: (5/5) 1d6 DC12

Spells Prepared:

  • 0 - Create Water, Detect Magic, Light
  • 1 - (D)Protection from Evil, Bless, Divine Favor
Aja considers the group's options. Despite the many words spoken, the cleric failed to gain much information from the exchange, beyond recognizing the various indirect supports being offered for the expedition.

The servant of Erastil stands with the group, offers the councilman a slight nod as sign of leave, and follows Hailey outside. "The Foundry is as good a choice as any. I would like to make way to the cave by the Weeping Pond soon, though, for an exploratory look. It may help us better understand what all we need to prepare ourselves with." The cleric stretches, and takes a deep breath to regather her thoughts after the scatter-shot discussion that just took place.

Voidrunner's Codex

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