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[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness


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As the rest had left the room and this Gand approached the now darkened sphere with his/her toolkit. S/he only had a few minutes when s/he felt the ground shifting underfoot and a great deal of shaking started deep in the earth. Dust fell from the ceiling and s/he could feel stones moving somewhere off back in the great chamber...

GM: This Gand get a few minutes but it appears the Star Chamber is sealing and if s/he does not leave quick s/he will be trapped under tons of rock. The Kwa wanted the secrets of the Infinity Gate to die with them

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
It glances back that way, then returns to its task with a humorous buzz.

This - here - is why it came. This here is why the expendables travelled away from Gand (although the details escaped them at the time).

This - here - is something the janwuine might want.

OOC: A roll of some kind?


[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

Jihahna stands to head back with the others. She feels numb, confused at her sudden pang of compassion, but stays back when she notices the Gand hasn't moved.

She waits silently, taking her own notes to assist this Gand, but already she can see what is happening. She waits patiently, for the moment to speak...

As the shaking begins, she whispers; "Gand. It's time to go. No communications could ever leave here if you- If WE get sealed in. Maybe the star charts from before will reveal new untouched ruins to explore elsewhere?"

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
A pause, slight tilt of the head without turning around. Hum-whirr "Possibilities," he easily agrees, once more prying some sort of stony, triangular panel out of the Sphere's base in earnest. Bumping up her volume to cover the rumbling noise: jumble drone clicketty mumble drone "Certainty here though, Jihahna Darut." jumble drone mumble clacketty hum whirr click "Would Jihahna Darut like to take the other side?"

With both of them helping, the thing tips over with resounding *cathunk*, revealing...

[sblock=Actions]Reading... or a sample?: 1D20+7 = [10]+7 = 17. Included +2 Battle meditation on either Galactic Lore (identifying an artifact worthy of study) or Computer Use (interfacing with the thing in some way).

Here it is with advantage ij Jiahana is helping: Reading... or a sample?: 1D20+7 = [10]+7 = 17. Remarkably similar :)[/sblock]


"Okay, this is it Gand, then we have to go! Please!"

She follows this Gands instructions in its attempts to gain its final reading. Sweat appearing on her brow in concentration.

"If they give you a name after this, do they have a suggestions box? Along with tough and kind, I'm thinking it needs to include just a little bit of crazy...

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This Gand picks up a few tantalizing bits of data as the Infinity Gate's AI (or spirits or whatever form of technology the Kwa used in those ancient days) shuts down. S/he can't really tell how much or how good right this moment but it did appear to be a few maga-pulses worth... it will take time to shift through it though. Time that the pair does not have...


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Kacela turns around and realizes there's stragglers.

"Hurry!" she calls in after them. "Once this door closes, I don't think we can open it again!"

She eyes the aperture...trying to determine if she has a chance in the Force of being able to slow its progress enough to give her friends a chance to escape.

(can Move Object slow this thing?)


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GM: It is several thousand tons of rock, closing/merging all the way down the stairs themselves. So it is doubtful you could even slow it a little


Jihahna gently places a hand on this Gands shoulder. "Gand, it's time to go. You have a treasure for your people, now bring it home."

With that, she attempts to hold its hand and run back to the exit as swiftly as possible, not wanting it to slow down, she will try to make sure it moves at its maximum speed.

Attempting to head back with this Gand with Jihahna's movement and action each round. Not trying to force this Gand to follow, but just want it not to dawdle if it is now willing.

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
drone "Crumbs," swears the synthetic voice without the emotion suffusing the drone-clicking coming from her silver disk. hum clicketty "Dust from the hem of godly robes." She attempts to *shovel* whatever resides within the hollow space into her sparking datapad and into herself!

Desperate measures: 1D20+7 = [18]+7 = 25

With that, she attempts to hold its hand and run back to the exit as swiftly as possible, not wanting it to slow down, she will try to make sure it moves at its maximum speed.
The gand attempts to shrugs her off.

[sblock=Actions] Opposed Str test with Jihahna (Giving the gand a -2 for Jihahna's earlier arguments (and maybe a bit of a desire to live after all)?): Tug Of Life: 1D20-2 = [18]-2 = 16 Ack!

(of all the times to roll high...)[/sblock]

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