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Near Maran
Round 0

Morgrym stopped as his vision shifted and he was joined by a comely dwarven lass in the more formal accoutrements of a druid. He stared at her in surprise. “Aegwynn, lass!” he gaped. “The dead risin’? Wot d’ye mean? Where are ye, lass?” He reached out to his sister.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

HP: 59/59 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)
CMD: 16 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 8 Ref: 2 Will: 8 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA; +4 v fey and plant effects)
Armed: MW Cold Iron Battleaxe
Ammunition: 9/10 bullets
Storm Burst 6/7/day
Wild Shape 1/1/day


Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1: Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Faerie Fire*, [Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)]
2: Fog Cloud (Domain), Barkskin*, Flaming Sphere*, [Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)]
3: Call Lightning (Domain), Cure Moderate Wounds, Protection from Energy, [Summon Nature’s Ally III (Spontaneous)]

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an orc child seating beneath her. The child holds the promise for the stronger tribe he envisoned, one that his wildest dreams couldn't have conceived, and the horns upon the child's head were living proof of her legacy.

OOC: Just one clarification...does Klutha have horns? Did I miss something in her description? Or she is 'of the blood' as Mhuagra calls it and these are draconic horns. Do I KNOW it is Klutha and Hagadarks child?

Archon Basileus

First Post

Morgrym stopped as his vision shifted and he was joined by a comely dwarven lass in the more formal accoutrements of a druid. He stared at her in surprise. “Aegwynn, lass!” he gaped. “The dead risin’? Wot d’ye mean? Where are ye, lass?” He reached out to his sister.

"I mean you! Are ya daft? Unless..." - she approaches Morgrym, reaching out for him with her stubby hand. "By the dusty beard of Melidar! Y'are alive!" - her mosty eyes let copious tears down, drawing trail around her desert white-powdered face. She pulls Morgrym towards her, embracing him in an awkward manner, before looking directly at him. "I... Where have ya been? I thought I'd never see ye again! Gozreh's mercy to us, Morgrym, and no scars at all!" - she inspects her brother, top to bottom, an uncontained happiness pervading her.

Behind them, the priestess begins to rally the others. In the distance, the captain of the dwarven cohort watches closely as Hagadark and Klutha stroll towards the priestess, trying to hear her whispered words. And as he looks at them, his memories become shuffled. He never took the sheep down the slopes, now, did he? He wouldn't trust Adir's boy, he remembers. He stayed behind, decided to trade with Odalur's tavern for his needs. But who was Odalur again? And then the mountains exploded, and that dreadful line of fiery creatures descended. At first they thought there was a sorcerer behind it... But reality was far worse... It was a gateway to the elemental plane of fire, as so many legends mentioned! And he... Gods, no! He died trying to shut it, facing the monstrosity that took up residence at the heart of the mountain! But it can't be!

Morgrym feels the calcinating sensation that overtook his body as he faced the creature, not too long ago. In fact, he doubted that his sister would have taken notice... But she was there! They lived together! The winds took them both, and both of them became priests of Gozreh for that!

Memories of two distinct lives begin to clash within Morgrym's mind. The more he reminds the life he now faces, the less he attains of the other one. This game is getting dangerous...

"Praise Gozreh fer such a blessing... Now, I take it ya know 'bout the Tideruler, if ya'ave com'ere, don't ye?" - she grabs him by the shoulders, anxiously.


The shaman's mind sharpens, and the vision becomes clearer. Memories of the desert begin to fade away as he studies his surroundings. Klutha is still herself, but a pair of black-razored horns sprout from her head. He remembers Tugg-Mhuagra's words, and as soon as her whispers fill his mind, the spirits appear before his eyes, in the distance. Spirits, indeed. They returned, all of them, beautiful, brutal, horrid forms floating around the room as the cries of the tribesmen conquer the halls. Behind, in the dark, Mhuagra, Mother of Mysteries, smiles, now dressed in her eyeless face and speaking clearly through her sewn mouth. "Shaman, shaman, did you get what you wanted, or have your wants gotten you first?"

He can see now, he remembers. He is the thaumaturgist king, the only one able to speak to the spirits. The very first in millenia. Treasures fill the room, covering the sides of the piramid, the prize of plunder and tribute. He turns to the side, to a golden shield that leans on a column, right by his side. His reflection does not lie: he is older, his bearded, marked face shows the results of many wars, and the concern for many more to come. In his head, a crown of - Are those horns or teeth? - rests over a pair of razor-sharp horns, not unlike Klutha's. Dragon horns. And the child at their feet, their child, would rule after them, if strong enough.

He promised Mhuagra, and he did it. Only he did it through his alchemy, he remembered now. He made them so they might claim the Tideruler!But... How? He might be able to remember, but the effort seems to demand something in return...

Klutha looks at him, concerned. "My king?" - she corrects herself, thinking Hagadark's distance might be an answer to her demonstration of intimacy.

Suddenly, he overhears Mhuagra over his shoulders. "Tempting, isn't it? But who's to say this is not an illusion?" - she moves even closer, touching him on the shoulder. "I know your secret, Hagadark the shaman. You are spying from beyond this world... Get what you need. But be careful. The more you want these illusions, the more they might want you..." - she laughs in a low tone, leaving Hagadark to deal with Klutha.

[In-game answer! Everything you want to know might be answered... But what would the cost be? :)]

@Neurotic @Shayuri @KahlessNestor @MetaVoid
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First Post
Shayuri smiled wryly at the statue, and spoke aloud to it, forgetting for the moment that it was communicating with her mind directly.

"I haven't MUCH of an advantage in that respect. I've only just met them myself. That's Marius behind me. He'll be cutting my head off or knocking me out or something if you try to possess me by the way so...food for thought there. Back further is Morgrym...he went off into some caves or something. Dwarf. Very...ah...dwarfy. Hagadark's hobnobbing with that...whatever it is he spends time with. They're on an expedition to find the Tideruler, like myself."

"But you've told me that you were made to recognize and remember offspring...and we will be getting back to that point soon...but I don't quite understand why. Once you find one, then what? Are you simply a long-lived magical paternity test? What comes next for you and I?"

Archon Basileus

First Post

"Every time, that same solitary question... 'What happens next?' Well, I assume there's no need to endeavour towards any other topics for the moment. Although you should know the answer by now." - her answers sound more like private musings caught by a mind-reader.

"Of all people, you are the one that wants the most to know about your ancestors, are you not? Come on, Shayuri, you know how the game goes. I'm a living archive, the last memory of a lost world. I can give you everything you want, and so much more..." - there's something about the way she says Shayuri's name, as the mocking tone of a doubtful, accusing mind. Does she think Shayuri is lying about her identity?

"And then there's this quest your friends are invoved with... The 'Tideruler'... Precious, really. I might be able to give you insight on this one as well. But I'll be stingy with my observations, if you don't mind. As I said, only the necessary. For your sake and mine. I don't possess people willingly, trust me... But questions can become a dangerous game, if they are too many, too often."

"That being said, make up yout mind, move on or... Ask away..." - a thin, childish laugh permeates Shayuri's mind.
[MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] [MENTION=6801311]KahlessNestor[/MENTION] [MENTION=87106]MetaVoid[/MENTION]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
The old man keeps his pace, building focus and patience, until he rises his eyes, slowly. His gaze meets Marius', his eyes bearing familiar, unusual colors hidden among shadows. Suddenly, Marius realizes he glances at himself, as much as the old man glances at him. His older version seems surprised by the vision, as if he was suddenly touched by a greater truth. He smiles a faint smile, calculating words for a second or two, perhaps a bit confused, perhaps a bit happy.

"What would I say to my younger self, should I have the chance?" - he asks, as if expecting an answer from Marius.

OOC: taking the page out of MetaVoids book so it's clear what I'm answering to.

Marius bows to the old master
"My old master always said that wisdom cannot be given, it needs to be lived, earned. Thus, I will be thankful for any bit of your vast knowledge and meaning will be for me to understand."


Near Maran
Round 0

Morgrym shook his head, the jumble of different memories confusing. “O’ course I’m daft,” he muttered. “Never was the smartest dwarf in class,” he reminded Aegwynn. He couldn’t help hugging his sister tightly. But was this his sister? He was so confused by the memories of another life.

“An’ aye, I’m alive. Fer noo.” Despite the white desert dust covering her, he could still faintly smell the scent she liked to wear. He wished for the first time in a long time he wasn’t so...pungent. “An’ wot d’ye know aboot the Tideruler? Wot yeh want wi’ tha’ evil artifact?”

This had to be a dream or something!

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

HP: 59/59 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)
CMD: 16 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 8 Ref: 2 Will: 8 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA; +4 v fey and plant effects)
Armed: MW Cold Iron Battleaxe
Ammunition: 9/10 bullets
Storm Burst 6/7/day
Wild Shape 1/1/day


Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1: Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Faerie Fire*, [Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)]
2: Fog Cloud (Domain), Barkskin*, Flaming Sphere*, [Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)]
3: Call Lightning (Domain), Cure Moderate Wounds, Protection from Energy, [Summon Nature’s Ally III (Spontaneous)][/sblock]

Archon Basileus

First Post

"My old master always said that wisdom cannot be given, it needs to be lived, earned. Thus, I will be thankful for any bit of your vast knowledge and meaning will be for me to understand."

"Flattering, Marius, but you only flatter yourself, thinking you'll turn wiser as time goes by. We get more foolish as the years go by, and we learn to understand this world. For, in fact, the life we know is only an illusion, meant to feed our own desires." - his gaze goes far, filled with memories of sadness. Suddenly, his eyes turn back to Marius, glancing into his own, exhausted, austere, distant. But a gleam of hope seems to surface within them as he chooses his words, gathering all his strength to bring them out. "this is your bit, young monk, young me, this is our bit: help them, find the Tideruler... And destroy it." - his face twists in an unnatural grimace of pain and disgust. "And if you doubt me..." - anguished, he looks over his shoulder - "...find the dragon, the Golden Dragon of legend, and ask him yourself... You know where he is... You always knew..." - he waves Marius away. "Now, go, apparition, go and disturb me no more!" - and as suddenly as Marius came to the garden, he returns, opening his eyes to the dark desert in front of him, as well as to Shayuri's slim shape.


“An’ aye, I’m alive. Fer noo.” Despite the white desert dust covering her, he could still faintly smell the scent she liked to wear. He wished for the first time in a long time he wasn’t so...pungent. “An’ wot d’ye know aboot the Tideruler? Wot yeh want wi’ tha’ evil artifact?”

"Evil?? No, nonono, Morgrym! It'll save us all! After ye... left... The mountainside was taken by those... Things! We sought Maran fer'elp! They aided us, but, now we 'ave serpents crawling out'a every hole from 'ere to Kaldar!" - she waves around, pointing at the priestess and a far more glorious line of Braves, led by... Grontar himself! He stands by the side of the captain, now, flags around and heads of wyverns surrounding the area, as trophies! - "We're all finally together! Kaladrian, maranan, odrosan, mekatorian... We're finally together 'gainst the Old Country! Tideruler will break the blockade and we'll be free!" - her enthusiasm dies out as she glances Morgrym's visage, trying to understand why is he so concerned.

"Morgrym.... Why would'ye call it evil? What 'ave you heard?" - she begins to consider that Morgrym's unnatural presence serves a hidden purpose, perhaps telling her the truth about the Tideruler.

@Neurotic @KahlessNestor @MetaVoid @Shayuri

He promised Mhuagra, and he did it. Only he did it through his alchemy, he remembered now. He made them so they might claim the Tideruler!But... How? He might be able to remember, but the effort seems to demand something in return...

Klutha looks at him, concerned. "My king?" - she corrects herself, thinking Hagadark's distance might be an answer to her demonstration of intimacy.

Suddenly, he overhears Mhuagra over his shoulders. "Tempting, isn't it? But who's to say this is not an illusion?" - she moves even closer, touching him on the shoulder. "I know your secret, Hagadark the shaman. You are spying from beyond this world... Get what you need. But be careful. The more you want these illusions, the more they might want you..." - she laughs in a low tone, leaving Hagadark to deal with Klutha.

"I...Klutha...I did pierce the veil...but I'm at a loss how to answer its call. What would you say to yourself at the time when we took those prisoners and fought the wyvern for the first time? Blood formula that got us here, that's the secret...but are we really getting what we wanted at that time? Where is the sky above us? My love, what is the price of the world? How did it go, the formula?"

The King that is Hagadark lets the vision fade without giving anything to his younger self. Hagadark the Shaman, already indebted to Mhuagra doesn't fight the fading, he already sacrificed people to the dark spirit. And it is always demanding more. And more. And The Book will certainly ask for more. He doesn't like the cave, even grandiose one as his throne room. Nor does he ike being a puppet of the spirits. Being the king without freedom is not being a king. He will go his way and choose the battles carefully.

"The tribes can rise without conquering everything and everyone! At least I still hope so." he thinks a touch sadly, knowing in his heart that pure orc will never be tamed.


First Post
Shayuri frowned slightly, recognizing the implicit threat or warning in the artifact's words.

"Two questions only then, for now," she said. "First, what do you mean when you say 'every time?' You've implied several times now that this situation is familiar to you. Why?"

"Second, can you tell me where to find the Tideruler, and what protections bar our path to it? I'm more interested in the lore of it, but lets focus on the practical side of things for the moment."

Voidrunner's Codex

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