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[IC] Valusia PbP


Dragon Lord
Thom Joffson...

"Sounds like as good a plan as any. Best we can do given the circumstances. I don't remember hearing when we're supposed to head back and report to Lord Crayke, or how we're supposed to alert the rest of Argos if some raiding party comes through the swamp." Thom looks around at the faces of the others, "Lellard tell anyone else how long were going to be out here or how we let the rest of Argos know if we spot a raiding party?"

Knowing Destan and his love of the gritty, we're probably going to try to wake Lellard up and find that he is dead...LOL.
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First Post

Geron nods as he hears words that ring true to him, however he cautions, "Make no mistake, I would make clear, there is no question that our most important task is not to fight the invaders, but rather to provide warning to our brothers-in-arms back in Argos. The likes of us may not be worth much, but our lives will be forfeit and our sacrifice will be for nought if we make any stand. Ambush and trap could go hand-in-hand to hopefully slow the enemy enough to give at least one of us a chance to give word to Argos of imminent attack."

Geron offers Thom a reply, "The lout dinna' say how long we'd be out here. As for how we are to alert Argos of an attack ... we run like the Devil is after us, we run fer our lives. Remember, the Fen is our friend and our enemy's enemy. They must use greater caution and ambushes and traps will only keep'em cautious and ... hopefully slow'em sufficiently."

Destan, I'm confused by the Morningstar map with Argos. On it, it shows the Fens south of Argos, yet from your description, we headed east. Are we to take that map with a grain of salt?


"I don't think he knows," replies Dahlmut disdainfully, "but I know one way to find out." Dahlmut squats down over Lellard and starts tapping the man on the face, lightly at first, but with increasing severity. "Hey, General, why don't you stop you snorin' and tell us what we're supposed to be doing here? It's the least you could do, besides sharing that last drop of spirits."

OOC: Celtavian don't give the man any ideas! :)


Citizen of Val Hor
Destan, I'm confused by the Morningstar map with Argos. On it, it shows the Fens south of Argos, yet from your description, we headed east. Are we to take that map with a grain of salt?

No - the map is correct. I'm the screw-up. Everywhere I said "east" please read "south" or, perhaps, "southeast."

I don't want to get deep into the mechanics, but each of the square grids on the map represent 30 miles to a side. A man on a horse could cover one square, given decent terrain, in one day. To cover the same distance in the swamp while toting Lellard around, we're looking at about 3X the amount of time. So, in the five days since you left Argos, you've gone about one and one half squares. Confusing? Good. I don't want you guys to really "plot" your course, since your characters don't picture a top-down view of the swamp. They simply know where they are.

Ok, you guys actually believe you're not in a terrible position, as it stands, to watch the southern approach to Argos. The river depicted on the map - the one just to the east of your position - is a brackish, stagnant waterway. Anyone wishing to cross would have to bring their own boats, or be good swimmers, or both. You doubt any sizeable force would attempt such a crossing, regardless.

To the south rise the Mud Mounds. That's certainly terrain more given to large troop movements. It's not too much of a stretch to think Rhelmsmen might dodge the horrors of the fens by sticking to the Mudders (as they are called in Argos).

There's another option for any would-be invaders - skirting north of the Mudders and yet south of where the stagnant river begins its northerly course. That narrow stretch of semi-dry ground happens to be where you now find yourselves, incredulous as it sounds.

Edit: Fellas, I've tried about twelve times to attach a simple pic showing your route - but no luck.
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jakobi duskraven

jakobi spits disgustedly as mut's attempts to rouse the drunken man-at-arms do little more than elicit a groan as lellard rolls over onto his side. "i've heard it said there's more than one way to skin a swamp otter," he mutters as he begins to rummage through lellard's packs [search +6].

as thom and gareth begin to protest, he explains, "mayhaps he has some written directives ... or charts or the like ... outlining our orders in the event of his death. it's best to cover all bases since this lout is worse than useless.

in any event, i agree that whether we're to hold off a party of raiders or merely slow 'em as we report back to argos, our situation is improved by being prepared."

[OCC]berova, truth be told jakobi's never given it any true consideration as to which name he prefers. he's had few enough friends, so the issue of an intimate nickname is new for him. the closest he's had is the scornful "duskraven" which he treats pretty much as a surname. so, go with whatever works for you. ;) on a side note, has anyone else noticed that we've got a couple of characters named mut & joffson?[/OCC]
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Citizen of Val Hor
darkbard said:
Jakobi mutters as he begins to rummage through Lellard's packs
darkbard said:
[search +6].

Judging from Jakobi's expression of contempt and boredom, he finds nothing of note in Lellard's rucksack - no remaining provisons, no wealth, no orders, nothing. However, just as Jakobi is finishing his rummaging , Lellard sits bolt upright (Failed Sleight of Hand [+3]).

The Argos guardsman takes a moment to glance about in the oncoming darkness before his eyes - narrowed now - fixate on Jakobi. "I was told I was headin' into this piss-hole wit a bunch of thieves...seems me friends were tellin' it true." He glowers. "So, didna find nuttin, did ye? 'Course not."

Lellard stands and brushes thistles from his leggings. The rest of you watch with mixed emotions - wariness, contempt, frustration, annoyance. A few of you even have the compunction to appear a bit guilty.

Lellard clears his throat. "They ain't crossing north o' here cuz that damned river flows all the way to the tip o' the bay, right?" At your collective nod, he continues. "So them Rhemmies are gonna cut through this spot, or they gonna cut through them Mudders to the south. Even if they do the Mudders, I doubt they'll head too far into 'em before swinging west. If we sit here, we should be good. Yes, yes?"

He takes his seat once more, fluffs his pack, and uses it as a pillow as he leans back. "I may not like the swamp much, you buggers, but I know me way about a battlefield. Them Rhemmies...they be coming soon - mark me. Mark me well. And then we'll see who's a man and who ain't."

Note: Tried to attach an updated map depicting your route, but the boards are angry tonight. Will try again later this weekend.
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Dragon Lord
Thom Joffson...

"I'm not a thief Lellard, neither are the others here. What is wrong with you, you're supposed to lead us not insult us" Thom looks exasperated. He's tired, dirty and quickly growing weary of Lellard.


First Post
Geron Ren

Destan said:
"I may not like the swamp much, you buggers, but I know me way about a battlefield. Them Rhemmies...they be coming soon - mark me. Mark me well. And then we'll see who's a man and who ain't."
Perhaps it was from fear, perhaps from being called a thief by a no good fat contemptible lout, an almost seething Geron forcefully asks, "And, General Lellard, what would you have us do then, when them Rhemmies come ... when them Rhemmies actually make it here?!" Then almost mockingly in rapid-fire fashion, "What's yer plan? What does all your battle experience and trainin' tell you what we're ta do? What will you do?!"

Destan if you're still having trouble attaching the map, you may consider e-mailing it to the group.


First Post
Gareth Fitz Hugh

Gareth nods at Geron's words. "Aye Lellard, I've had about enough of your
greater-then-thou attitude. You may be a soldier but you've proven yourself
no scout. I've personally had to drag you out of several quicksand pits and am heartily sick of it. Now would you mind telling us what exactly we're supposed to do?" Gareth fumes.

"What if we spot them? How are we supposed to alert Argos? Are we going to fight or run? We need some answers!"


Dahlmut breaks out into a wide grin at Lellard's triade, "Well, I must say I'm surprised Lellard! And here I thought you only knew your way around the backside of a brothel and the bottom of a bottle! " Dahlmut chukles for a moment before gripping his spear and stepping forward menacingly, "Now understand this, General, I didn't take an oath to anyone before coming out here. I'll follow your orders on the off chance that you might know what you're doing. But, I'm not in the middle of this forsaken swamp for honor, glory, or pay. The only reason I'm here is to protect Argos, which may be a stinking fishing town, but it's my stinking fishing town. The only way we have to get word to Argos of an attack is to get there before the invaders do. If moving quickly means leaving your sodden arse behind..." Dahlmut shrugs, "Well lets just say it wouldn't hurt my feelings any."

Dahlmut turns on his heel and strides back over to his pack and starts pulling out his bedroll. After several moments of heavy silence he speaks over his shoulder, "We'd best get to planning, lads. Night is coming."

OOC: Destan, Dahlmut's speech is his honest opinion. He's not trying to "actively" use the intimidate skill, but if you feel that he's intimidating Lellard, then his check is at +4
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