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[IC] Valusia PbP



seeing the saurial's spear-point bite deep into geron's shoulder, jakobi yells out, "here, pick on someone your own size, lizard-breath!" he lunges out from his flanking position with his stabbing sword [attack +3 for flanking, damage 1d6+1+1d6].

[COMBAT]attack with short sword [standard action]; if boggart drops, he will move [up to 30 ft] to flank boggart A with hrynnar, taking care to stay out of range of the critter's spear. if boggart B does not fall, jakobi will stand his ground, flanking boggart B with geron.[/COMBAT]
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jakobi dances in place upon the balls of his feet in the gray muck, back and forth with the grace of an experienced lightweight pugilist. he feints several times at the reptilian creature caught wounded and confused between the menace of geron’s sword and his own. as hryynar turns to face the other boggart and thom’s eerie incantation rises above the sound of mud sucking at men’s feet, he thinks, “mayhaps there is more to this motley lot than i had first thought. if we survive this battle with the swamp-dwellers, perhaps those rhelmsmen will be in for a surprise or two as well.”


First Post
Gareth Fitz Hugh

Gareth glances up in mid chant, just in time to see the Boggart thrust his spear into Geron, the spidery tones of his spell falter a second as Gareth blanches. As the first celestial badger bites Gareth finishes his chant and points at the large Boggart. Gareth calls out "Are you alright Geron, hold on! We're winning!" Then, frowning, he shouts "Let's try to keep the sleeping one alive, I'd like to know why they attacked us."

I'm going to summon the 2nd badger 5 feet away from the gray Boggart so it can attack immediately and get a full attack, and hopefully it can flank with somebody.


Dragon Lord
Thom Joffson

"They probably think we're food", says Thom.

OOC: By the way, Thom has been asking questions on how to survive in the swamp of anyone who knows. He's curious and doesn't want to get left hanging if one of the skilled hunter's dies.
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Citizen of Val Hor
Jak: Successfully sneak attacks boggart (B) with shortsword doing 8 hp damage, more than enough to drop the creature in a pool of his own ichor.

Ger: Successfully tumbles to flank boggat (A) with Hrynnar. Sneak attacks and hits for 10 hp damage. The boggart is still upright, but looks ready to fall or flee.

Boggart (A): Changes his target from Hryn to Geron, and successfully lashes out with his spear for 5 hp damage. Geron is bleeding profusely from two wounds, now, and looks to be in rough shape.

Mut: Moves forward along reed wall and barely misses bearded boggart (C) with his spear.

Hryn: With a two-handed grip, strikes outward with his axe, sending boggart (A)’s bone spear spinning into the mud underfoot.

Thom: Casts a spell – instantly a translucent shield appears, situated between the young Argosman and boggart (C).

Boggart (C): Strikes at Mut with his spear. Hits for 5 hp. Bites Mut. Hits for 2 hp. The boggart appears enraged to the point of desperation, his eyes feral and gleaming, Mut’s blood now coursing over his chin and mossy beard.

Gareth: One badger disappears to be immediately replaced by another, effectively flanking Boggart (C). The badger misses with both claws, but his bite hits, slightly wounding the boggart.

Boggart (D): ZZZzzzzzz…


Dragon Lord
Thom Joffson

Thom cries out, "Hrynnar, Dahlmut needs help. This big boggart's a rough one."

Thom rushes up to help Dahlmut and stabbing weakly at the bearded boggart with his longspear.

Move Action: Move behind and to the right of Dahlmut making sure to use my longspears reach to my advantage.
Standard Action: Stab Boggart (C) with longspear(-1 attack/1d8-1 damage).
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First Post
Gareth Fitz Hugh

Gareth spins his hands in yet another summoning spell. Yet this time his face is set in a grimace and a slight frown is on his brow. Drops of perspiration slowly drip from his face forming a damp patch on his tunic. Straining with every bit of his willpower Gareth draws a pentagram around him and with a flick of his wrist opens up a portal. A blast of heat belches forth from an orange-black crack in the ground and with an otherworldly groan a monstrous centipede crawls out from the crack in the ground next to the big Boggart ready to attack.

Gareth yells out to the group "Don't worry, it is under my command!" Concentrating with all his power to make the creature obey him he brings the full might of his will to bear on the creature, muttering: "I hope this works."

stats for the fiendish monstrous centipede: 6 HP, Initiative +2, spd 40ft, AC 14, Bite +4 1d6+1 + poison (DC 10 fort 1d3 dex dmg primary and secondary)

I'm summoning yet another beast, this combat sure shouldn't last too much longer, running out of spells here :), next to the big boggart so it can attack, and perhaps even grapple it (wishful thinking). Don't forget all my creatures are at +4 str and +4 con, I have already worked this into the stats.

"By Umberlee's black maw that hurt!" Dahlmut roars as he begins edging around the grey boggart. Dahlmut risks taking his eyes off the bearded lizzard just long enough to see if the other one is still sleeping, then he returns his concentration to "the big one." Sending another half-believed prayer to Tymora, Dahlmut makes a cautious strike with his spear.

Move: 5-ft step diagonally, placing Dahlmut beside the boggart. The reed wall is now on one side of the boggart and Dahlmut is on the other.
Standard: Attack with shortspear while fighting defensively (-1 to attack, +2 dodge bonus to AC)


First Post
Geron Ren

"AAAArhh!!!" Geron cries out as he is stabbed for a second time. He is staggered even as feeling returned to his shoulder and arm with a vengeance. Intense PAIN wracks his body, pain unlike any he experienced before. Incredulously, Geron nevertheless manage to stay upright, if barely so, though, truth be told, he'd much rather lay down and sleep. He is under no illusion he would not survive a third such attack.

When Hrynner's axe struck home, Geron took some grim satisfaction that Bogart won't be sticking anyone else with that nasty spear.

In a daze, Geron hears Gareth's voice call out his name out of the din of the battle that continues to rage, though he offers no reply so focused is he on the Bogart in front of him. He's lost so much strength, his complexion turns pale from the blood loss. His heart wants to straggle toward Gareth's voice... and yet, the Bogart remains a danger to him and his companions.

Geron is prepared to finish what he started and strikes out, his fingers so tightly gripped around the sword hilt, his knuckles white.

[Combat] for round four:
Geron attacks Boggart A

Standard action: Attack Bogart w/shortsword. [+1 melee w/flanking factored in, damage (1d6-1)+(1d6)]

If the Bogart attempts to pick up his spear, Geron will take his attack of opportunity.

AOO: Attack Bogart w/shortsword. [+1 melee w/flanking factored in, damage (1d6-1)+(1d6)]

Doh! I thought Hrynnar finished the Bogart rather than attempted a disarm!
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