D&D 5E (IC) Vault of the Dracolich (Ensemble)



In response to a general summons, sent by broadsheet, town criers, bards, and rumourmongers, you have come to the village of Hap in Battledale, where a Turmishan wizard named Imani is said to be seeking adventurers. As you enter the wizard’s wide, stone tower, with a well-kept garden, you see that you are not the only one to have answered his call. You may recognize only some of these fellow adventurers, but they all appear as well-seasoned and well-traveled as you.

The receiving room is small, but lavishly decorated, with tapestries, a fine rug, and comfortable-looking chairs. Your eyes are drawn to a large table against the far wall, covered in fruit, meat, cheese, and bread. A servant stands nearby, with wine, and a keg of beer is easy to spot behind him. To the servant's left, an iron staircase spirals upwards and out of sight through a hole in the vaulted ceiling. A female halfling in comfortable clothes sits on the stairs, with a bemused expression on her face, and she watches as more adventurers arrive. A large man in white-and-grey furs pushes past you, stretches, and sits on an oak bench next to the fireplace, which is on your right.

At the moment, there is no sign of the Wizard.

GM: Feel free to mingle, as we wait for more players to join. Anyone I mention at the moment is an NPC. There is another servant who opened the door when you came in, but you barely noticed him.

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The four genasi entered, the flame haired Fire genasi first, followed by a woman with white flowing hair, and a beautiful, serene water genasi female timidly behind them. Last, the large Earth genasi enters, calmly shutting the door behind him.

"Hey look, food," the Air Genasi says, moving straight for the foot table.

"Auraia," the Fire genasi said, "We aren't here to eat.'

"You're not here to eat, Pyrus," she said without looking back. "I'm hungry."

"Leave her be," the Earth Genasi said quietly. "It's easier."

"Easier, but not always smart," the Water Genasi said to her brother. "Come, Terrus. Let's see if they have any strawberries."

Terrus smiled. He didn't need to eat, not while focusing on fueling his body with his psionic power, but he did like strawberries. "Lead the way, Aquaria."

Pyrus rolled his eyes, moving with them to get food himself. He preferred raw meat, as it had a tendency to cook more as he chewed, but the food here was good enough. He grabbed some meat and raw vegetables, holding his hand under the plate as he walked to get his ale. The food began to sizzle on the plate.

Auraia had a piece of everything, often taking a bite before it made its way to her plate. Aquaria only picked at a few, delicately choosing each piece of food carefully, winding up with very little food on her plate. Terrus, of course, grabbed a hand full of strawberries and, after a moment's deliberation, took a slice of meat as well. He did enjoy the flavor of a good slice of bacon.

The four found seats in the room and ate, the two girls chatting. Well, Auraia chatted and Aquaria nodded, adding in a remark every now and then. Terrus savored each taste of his food, while Pyrus ate quickly, so as to have something more than charcoal in his mouth.

"Why do you always eat so strangely," Auraia asked Terrus. "You always close your eyes and chew slower than molasses."

He swallowed slowly before answering, "Hunger makes one eat more than they can taste. I have no need of hunger, so I can enjoy the flavor that much more."

"Whatever," she said, hopping up for another helping.


Dusty Dragon
A peculiar looking man comes in through the door. He's carrying a large backpack, is dressed in strange, worn out clothes of a deep blue color, and he wears a floopy hat. A sword in a cheap scabbard reinforced with pot metal and string, hang at his side. On his feet are a pair of great quality boots, of well maintained thick leather, the type a knight might wear when out hunting. His pockmarked face is ill shaven, and his skin is lined and weathered by the sun. His brown eyes darts around as he takes the scene in, trying to determine who's in charge and how to get under cover, in case it came in handy.

Not able to discern whom to address, he clears his throats and announces:

"Huuuh, I heard you were hiring people? I have good boots!"



The servant, a young man (teenager) of Hap, wide-eyed at the strange, but amazing looking people moving about the Wizard's receiving room, lifts a decanter. "W-wine?" he offers to Auraia, shocked by her beauty, he turns a shade of red, and quickly glances at his feet.

The large man near the fire twists around to look at the new arrivals. He grunts and reaches down to remove a boot, and then proceeds to remove the entirety of his other leg from the knee. He rubs at the scarred stump, sore from the leather straps that hold on the wooden prosthetic, which he is careful to lie on the floor, where it will have no danger of falling into the fire.

The halfling laughs, deep and loud for such a small woman, and lifts her chin toward the peculiar looking man in the boots. "Those *are* some fine boots!" she exclaims, then looks at her own well-worn boots, comfortable, but old, and large for the size of her body, "I could use a new pair of boots..." she trails off in thought. Suddenly remembering the question, she gestures vaguely up the stairs, "Wizard's upstairs."


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[sblock="Status Box"]Devan the Dawnbringer
NG (L) Human Sorcerer 1/Warlock 3

Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception 13

Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 18 | Hit Dice: 1d6+3d8+8+1 | Hit Points: 30

Spell Slots: 1st-lvl: 2, [W] 2nd-lvl: 2 | Concentration: None

Affected by: None | Conditions: None[/sblock] From where he leaned against the wall, at a spot midway between the crackling hearth and the iron staircase, Devan quietly watched the other visitors as they congregated within the receiving room. He passed no judgement upon them, just merely observed from a distance with idle curiosity.

As a Sword Coast native, he had traveled from afar to reach the Dalelands and had unexpectedly caught himself enjoying the change of scenery. He found that the milder weather and gregarious country folk were quite agreeable and suited his tastes. Maybe one day he could even retire somewhere in the area, if he was lucky.

Pushing such thoughts aside for the nonce, the sandy-haired Inquisitor turned his attention to the food-laden table provided by his absent host. The tempting smell of still-warm bread was too good for him to pass up. And with a whispered word and a subtle gesture, he caused an unattended croissant to float through the air and land in his upturned palm. He took a slow bite, stealing a few moments to savor the initial crunch of the toasted outer layer.

Sometimes bliss could be found in the simplest of things. Devan sighed contentedly and continued eating, waiting semi-patiently, along with all of the others, for Master Imani to finally make his grand entrance.

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Drako smiles as he enters the room, the wine is easily available as so is the ale, but if that all that is offered, he will past.

Drako forced a hard smile. “I am looking for a Wizard, but I see many non-wizards here. Any one of our up for some dragon chest?”


Dusty Dragon
Udit nodded his thanks to the hafling, then frowned slightly... was the hafling looking to steal his boots... no of course not, they would be much too large.

He looked at the food on the table. There would be time to eat it on the way out. Better go see the Wizard first, make a good impression, less sauce on the shirt. He started heading towards the stairs, but then heard the question from the newcomer.

OOC: I'm sort of guessing here what Udit's first impression would be, since the character hasn't been posted...

Looked like a kind of hard fellow - tough but only looked out for himself. Well then, he could figured it out by himself too. Udit was tired of those who took and didn't give. He kept heading for the stairs. Maybe he would be mistaken for a servant? Good.

River Song

Kurzon entered and paused, he often found it best to give people a moment. At first they notice the heavy jaw and large teeth of his orcish heritage, then they look at his arms and armour before they settle on the symbol of Tyr on his armour. He could almost hear the sighs of relief.

He walks over to the food and helps himself to some fruit, "So who is running this show?" he asks.

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