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D&D 5E (IC) Vault of the Dracolich (Infiltrators)


OOC: Back, sorry for the disappearance again. Is the Idol still in the air? Or has the Simulacrum already claimed it? Could Torbin maybe make a grab for it?

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Kurzon & Drako

Out in the Audience Chamber, Kurzon was on his last legs. He realised that Mord needed to get in to the Inner Vault with the Bhaalite Idol he was carrying if the group had a chance of success. But the Simulacrum on the treasure pile had levitated the Unseen Idol that had unlocked the door over to itself. He smashed the creature with all his might and the idol fell to the ground.

Turning his back to the beast, he kicked the idol across the floor where Drako snatched it up, and replaced it on its niche. The doors were again open.

Simulacrum2 & the Alchemist

The simulacrum roared. Its mouth darted out and it caught brave Kurzon in its powerful jaws. It shook him about like a dog and tossed his limp body into the wall across the hall before stepping off of the platform. The terrified little gnome alchemist, laden down with stollen treasure tried to back away, but the dracolich was on him, raising its claws. The alchemist opened his coat, spilling coins everywhere, and revealed a series of little jars attached to his chest. He pulled a lanyard from them and that end of the hall errupted into a large explosion.

GM: Yeah, I'm not gonna roll any of that. Bye bye Kurzon. You will be missed. Now get Torbin and Mord in there.


Dusty Dragon
Udit grimaced with pain and frustration as he lowered himself down the rift, the sound of battle all around him. Soon he would be like a bug crawling down into darkness.

...like a bug, unseen...

But a few feet below the lip of the rift, Udit stopped his descent, suddenly looking determined, and began moving *sideways* along the rocky face, scuttling like a crab. His lips moved in near silent suplication

"Oh Beetle of Mislaid Memories, your must humble servant, uh, beseech you, confuse my enemies, may they forget about your servitor..."

OOC: use move and bonus action move to scutle along the edge of the rift. Udit's goal is to move in a sort of "sideways V" and reach aproximately the J7 area, to get a better look at the alcove north of us.

Stealth at the rift: 1D20+9 = [9]+9 = 18

Looking at the north alcove from closer: 1D20+7 = [7]+7 = 14

Udit also looked at the stone faced cultists... perhaps they too were a clue...

Looking at the stone faced cultists: 1D20+7 = [1]+7 = 8

Ooc: I have not rolled above 9 in the last 8 rolls....


Mord stood pole-axed for far too long and then, realizing his mistake too late was cut off from the battle ensuing before him. Fortunately Kurzon's heroics were rewarded and the door opened again. This time he spent no time and dashed into the room, bee lining for the nearest insert with a hope that he could quickly determine which statuette needed to be used to activate it. Torbin ran straight towards another recess, having noted that his bow would be useless until they managed to deactivate the energy fields.

Prickly Pear

Sesto choked and struggled to breath. The gas was tearing his lungs apart and burning his skin. He didn't see the dragon in time and was caught flatfooted.
Sesto felt that he going down. He wouldn't last much longer. Oh, how close they got. By Lathander, I hope the others will make it, he thinks. I need to help my friends first and then look after myself. Sesto grabs the scroll he found before and cast Bless on the four that he can see... Zander, Aquaria, Auraia and Pyrus.
Nowhere to move... the door they came in through is shut.

OOC: Con Save against Dragon Breath: 1D20+2 = [6]+2 = 8
Not the right time to fail a saving throw...

HP: 4/52

Prickly Pear

SnorLoska looked at his weapon, surprised that it seemed to just bounce off the Stoneface.
I don't know what to do, he answered Zander. Maybe I should try to put my idol in the niche. The other one didn't work but his might do!
SnorLoska left Zander behind and ran towards the rift. He jumped over it and cleared the distance easily. He continued to the alcove on the other side and pulled out the idol. SnorLoska jammed the idol in place and braced himself, expecting the worst.

OOC: HP: 75/75 (+7 temp HP), He only lost 3 HP from the rock attack (raging)
Move: 40 ft (10 ft run-up and jump up to 18 ft, continuing to the alcove)
He did not disengage so he will probably take a hit or two. SnorLoska carries the poison idol... (forgot the name)


Zander, SnorLoska & Udit

StoneFace2 & StoneFace3

Zander looked around desperately for something to do that would help. In the end, all he could think of was to throw himself in between SnorLoska and the stone-faced man inside the energy field, who slammed him hard in the arm with a stony fist.

SnorLoska leaped over the rift, pulling out the Bhaalite Idol in his possession. He rushed to the niche to put it in, ducking aside as the stone-faced woman reached out of her energy field and tried to stop him.

Udit quickly slid over the edge of the rift and disappeared from view. He worked his way around to the other side as SnorLoska leaped over his head. From here he could see the niche that SnorLoska was about to shove another Idol into. He also could see (and reach) the Idol that Pyrus had teked into place, that had been rejected. It was lying on the ground in front of him, just out of the rift.

The niche that SnorLoska was near had a strange mosaic pattern inside that formed four circles: Orange, Blue, Green, and Purple.

GM: Damage: (PCs) Zander 9
StoneFace3 Slam vs Zander
Attack: 1D20+6 = [18]+6 = 24
2D6+4 = [3, 2]+4 = 9
StoneFace3 Opp Attack vs SnorLoska
Attack: 1D20+6 = [10]+6 = 16
2D6+4 = [4, 5]+4 = 13
StoneFace2 vs SnorLoska
Attack: 1D20+6 = [3]+6 = 9
2D6+4 = [6, 5]+4 = 15
1D20+6 = [9]+6 = 15
2D6+4 = [3, 1]+4 = 8


Sesto, Mord, & Torbin

As the dracolich's simulacrum breath billowed around Sesto, his lungs painfully swelled and his eyes watered, but he did his best to hold his breath. He settled his inner mind and concentrated on his connection to the angels (a connection which kept them anchored to this mortal plane). They flew about him, slamming their glowing swords into the energy field surrounding the stone-faced man, searching for any weakness in its design. Sesto pulled out a scroll and read its words, granting an ancient blessing to Zander and three of the genasi siblings.

Mord and Torbin rushed past him, working their way around the Rift. They passed a necrotic haze on the right side of the Vault - a haze that Mord was aware of having seen from the other side: A lethal curtain that separated the Inner Vault from the treasure room to the east. He and Torbin slowed their run to consider how best to get past the stone-faced man who was harassing SnorLoska as the big half-orc moved to shove his Idol into the niche. Mord considered whether his idol might better go in that niche, but it was too late.

Bhaalite Ward

SnorLoska and the Poison Most Foul ward were both thrown away from the niche in a cloud of green mist. The half-orc covered his face, but held tight to the Bhaalite Idol.

OOC: Wrong one. SnorLoska takes [roll0] poison damage and gains the poisoned condition (dc16 Con Save for half damage).

StoneFace1 & StoneFace4

To make matters worse for SnorLoska, as he reeled from the toxic gas, one of the stone-faced men flung a rock at him. It smashed into his leg, but choking on the gas, he barely felt it.

Across the rift, another stone-faced man slammed at Aquaria as she tried in vain to find a way into his energy field. She blocked the blow with her shield.

GM: Damage: (PCs) SnorLoska 25(12) (or more likely 6) & 9(4)
Attack: 1D20+6 = [19]+6 = 25
2D6+4 = [2, 3]+4 = 9
StoneFace4 vs Aquaria
Attack: 1D20+6 = [10]+6 = 16
2D6+4 = [3, 1]+4 = 8


Location: The Inner Vault
Encounter: StoneFaces & Simulacra

Begin Round Three

Name * (Position) * AC * HP
Aquaria (G13) AC17* HP 12/60
*Auraia (I12) AC17(19) HP 37/60
*Drako (J16) AC16! HP 29/52
*Kurzon (R20) AC20* Dead (Sniff!)
*Lorenn (*I10) AC17(19) HP 45/48
*Mord (N6) AC14 HP 45/45
*Pyrus (J13) AC13 HP 16/60
*Sesto (L12) AC18* HP 4/52
*SnorLoska (K4) AC18* HP 75/75 & 7 THP
*Terrus (*J9) AC16(17) HP 67/67
*Torbin (O5) AC15 HP 55/58
*Udit (K7) AC15 HP 5/52
*Zander (N11) AC19* HP 58/64
*Alchemist (T17) Dead
*Simulacrum1 (C9E11)
*Simulacrum2 (S12U14) Dead
*StoneFace1 (D6)
*StoneFace2 (L5)
*StoneFace3 (O10)
*StoneFace4 (F13)



Aquaria steps back, feeling the hurt. She places a hand on her chest, and her wounds mend themselves. She then moves back towards the middle of the group, where she belongs.

(1d8 per psi point spent. 6 points spent. [roll0])

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