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D&D 5E (IC) Vault of the Dracolich (Infiltrators)


GM: Nice. Mord can tell that he's serious about the bribe. He believes you are Rowloe, but he has a chip about the mercenaries. He's clearly trying to take something back from them. The acolytes think he's going to get them in trouble. Rivalries!

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Mord leans back against the bench and smiles at Argyle. "Aye, you could expect that, if he wished. It's no sweat off my back. I've a cartload of supplies and a chest full of gold. Wouldn't take much for me to go live it up for a month or three and then find work elsewhere."

"But then I wouldn't have to explain to the beast as to how his shipment were stopped at the gate and sent away. I do know a couple of thirsty tower guards as would be put out their rum wasn't waiting for them when they get off their shift though. I'll be sure to tell them all about the famous hospitality of 'Argyle'."

Squirrels are evil!


Argyle swallowed but remained stony-faced. He considered Mords words for a moment, wondering if he cared what the Beast would think. Poison the Beast in his sleep, I could. he thought to himself, poison all of these idiot mercenaries. But then, Silakul had commissioned them, and Silakul had vision.

He shrugged and smiled, showing teeth filed down for the effect, and blackened from poor hygiene (and a tendency to swallow breath weapon potions), "Just having sport with you, mate. Carry on."

He moved aside, and his acolytes breathed a sigh of relief, and Kelley whistled.

As the wagon rolled past him, Argyle took a long look at the stone-faced Genasi in the back. That guy looks like a tough nut to crack. he thought to himself. He would have enjoyed the challenge.

* * *

The gatehouse, after a large room with some basic defensive equipment and the door-winch, turned into a hallway that after about ten yards abruptly turned left, and descended at a shallow slope, until turning right on a flat surface forty feet wide flanked by two ten-foot tall skull carvings set into the stonework of the opposite walls. Both had deep recesses in the eye, nose, and mouth holes.

"I don't like the look of those," said Torbin, speaking for the first time since the group had crossed the bridge, "Easy place to hide a trap, and I wouldn't put it past that nutter, Argyle not to have told us about it."

Having scouted ruins before, Torbin had seen some of the viscious things ancient peoples had left there for the unwary, and he had a few scars to prove it.

Prickly Pear

OOC: Early Initiative: 1D20+2 = [17]+2 = 19
Are we alone in this room or are there other acolytes strolling about? I will assume that we are alone.

SnorLoska nods at Torbin's comment. "I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I agree, Torbin. Those skulls looks ominous. Let's take some precautions, shall we?"
SnorLoska jumps off and walks to the back of the wagon. He finds the tabards and grabs a few. He then walks over to the skull carving on the left, careful not to stand in front of the eye, nose and mouth holes. SnorLoska tries to see what's inside the holes and then pushes one tabard into the eye hole first, then another tabard into the nose hole and a last tabards into the mouth hole. Satisfied that the holes are blocked, SnorLoska moves around towards the other skull carving and repeats the process.
"I hope that will help a little", he says to the others.

OOC: SnorLoska is looking around for trap triggers while walking towards the skull carvings and stuffing the cloth into the holes but he is quite excited about this idea of his that he is not really paying attention.
Perception check: 1D20+3 = [5]+3 = 8


As the wagon rolls 'nearly' out of earshot Rowloe speaks to his men, not quite quietly enough to be heard. "Watch that one boys, I'll eat my pay if he doesn't mean trouble for the likes o' us."

Later, at Torbin's warning he responds quietly. "Rowloe's been through here before. He shouldn't 'need' to warn him." Staying in the wagon and just doing his best to play the part, in case anyone is Watching.

Squirrels are evil!
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Terrus frowned. An Elemental Node. A powerful place, connected to the elemental planes. Where were they, that this dracolich would set up shop in such a place? He wondered if he could possibly tap into that power somehow?


"I wouldn't do tha-" said Torbin, as SnorLoska crossed the hallway to the second skull-carving. He had been very careful to stay off to the side as he had shoved the black and red tabards into the first skull-carving, and nothing of note had occurred. But he had been careless in his calculations of what exactly "in front" was considered while crossing the hall, and sure enough, he felt a sinking of a tile-stone under his foot. Something behind the wall clicked and rumbled, and long spears protruded from the sockets of the first skull, tearing through the tabards.

GM: SnorLoska takes [roll0] damage (dc13 Dexterity Save for half. You can have advantage on the save, because of the various precautions you took - the angle is not ideal to get at you, and the tabards knock the spears off their aim.) The second skull has not been triggered (SnorLoska didn't get that far) but it's probably similar. The spears do not "reset" by themselves.
Well, that could have gone worse.
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Prickly Pear

OOC: ... and I didn't see anything as I looked into the hole? ;)
Dex save against Spear Trap (Danger Sense advantage): 2D20.HIGH(1)+2 = [7, 18]+2 = 20 Pass for half damage = 5.
[-]Bear Totem resistance to all damage (except psychic) = 2[/-]
HP: 40/45

SnorLoska feels the flagstone sink under his weight and then he glimpses a sudden movement behind him. SnorLoska trows himself sideways but, alas, one of the spears graces his arm as they suddenly burst from the holes in the skull carving.
SnorLoska grunts in pain but then sits up and smiles at the others. "That was fun! Let's try that with the other skull too."
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"You were really lucky." suggested Torbin, looking around at expectant faces, he ventured, "Let me see what I can do..." He slid forward on his belly, gently tapping each floor tile with a little mallet. When he found a pressure plate disguised as a tile, he pried it up with a pair of pliers and began to tap little shims under it.

Suddenly he cursed, and turned to look at the skull-carving as it made a few clacking noises. He rolled to the side as the spears came out, avoiding most of them but getting speared through the thigh. "Argh!" he cried.

GM: And I was beginning to like the guy... Oh, hey, he survived! HP 6/16!

Well, the spears are all out and a bit in the way of getting a wagon through.

Investigation: 1D20+3 = [7]+3 = 10

Disable Trap: 1D20+3 = [5]+3 = 8

Spear Trap: 5D6 = [5, 5, 3, 4, 3] = 20

Dex Save: 2D20.HIGH(1)+1 = [6, 20]+1 = 21


Voidrunner's Codex

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