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Ice, Luck and Honour

Broken Promises...

Dear All,

Firstly, I would like to apologise for the lateness of the next update. Yes, I agree, two years is pushing it a little.

However, I have a plethora of ready-made excuses to dish out. Thing is, I'm not going to use any of them, other than to say university takes a dash more time than I was expecting.

Now I have finished my course and have a reasonable amount of free time on my hands, so I shall attempt another promise: [oath]This Story Hour Will Be Written[/oath]. I have been itching for a good few months now to plunge back into this and now I am.

It would be a great honour if you gentle and noble readers could leap back in from the point at which Ice, Luck and Honour left off. And a rather strange welcome to new readers! I hope you like it thus far, and take my word for it when I say it gets far more hectic from here on in...

As of now, updates should be once a week. Also, hopefully, the characters players may well frequent this thread from time to time so feel free to post up questions.

Yours endearingly,

Spider Jerusalem
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Eye of the Blizzard

Part 3 of 3

The thunder of the frost giants filled the cave. Deep, wide rivers of sound rushed past the cowered figures that crouched cold and silent in the shadows of the cave. A stretching whine from the domed ceiling heralded the birth of a thick crack that struck like lightning across the ragged stone. A child-sized slab of rock thudded heavily onto the smoking remains of the fire, sending a curtain of dust pouring to the floor below. The younger villagers screamed then, their guardians unable to keep the fear from escaping, though the roar from above drowned the wails out.

Thalin stood shakily in front of the villagers, his whole body vibrating as he shouted and motioned to the back of the cave. Mikka grasped the arm of the child holding onto his leg and ran towards the cave rear, his other arm waving for the other children to follow. They did so in a flurry of shrieks and whimpers, dragging anyone near them with them as dust continued to fall. Dariel swooped to the back of the cave, his frightened calls joining with the cries of the children. Isplit was crouched next to the owl, gauging whether there was time enough for one last biscuit.

Torious watched as the townsfolk were herded to the rear of the cave and away from the widening cracks. With a sickening realisation, Torious knew if the ceiling was to collapse, then they would all be trapped. As the villagers moved, a large slab broke loose with a grating screech. Reacting almost immediately, the aasimar dove forwards and smashed into the falling slab with his shield. Torious heaved under the weight of the slab and crunched to the floor, pushing the heavy rock just enough to avoid the cowering villager beneath it. Torious rocked backwards in pain, a long dark scythe of agony burrowed up through his shield hand and the aasimar involuntarily flared his scars in a burst of blinding light.

Thalin turned away from the villagers as the scar-light faded, his face drawn and haggard with defeat as another shower of dusted ice billowed over him.
“I’m sorry my friends, I led you astray”
Vaerana pushed the last of the townsfolk into the recesses of the cave, where Errilinth stroked the children’s heads and spoke soothing words to them, which seemed to calm them almost immediately. Pointing an accusing finger at Thalin as another rumble of footsteps shook overhead, Vaerana scowled as she spoke, “Don’t you dare! This is not over yet.”

Torious stood slowly up to his full height, his left arm knitting back into place with a ripple of muscle and a wet crunch. Snarling through the pain as his fingers began to flex again, he looked over the assembled men, women, halflings and thieves before him. “We do not die here Thalin. None of us do. Tyr’s justice does not fell the worthy”
Thalin whirled in a rage at the aasimar, “Listen to yourself, you idiot! Where is your damned god now?!”

As Thalin’s words died away another jagged crack raced across the dome of the cave. The villager’s screams echoed off the walls as the weight of the ice above them began to give way with an ominous grinding. Thalin, Torious and Vaerana all turned in confusion as the voices of Milo and Mikka, now stood directly under the creaking ice, were mirroring each others arcane gestures with intense concentration, their fingers slicing through the air and words chanted in unison. Thalin’s brow furrowed as he raced to decipher the incantations.

With a shout of the exertion, Milo and Mikka ended the summoning with an opportune high-five. Arcane power pulsed through the cave as small chunks of ice that were falling slowed in mid air and slotted neatly back into the ceiling of the cave. The sorcerous duo’s face exploded in triumph as they guided their invisible helpers over the ceiling, but they both knew it would not last long.

With a final thrash of thunder, the footsteps above them began to recede.

“Fly you fools!” cried Milo, as the cracks on the ceiling menacingly branched out and a cascade of dust filled the cave.
Vaerana and Torious were already ahead of their companions as they pulled the villagers to their feet and herded them towards the entrance. Thalin dashed out into the grey night of the blizzard, which had lost a little of it’s ferocity since the departure of the giants. Holding Erifeci aloft, Thalin cried “Eci!” and drove the crystal end into the knee-deep snow. For a moment nothing happened, then with a pulse of energy that popped Thalin’s ears, a perfect circle of snow melted in an instant and flowed towards the edges of the spell, where it quickly re-froze.

The villagers stumbled into the circle, the darkness of the blizzard that whirled around them transforming into a light rain as it entered the bubble. As the stooped form of Errilinth guided out the last of the townsfolk, Torious turned back to the cave to see Milo and Mikka edging towards the exit with hands pointed at the ceiling. A deep web of cracks arched over their retreat. They weren’t going to make it.

Without a thought, Torious dashed back into the cave, Thalin’s face dropping in amazement at the aasimar’s stupidity. With a howl of exertion, Torious grabbed onto the hems of Milo’s and Mikka’s shirts and vaulted backwards, their arms and legs flailing. The arcane helpers disappeared with a sigh, Milo reminded himself in mid-flight to thank them later.

“Thalin! The ice!” shouted Torious as he hit the floor, the half-men scattered on top of him. A thunder of ice rushed towards them from the back of the cave as the roof gave way. As Torious, Milo and Mikka dove for the cave exit, Thalin reacted in a split second and unleashed three shards of crackling energy into the falling slabs. With a blast of blue light the blocks of ice shattered, exploding in a cloud of mist and leaving just enough time for Milo and Mikka to haul the trailing Torious into the night air. With a blast of air and a spray of water, the adventurers watched the rush of ice surround them and flow over the magical dome.

Before he had time to breath a sigh of relief, Thalin felt a bony hand clutch at his arm, and turning to look at the aged face of Errilinth, managing a weak smile as she carefully placed Erifeci back into his hands.
“Where did you get that staff?” asked Errilinth, looking wryly at Thalin from beneath the folds of her red hood.
Suddenly, the burnt man’s warning of You cannot trust that woman in red melted into Thalin’s thoughts and he answered guardedly, “It was passed on to me”
“I understand,” Errilinth smiled thinly, “truly I do”
Thalin smiled back, uncertain what this meant. Errilinth forced a dry laugh, and turned back to the children of the village. Thalin watched as the old woman pointed out the way they would next be travelling to the children, informing them of the wonderful views they would get when they crossed through the next pass. Wondering whether this woman was a threat at all, he turned back to the remainder of the villagers and was surprised to see them looking at him, their eyes expectant. He knew what he had to do.

Breathing deeply and looking at every villager in turn, Thalin spoke clearly, “We can stay here no longer. We must reach lower ground. The town of Ilinvur only lies a few days walk away, we should make shelter by night fall if we do not stop.”
“Thalin.” said Mikka, stepping closer to the mage and placing a hand on his back, “these people need rest. If we travel now we must stop at daybreak”
Thalin sighed heavily and glancing at the tired faces surrounding him, and knew it was true. “We rest at daybreak. Get everyone ready.”
Mikka nodded solemnly, then turned towards the cross-legged Milo and winked, showing him a handful of the mage’s silver pieces.

- - - - - - - - - -

Torious withdrew Freedom’s Edge from the flailing Peryton and stepped back as the life drained from its beaded eyes.
“Justice found you too late, demon” spat Torious, looking back at the folded body of a village child, an estranged mother wailing into the sky.
Vaerana threw her shield into the snow and swept her hair away from her face, wincing as the talon gash on her shoulder stung with pain. She waved at the huddled villagers and gave a thumbs-up, only just maintaining a smile as pain shot through her shoulder again.

Milo, Thalin and Mikka stood around the felled body of the Peryton, their respective crossbow bolts slanting into the air from the beasts bulk.
The villagers scampered over to the mother and her dead child, chiding Tymora for such ill fortune and dragging the shaking woman away from her son. Milo considered telling them Tymora was a personal friend, but thought better of it.

The sound of sawing made the halfling turn around, joining Thalin to watch as Mikka hurriedly cut through one of the thick Peryton antlers. Stopping and looking up like a captured animal, Mikka cried defensively, “It’s very rare. They’re worth at least a hundred gold pieces on the Streets of Amn”. Thalin shook his head and walked away. Milo quickly unsheathed Vampire and began to help.

Torious’ boots crunched in the snow as he came to a stop next to Vaerana, his eyes following her gaze into the valley that lay spread before them.
“That’s Ilinvur” said Vaerana, her voice sad.
Torious nodded slowly, his aasimar eyes picking out the distant cluster of buildings, “It’s not that far, perhaps another days walk”
Torious glanced at Vaerana, her profile a deep red against the slopes of white, “You’re hurt” Torious said with obvious concern, noticing the crimson stain that was spreading across her shoulder.
“Torious, it’s nothing, I’m fine. Go and tend to the townsfolk.”
“No,” said Torious, his hand reaching up to Vaerana’s shoulder. Vaerana pushed away from him quickly, her face twitching in pain as her arm jarred against Torious’ armour. Torious gripped her arms tight, careful not to hurt twist her shoulder any more, “You’re not fine. Let me help.”
Vaerana tensed for a moment before turning her shoulder towards Torious, “Thank you”

Milo stood next to Mikka, each of the half men holding an antler just as tall as they were. Milo nudged the tiefling and pointed at Torious and Vaerana, then mimed being sick. Thalin lightly cuffed the halfling round the head as he walked past, the procession of villagers drifting behind him as he began to tread towards the valley floor.

Thalin glanced at Torious and Vaerana, the aasimar’s hands placed lightly on the woman’s shoulder, both of them gazing into the valley beneath them.
“Don’t be a fool” whispered Thalin under his breath, his thoughts once again swimming with the warning of the burnt man: You cannot trust that woman in red.

To be continued in…

Ice, Luck and Honour
Chapter 10: Another Brick in the Wall

The heroes descend into the valley, but their way is blocked by a heavily guarded border-wall. As Thalin pulls out all the stops in his first mage-duel, Torious’ negotiation skills are pushed to the limit, and Milo succumbs again to the thirst of Vampire, will the heroes make it through in one piece?
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First Post
Horrible thought - if its been two years since the last post, that means its at least 4 years since we did this campaign.

All I can remember from the above encounter is thinking - we're dead. again. sigh. I do love a DM who always has you thinking 'character death' around every corner.

P.S. You'll see a lot of Torious' scars flaring with light, i thought it would have looked cool at the time.

Get re-reading guys, spiders back...

We're dead. again. sigh.
But Torious, that which does not kill you makes you stronger. And I seem to remember you being a slight badass as the campaign progressed. At times. Once or twice. Maybe once. Perhaps.

By the way, for those readers who don't know, freedoms_edge is Torious' player.

On a literary note, I'm chopping back the chapter lengths a little, because I'm getting the feeling that perhaps they are a little long. Well, same chapter lengths but in pieces, broken into parts like chapter 9 was. Well, anyway. Actually, rethink that, I'm going back through the posts now and splitting them up a little with part 1, part 2 and all that jazz.


Spider stalks the underdark, looking for unwitting listeners. Then, from the shadows prances a little ugly face attached to a shrivelled hairy mistake of a body.
- Hi there buddy! I'm Gobnobbin! Your friendly tinker gnome!
Spider casts Maximised, Quickened Disintegrate.

Ice, Luck and Honour

Chapter 10: Another Brick in the Wall
Part 1 of 4

Middle/Late Winter, Realms Date 1372

Milo stood next to Mikka, each of the half men holding an antler just as tall as they were. Milo nudged the tiefling and pointed at Torious and Vaerana, then mimed being sick. Thalin lightly cuffed the halfling round the head as he walked past, the procession of villagers drifting behind him as he began to tread towards the valley floor.

Thalin glanced at Torious and Vaerana, the aasimar’s hands placed lightly on the woman’s shoulder, both of them gazing into the valley beneath them.
“Don’t be a fool” whispered Thalin under his breath, his thoughts once again swimming with the warning of the burnt man: You cannot trust that woman in red.

- - - - - - - - -

Thalin and Torious walked shoulder to shoulder in silence, their faces both flecked by ice. Thalin’s scraggly beard had grown into a wiry brown mane, though his eyes darted as quick as ever in their sunken sockets. Both adventurers instinctively slowed as the path suddenly widened, spreading out on both sides to form a flat, level field whose sides sharply rose in two hills of snow. A fortified wall lay between the hills, a huge gatehouse standing sentinel where the road ran through it. This was the entrance into the valley.

Waving for everyone to stop, Torious crouched down onto his haunches and brought his keen sight to bear. His eyes focused over the length of the wall, its frosted stonework tying together the two snow-strewn slopes. The wall was perhaps ten feet tall but he assumed it to be quite thick, as figures stood on the ramparts. Soldiers glinted in the morning light as they slowly traipsed the walls in twos or threes. Torious counted perhaps twenty guards in total, but of course, more would be inside. His eyes fell finally onto the frost bitten gates, their heavy wood latticed with iron and a glistening red symbol of Kossuth bolted on, apparently having only just been finished. The aasimar looked back over his shoulder at Thalin, Milo, Mikka and Vaerana with a disgusted shake of his head.

Milo and Mikka sat playing a game of snap with a handful of skee, the clatter of the little slate pieces the only sound as Torious carefully picked his way towards them. He crouched down and snatched Milo’s winning stone away.
“Hey!” Milo bleated,
“Milo. Shut up. This is bad, I don’t know if we can get through there”
Thalin folded his arms and pulled his wolf skin cloak a littler tighter as a chill climbed up his spine, “Well, we can’t go back now. Who’s to say we can’t just walk through?”
“Robar does. He would have told them to watch out for us, he knows we’re alive”, Torious countered, his voice a steely growl, “His sins will burn in justices wrathful glare!”
Mikka chimed in, his voice chattering in the cold, “Easy now. This isn’t really the time for rash decisions. We need to get to the plains before my bottle of Vassan red freezes, it will be ruined”, Mikka saw the others glare at him, “And save those poor villagers, of course”.

Torious pushed himself to a stand, craning his vision over the boulder they all crouched behind, his eyes traced over the length of the wall, then across the right hand snow ridge till his eyes fell to his own feet. Moments later, he had clawed his way up the small cliff face. Making sure the wall couldn’t see him, he looked back down at his assorted companions. They stared back up at him. Torious felt a strange feeling of majesty, but knocked that feeling on the head as he concentrated on the task at hand.

- - - - - - - - - -

Milo wriggled a little closer, his body pressed flat into the snow as he slowly melted into the cover of the jagged crest of rock. His frozen fingers felt slow and unresponsive. Milo imagined them to be yellow and black inside his bearskin gloves. He clutched his crossbow tight to his chest, wary that the wide sleek bow was too large to be fully hidden behind the rocks. Milo was close enough that he could make out snatches of the guards conversation when the wind died a little, which wasn’t often. He strained to see back to the grey blotch of the boulder in the distance, mentally following back his route and secretly applauding himself on getting this far without being seen.

- - - - - - - - - -

Thalin stamped his feet again in an attempt to shake the creep of cold up his legs, and made a final check on the villagers. They stood huddled beneath a glazed overhang, tufts of hair and the occasional face poking from beneath the mass of cloaks and bodies. The mage nodded slowly to Errilinth, whose wood-carved features were cracked into a wide smile for the townsfolk, her hands soothed thoughts and quelled cries before they started. Thalin frowned and resolved to uncover this woman’s powers once he could have a proper talk to her.

Mikka was stood next to Vaerana, the tiefling displaying a little funnel-shaped device, which turned the snow into multicoloured bubbles. Thalin approached.
“…and of course, its perfect for children’s parties. They love this stuff.” Crooned Mikka, his salesperson voice having zero affect on Vaerana.
“Why would there be snow at a child’s party?” Queried Vaerana.
“Why of course, they are young Vaasan children! And their greatest joy is snow! And bubbles.”
“Well yes, but…”

Vaerana’s retort was cut short by the baying of a horn. Thalin sprung forward and looked over the boulder. The gates of the wall were opening. The horn continued to blare and the gate heaved open. Inside Thalin could see a small yard leading to a second exit gate. A detachment of six red-cloaked knights wheeled in the small space, then bolted towards the gates. Their crimson platemail glared suddenly brilliant in the sun, reminding Thalin of a newly cut wound. Breaking into a gallop as they thundered towards the hidden companions, the lead horseman unfurled a banner that snapped and hissed in the biting wind. A burning head on a blood red background. Panic writhed in his chest as he realised that there was no time to hide.....
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First Post
Just some thoughts:

1. I am so happy that this story is back. Thanks for returning, Spider!
2. This story line is really cool! I keep wanting to pull out my Forgotten Realms books and research the area -- with an eye towards running some of the plotlines myself!
3. Please keep up the good work!

ShawnLStroud, thanks for the comments - I'm glad you're back! I wonder if some of the other regulars will claw their way back on? Yes, Milo, Thalin and Torious are here to stay. In fact, the next update should be tomorrow night (today being thursday in the city).

This story line is really cool! I keep wanting to pull out my Forgotten Realms books and research the area -- with an eye towards running some of the plotlines myself!

Buddy, I would love think these plot lines are spreading out to other games. Feel free to poach whatever you like. Oh, if you need stats for anything then just ask and I'll give it a go trying to root around in the campaign folder (I really should organise that at some point).

Unfortunately I really can't post up the stats of some of the side characters at this point - Mikka, Vaerana, Robar etc etc - because it would impact on the story as a whole. Anyway, it would ruin everything if I told you now that Mikka is a god... He's not, before you start a-wondering. He's just a tiefling.

But anyway, let me know what you guys think. [Movie Guy Voice]As long as there are readers, the adventures will continue.[/Movie Guy Voice]

Ps. Just as a side note, the characters levelled up just before they reached the wall. Thalin just got granted a level 3 spell slot. Guess what he picked (hint, it's an altered spell, just for him).

Yours truly,

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Broccli_Head! Black Bard! Great to have you guys back on board.

My computer is being an absolute nightmare at the moment. I won't go into details, suffice to say I would love to put my fist through the screen.

Update incoming...

Spider (who is rubbing his hands together at the next installment, because it heralds the arrival of the first Emberguard in the story. Torious loves these things. Oh no wait, thats right, he hates them...)
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