• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Ice, Luck and Honour


First Post
Spider_Jerusalem said:
And yeah, there is a lot to read through - and forgive me for the stagger from present tense to past tense in the middle of it all. Hope you like the beginning up until now. Let me know what you think.

I actually made the same decision with my SH/campaign journal. After writing a ton of material, I realized that Piratecat was right: SHs work better in the past tense. Converting all of it was a pain in the butt, but it was worth it.

I started reading "Ice" at the beginning last night, and thus far I quite like it. I'll give you some more feedback once I've caught up completely. :)

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First Post

Don't keep us waiting here Spider! This is one of Thalin's finest fights, the world deserves to hear the tale.

To be honest I think every player dreams of the first time his character sieges a castle, but this time we went totally overboard, no holds barred. We let everything loose on the poor gaurds. I love the image of Torious charging down the mountain with those barbarians whilst Milo and I slowly whittled down the guards. Personal classic.

And yes Edge, we do rag on you big time. For the record.

Strahd! Uh... sorry, Thalin! Great to see you.

Nice to have the team on here now. Yes, we have completed the Magic Circle! Or is that Circle of Madness?

Yeah, you guys nuked the guards. Dammnit. By the way, this last part is another whopper.

Part 4 of 4

Torious roared again, his voice cracking with bursts of celestial fury. Drawing Freedom’s Edge from the chest of a flailing guard, he whirled and pitched a second into the courtyard. The Ulutians pressed forwards, their frenzy of revenge having left a spattered trail along the wall. Two of the barbarians had fallen to the crossbowmen of Robar, a further three had died in the assault. Led by Torious’ beacon of scarlight, they plunged into the last ragged line of guards.

- - - - - - - - - -

Thalin slid to his right, and guided the flaming blade to the ground. The illusion was cheap, and Thalin had soon worked out where the real mage was. The border-mage was clothed for the cold, his chubby face a snarl of concentration as Thalin slid Shard into his shoulder, dashing another spell from his mind.

The duelling mages crashed swords together again. Slivers of ice and droplets of fire cascaded around them, baring the courtyard in a bleeding pulse of light. They weaved between the statues of the frozen crossbowmen, waiting for a moment to strike. Thalin altered his grip, then aimed low. His sword crackled across his opponent’s thigh. As he darted away, Thalin felt a molten pain rip through his shoulder.

The two mages disengaged for a moment, their blades trailing sparks of energy as they circled each other.
“You must be the boy from the Glacier,” crowed the border-mage as his free hand crafted another attack, “Such a pity to come so far to die in a place like this!”
“Boy from the glacier?” spat Thalin as he prepared to counter “well yes, but then you must be the pig from the wall.”
“Petty child!” laughed the mage, his eyes narrowing to vicious beads, “then let this pig be your slayer!”

The border-mage shot both hands forwards with a grunt. Thalin whipped his free arm from behind him, sending discs of ice hissing into the gut of his opponent. The border-mage fell back with a gasp. As he toppled, a white-hot spark flew from his outstretched hands and landed just behind Thalin.

- - - - - - - - - -

Torious ducked instinctively as the blast shook the wall. Ice and mud rained around him. A guards’ sword found his side in the confusion and Torious staggered back, quickly healing the seeping wound. The Ulutian leader pounced past, bludgeoning the guards head into a pulp with a howl. Torious stepped back from the melee and took in his position. Only two guards left on the wall. The explosion came from the courtyard. His aasimar eyes couldn’t pierce the cloud of ice and dust that bulged into the air.

On the far side of the gate, Torious could see the hunched form of Milo. The halfling was crouched over a dead guard. Probably checking for money. Dammnit Milo, we need you right now. Torious felt the flesh knit together in his side as Tyr blessed him another wave of strength. As his muscles flaring with the might of Tyr, Torious didn’t feel the first crossbow bolt puncture through his waist. He felt the second and third.

More crossbowmen had appeared on the far side of the wall. Torious could only make out three through the fog of the explosion. There are always more. One was advancing on Milo, the others were firing into the throng of Torious’ melee. The aasimar snapped the bolts from his waist with a grunt and moved to intercept the first guard.

- - - - - - - - - -

Thalin spat ice from his mouth and tasted hot blood. His skin was alive with a tearing pain. Through the haze of the rubble-strewn courtyard, the border-mage stalked forwards. Thalin’s hands clutched the cobblestones. Trying to push himself to his feet, Thalin collapsed back as his legs buckled and pain tore through him.

As the border-mage looked down with a satisfied smirk, he outstretched a hand and began to summon a last attack, “I told you. You never stood a chance you fool!” gloated the mage, “ Robar wanted to kill you himself, but it looks like I’ll have the pleasure”.

Thalin lolled his head to the side and coughed a laugh. The mage only had time to glance up as Dariel dove through the fog with a predatory shriek, and plunged his talons into the mage’s face. With a gasped incantation, Thalin cast his final attack through his familiar. With a violent hiss, the border-mages’ head shattered into a fine mist of blood and ice.

The mage stood erect for a moment, his body trembling before collapsing in a heap. Dariel was lost momentarily in the fog, then came swooping back. He skittered to land next to Thalin, his feathers burnt and ugly. A pained squawk escaped his beak. Thalin pulled his familiar close, his fingers teasing at the crusted feathers. As one, Dariel and Thalin slipped into unconsciousness.

- - - - - - - - - -

Torious vaulted another body and cleaved Freedom’s Edge through the backtracking crossbowman. His voice lost in a continuous whispered prayer, Torious toppled two more guards with cold precision. His scarlight cast brilliant shadows across the border-fort, then died in an instant.

Milo was crouched at Torious’ feet, his back to the aasimar.
“Milo! What are you doing?!?” cried Torious as he miraculously deflected a crossbow bolt with the hilt of Freedom’s Edge.

Milo did not answer. Torious saw then that Milo’s arms were coated crimson up to the elbow. The halfling bent forwards again and Torious felt sick as he watched Milo immerse his head into the hollowed chest space of a guard.
“MILO! By the gods!” roared Torious.

The halfling slowly moved his head to look at Torious. His pupils were pinpricks in pools of white. His head was slick with blood. Torious felt two more bolts scatter off of his backplate.

Torious saw Milo’s hand clutched Vampire. Its hilt was a vicious web of teeth, and the blade was bulging and misshapen. Torious crouched down. Milo looked up with no recognition and Torious knew he was lost. Milo lulled his head for a moment then shot forwards and clamped onto Torious’s arm with his mouth. His teeth grated against the cold steel. The aasimar tried to pull away, but Milo’s grip was like a vice. Torious felt the Ulutians rush past him on their way to the remaining guards.

Milo’s eyes stared straight through Torious as he chewed against the metal.
“You have been tempted by this foul creature, dressed as a blade” began Torious, his body tuning to the restorative energies of Tyr “and you have paid the price, for you are now nothing more than an animal”.

Torious channelled the flux of power that flowed through him. The sounds of battle dimmed to a murmur.
“Return now Milo, for there is”, Torious began to stumble for words, “uhh… much to be done yet, and…well… lots of justice to be dealt.” He paused for a moment. “Now I banish thee, foul curse, to the depths of hell!”

Milo blinked, and his pupils filled back to normal. Torious looked down at the halfling with a stare of admonishment. Milo meekly relaxed his jaw and sat back cross-legged. He coughed into a fist, then slicked his hair away from his face. Milo shook his arm about until the teeth of Vampire had slid out and the gorged blade clattered to the ground.

Torious shook his head at the wayward halfling, “now that I have saved you, what do you say?”
Milo looked at the devastation about him. “Who’s winning?”

Torious wondered that himself and looked across to where the barbarians were. Having successfully waded into the clutch of guards, the battle was almost won. But not quite. Pulling the bloody halfling to his feet, Torious now saw the courtyard was almost clear of the cloud of dust. He could make out the collapsed body of Thalin leant against one wall. Milo peered down with awe, trying to piece together the last few minutes of action.

Idly, and with one eye on the courtyard, Milo fired his crossbow at the last of the guards. The bolt lodged in his back, and spiralling his arms like a windmill, the guard fell into the courtyard with a thump.

The two remaining barbarians hollered in victory and shook their weapons above their heads. Torious looked about at the heaps of dead bodies, he realised not all of the guards wore the emblem of Robar. Is this justice?

Milo dangled off the edge of the battlement then dropped into the courtyard. Torious took the stairs. Jogging over to Thalin, Torious made sure the mage was alive. He was, though his face was a rash of blistered skin and his beard was burnt to a cinder.

Above the courtyard, the barbarians began to loot the bodies of the wall guards.

Torious felt the ebb of another healing spell sink into Thalin. A faint sound, something like a buckle being undone, caught the aasimar’s attention. The final guard had dragged his way to the dead body of the border-mage. With wild eyes staring at Torious, he had opened the mages cloak and snatched a coin from the pocket. Torious felt disgraced a half dead man would ransack his own captain!

But the crossbowman slung his arm to the ground and sent the coin spiralling into the centre of the courtyard. With a final gasp of air, the guard died. Milo glanced over and joined Torious as they together watched the coin spin to a stop. The coin glowed red and ran into the matrix of cobblestones. The patches of ice and slush in the courtyard began to melt.

Milo locked another bolt into his crossbow and crouched ready in the shadows. Torious shook Thalin awake. The mage’s eyes snapped open. His skin had healed a little from Torious’ powers. His beard was still gone.

Thalin immediately felt the pulse of magic. “Summoning coin. Dammnit Torious. I leave you for a minute and look what happens.” Torious nodded like a child then helped the mage to his feet.

The cobblestones peeled away like an orange as something forced a doorway into existence. Thalin was nearly drained of spells. Torious was all out, the last of his power having pumped Thalin to consciousness. Milo felt sick and was covered in someone else’s blood.

A rumbling hiss of sulphur and a wave of heat burst into the courtyard. A molten hole of fire bubbled where there had been ground. A red lance tipped with fire shot forwards, followed by a huge warhorse with a rider in red platemail. The rider’s helmet was down, though through his visor glared two burning eyes. Wicked barbs and hooks covered the rider’s armour. The horse was a monster, its features demonic.

“Emberguard!” shouted Torious. He had learned of these fell creatures on his travels. They were the servants of the demonlords and cavalry of Kossuth’s armies. Horse and rider were one, their minds linked by infernal magic.

On the walls, the barbarians turned and ran with their loot. Their revenge complete, they had no deal to risk their lives further.

The Emberguard pulled itself from the ground. It’s bodies glistened with sweat and fire. Wheeling once to gauge its surroundings, the Emberguard reared up to face Torious. Torious had moved fast and leapt to the attack. Torious closed his eyes and prayed to Tyr. Freedom’s Edge hewed clean through the Rider’s leg. With a heavy thud, the armour-plated limb fell to the ground. Torious went to retreat. His chest exploded in fire as the Emberguard struck back. Torious cried out in pain. The horse thrashed sideways and Torious felt his thigh almost snap under a hoof as he was forced back.

Milo released his bolt as the Emberguard span with Torious. The bolt, infused with the luck of Tymora, sped true and slotted neatly between the neck plates of the Emberguard. The bolt punched through the Emberguard’s armour, but the bolt burnt to a crisp a moment later. Not much use thought Milo.

Thalin leapt to his feet, leaving Dariel cowering in the corner. A barrage of ice shards thundered into the Emberguard. Thalin felt his heart sink as two of the shards whirred away from the demon and spun into the sky.

Torious dodged around the gaping pool of fire, but neglected to see the Emberguard’s next attack. With a crush of bones, Torious was caught by both of the Emberguard’s hooves. Spilling onto his back, Torious narrowly avoided another sword strike to this chest.

Milo considered for a moment using the magic bolts he had found in the mines, but decided against it. He could always sell them later. Milo didn’t notice the clouds above momentarily shudder with the possibility of thunder as his thoughts contemplated Talo’s Laughter.

Putting the bolts out of his mind, Milo sprung forwards, his crossbow clattering to the floor as he unsheathed Sliverspike. He wished it was Vampire. The Emberguard turned in time to receive the sprawled form of Milo crashing into his breastplate. Milo felt the air in his lungs rush with heat and the blood on his body flake away. Keenly finding the chink in the armour from his crossbow bolt, Milo stabbed the thin length of Sliverspike into the throat of the Emberguard.

Thalin watched as Torious and Milo swarmed around the hulking demon. Suddenly he remembered what his father had taught him of summonings. Thalin reached his mind out and dissipated the magic in the courtyard.

With a popping of everyone’s ears, a wave of anti-magic rippled over the melee. Thalin felt the Emberguard try to break through his dispel, but somehow failed. With a final thrust of his longsword into the clambering form of Milo (who was now clung to the Emberguard’s back), the Emberguard backed quickly into the closing portal. Milo realised what was happening and leapt clear. The Emberguard spat a curse in an infernal language as its body stepped back from whence it came.

Then the Emberguard was gone. The courtyard was silent. Thalin noticed a light snow had started.

Torious propped himself up with Freedom’s Edge as he began to sway from loss of blood. His chestplate was twisted and crusted black. Blood flowed freely from beneath his thigh armour. Milo held his side where the Emberguard has left his departing blow, though his wound had already been burnt shut. Thalin looked at the mangled cobblestones from where the Emberguard has arisen, then pushed the courtyard gates open with a grunt and scream of its hinges.

Vaerana, Mikka, Errilinth and the villagers were traipsing towards them already. The tiefling hurried over, Vaerana just behind.
Mikka shouted his questions “Thalin thank the gods you’re alive! Has the battle been won? Why have you shaved? You look terrible!”

Thalin motioned to the villagers to stay back. Vaerana dashed inside as Torious gave up and crumpled to the floor. Milo waved at Mikka. Mikka wondered why his friend was coated in blood.

- - - - - - - - - -

Hours passed. Bodies were looted and cleared. Rooms were searched and villagers were kept warm with a bonfire. Mikka took advantage of the wall’s parlour and crafted a small feast (aided a little by his magical servants). Everyone agreed the food was excellent. Torious eventually admitted it certainly filled him up. Milo was feeling a little queasy and for the first time in his life declined to join in the revelries.

The night went uneventfully and with everyone rested, healed and full, the adventurers continued their passage into the valley.

To be continued in…

Ice, Luck and Honour
Chapter 11: Out of the Frying Pan…

Our heroes have made it to the valley floor alive. The furious Robar has doubled his patrols and now everyone wants the illustrious heroes dead or alive. As they trek to the town of Illinvur, and amid the plunder of an Umberhulk’s lair, suspicions about the two women in red reach boiling point.
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Nice Imagery, especially the summoning of the Emberguard....

Tough battle. It seems that all the PCs were so near to death. What hitpoints less than 10?


First Post
Broccli_Head said:
Tough battle. It seems that all the PCs were so near to death. What hitpoints less than 10?

Yeah. If I remember rightly i had only managed to get Thalin back up to 3 hit points, and after duelling with the emberguard Milo must have only been on 5 or 6 tops whilst i was on 0. Hence the collapse at the end. It was close. :heh:

Yeah, it was a close one, but the Emberguard was pretty wounded (ish - damage reduction 20/+1 helped a little). Torious' de-limbing, and a Sliverspike in the neck did what they should.

Anyway, the Emberguard would have their revenge(s).
I love them so much! They're like children to me. Actually, when you get to know them, the whole race have a really great sense of humour.

Spider - shining up his poison spurs for the Essembra Tourney.


First Post
I just wanted to drop in and let you know that I'm still reading through the older posts, and still very much enjoying them. I can't wait until I'm actually caught up! :)

Ice, Luck and Honour

Chapter 11: Out of the Frying Pan…
Part 1 of 2

Middle/Late Winter, Realms Date 1372

Milo clinked the two coins together that he had found in the border-mages pocket, his eyes bulging with wonder.
“So, there’s an Ambergod inside this?” asked Milo quizzically, turning the coins over in his hands.
Thalin shook his head as he walked, “No, not quite. And it’s Emberguard. That coin is just a spell, but something, somewhere is attached to it. Watch”

Thalin stopped walking and Milo put the two coins into his hand. Thalin inspected them, both coins were crafted with the same marks. On one side bore three tufts of pelt, and on the reverse a triangle of halberds. The ice mage did a minor incantation and three thin silver lines of magic hazed into existence and traced southwards. The line stretched beyond Milo’s eyesight, and was lost among the skee and erratic boulders through which they now walked.

“There are three lines because, as the coins faces show, there are three creatures attached. And these three use the halberd.” Lectured Thalin, his knowledge of Summoning Coins almost exhausted.
“But what are they?” crowed Milo, his face shaking at the expectation.
“I don’t know. We’ll find out. If we use one.”
“Why not?”
“Because Milo, the summoned creatures will want to fight”
“Maybe they won’t”
“Yes they will. That’s the way the spell works”
“Can’t we make friends?”
“No. If you use them now then you can fight them,” admonished Thalin.
Milo weighed up the options, then took the coins back and slipped them into his pocket, where Isplit carefully slotted them back into their respective pockets-within-pockets.

The heroes had made good time along the valley floor and their destination was perhaps only six hours walk. Thalin had entertained Milo’s constant questions, ranging from which of the villagers he would like to fight, all the way to trying ascertain a more concrete mental map of Ysgard (which he had read about somewhere, and would like to see for himself one day). Torious, meanwhile, had spent a great deal of his time telling Vaerana of his adventurous exploits, and was in the depths of relaying his battle with the sword spider when he noticed a large hole in the ground off to the left of the trail.

Torious called from up ahead, “Thalin! Take a look at this.”
Thalin heard and made a move to catch his companion up, Milo galloping alongside. Vaerana called a halt to the column of villagers and told them to rest a while. Pots and pans quickly appeared and the remainder of the rations were swiftly unwrapped. Errilinth and Vaerana helped the villagers tend to any wounds (there were a few cases of frostbite) as the three companions picked their way towards the hole.

The hole turned out to be a crater, a ragged hole sat in the bottom leading into darkness. Something had fallen from the sky. Milo picked up a small stone and skimmed it into the hole with an expert shot. The stone disappeared and a clatter could be heard.

Thalin sat on a nearby rock, “go check it out Milo.”
Milo didn’t need to be asked twice and with a pompous grin Milo summoned an unseen servant into being. He waved with childish glee at his companions as he floated down into the hole.

Milo cast a light spell on his right thumb, and then inspected his surroundings. He was hovering in a rough-hewn chamber, the walls looking like they had been chopped at by large picks. Below him, another puncture in the earth led downwards. Something had fallen hard and fast! mused Milo, his curiosity floating him towards the next hole. Tentatively, he drew Sliverspike. Four years ago, an Ankheg had eaten his uncle. Milo certainly wasn’t going to meet the same end.

- - - - - - - - - -

“Vaerana Hawklyn. Vaerana Hawklyn. Vaerana Hawklyn,” mimed Thalin, “is that all that’s on your mind?”
“Watch your words mage,” said Torious, “I was just informing you of what our companion has said”
“Our companion? Have you taken leave of your senses?” started Thalin
“No, I haven’t” answered Torious, “I have prayed to Tyr concerning this matter”
“Oh bloody great,” said Thalin as he folded his arms, Dariel looked up in distaste from the rock-sparrow he was gutting, “well at least we have Tyr’s word on this one.”
Torious turned menacingly, “don’t you dare question my father’s judgement!”
Thalin smiled back as Torious’ glare, “careful whom you place your trust in Torious, even orcs hear voices now and again.”
“What in Hades do you mean by that?”
“As much as you wish to learn from it,” answered Thalin, “just remember that we can’t trust a woman in red. It doesn’t help that we have two.”

- - - - - - - - - -

“Well, that’s just it Borunn,” for that was his silent companions chosen name, “Maybe I am over-thinking things. The chicken industry of Amn would be a tough nut to crack, but that’s not to say it can’t be”
Borunn was, as ever, silent.
“Have you ever been to Amn? No, I suppose not,” wondered Milo as Borunn set him down on the third chambers floor, “its just I need an experienced viewpoint. Anyway, thank you for your help, see you soon.”
Borunn drifted out of the Prime material. Milo pointed his thumb all around. He was in a low-ceilinged (even for him) chamber that had a slow river running to his left. By his feet, in a small but deep crater, was a set of gauntlets. They glistened beautifully in Milo’s thumb-light. Stepping softly over, he crouched next to them. Concentrating, he began to recite a simple spell that Thalin had taught him.

- - - - - - - - - -

“…and you think this Errilinth is any more trustworthy?” cried Torious, now pacing up and down in front of Thalin.
“No, I’m not saying that,” said Thalin in exasperation, “I’m saying both of the women are as much of a threat as each other. Each has something a little strange about them”
“And what is strange about miss Hawklyn?” asked Torious defensively.
Thalin rolled his eyes, “look, I’m sure Tyr hasn’t taught you about the devils that are women, but my father certainly did. Don’t be waylaid by her charms Torious.”
“I haven’t been waylaid Thalin, her energies flow with a righteous spirit,” countered Torious, quite sure of his spells truthfulness.
“It’s just I think…” Thalin changed tack, “It’s just for justice. That’s all. We can’t rule anyone out or assume anything. Right?”
“Tyr says…” began Torious, but he was interrupted as the disembodied voice of Milo emanated from Dariel’s sparrow carcass.
“Hello. Hello, Torious Mangrane and Thalin Vorspen,” spoke Milo haltingly, “Can they hear this? Well, if you can then I’ve found what caused the craters – a pair of gauntlets, though they don’t seem to actually weigh anything. Well, I guess that’s it. Cheerio for now.”

The voice of Milo subsided and Dariel skulked away from the talking carcass with a squawk.
“Well, that’s that,” Thalin said as he groaned to a stand, “we should start everyone moving soon”
“Help Milo up then,” replied Torious gruffly, breaking a sullen silence.
Thalin frowned at Torious then went to throw a rope to Milo. No use in wasting spells thought Thalin. He hadn’t travelled two steps into the crater when with a crash of skee, Thalin disappeared into a well-placed deadfall.

- - - - - - - - - -

Milo strapped the gauntlets into his pack (resisting the severe instinct to just put them on), then gazed upwards through the ragged holes of light above. For a sudden moment, Milo felt a little wave of sickness. He coughed and swallowed. Looking up, Milo saw that the room had become molten and watery. The walls swam with strange lights and looking down at his hands, they were back to front. The obvious way out was the iron-shod gate leading to his mother’s orchard. Milo had a moment to contemplate that his mother certainly didn’t own an orchard, before realising his mistake and (of course) wandered up to the door of Robar’s cottage with a shake of his head at his own stupidity.

- - - - - - - - - -

Torious sprinted back and slid up to the pitfall that Thalin had collapsed into. The mage lay at the bottom with a grimace on his face. He was covered in skee but not at all hurt. Torious unwrapped his rope from his bag. Thalin scrambled to his feet and unlatched Erifeci from his pack with a shout “Stay back!”

Torious watched in stunned surprise as the dark purple carapace of a huge insect lunged at Thalin from the shadows, clamping two wicked looking mandibles on his leg. Thalin screamed out in pain as a claw cleaved across his chest. Flaps of skin hung from his shirt. Torious cast the rope aside and leapt forwards onto the beasts back with a battle cry.

- - - - - - - - - -

The two knights of Robar rounded the corner and the first flicked up his visor as he saw the crowd of people huddled next to the road.
“What is this?” exclaimed the knight, pointing his companion’s gaze to the villagers.
With a squeeze of their legs, the knights galloped towards the crowd.

- - - - - - - - - -

Vaerana heard the scream and darted towards the crater, her longsword unslung.

- - - - - - - - - -

Mikka snapped to attention as Vaerana suddenly moved. Watching in concern, his thoughts were drawn to the tug of a child’s hand on his shirt.
“Yes little one?”
The village girl pointed in distress at the two approaching knights, their red plate protruding like a scar among the stones. Mikka looked to warn the villagers, but found his eyes locked with Errilinth’s who shook her head, then dragged herself to her feet. Mikka nodded in recognition. He motioned for everyone to keep quiet then stood himself, though making sure his handbow was ready to be drawn...
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Part 2 of 2

Torious plunged Freedom’s Edge into the beast’s back as Vaerana arrived.
“Umberhulk!” she cried as she spotted the bulk of the creature.
Thalin roared, “Fire!” and struck Erifeci between the Umberhulk’s eyes. A red blast of light illuminated the tunnel for a brief moment, and as the light died the Umberhulk emitted a deep clicking noise then violently withdrew. Thalin sighed with relief as the Umberhulk retreated, but screamed in agony as its mandibles latched onto his lower leg and ripped it from his body.

Torious crushed hard into the ceiling of the tunnel as the Umberhulk retreated. He let go and clattered to the floor. The Umberhulk moved swiftly, almost ape like, and disappeared into the shadows of a tunnel.

Hearing the panicked cries of Thalin, Torious picked the mage’s leg up were it had fallen and walked back.
“Here’s your leg.”

- - - - - - - - - -

Milo laughed politely as Drizzt told yet another two-handed joke. The other guests guffawed with mirth – Kelemvor in particular seemed to love the drow’s sense of humour and looked to be nearly sick with laughter. Milo felt he should retire for the night and stepped out of the doorway into the brisk night of Carceri. Then it was Carceri no more and he found himself in a tunnel, his thumb a beacon of light. The faint sounds of someone shouting could be heard. What in Baldur’s Gate just happened? With a sense of intense discomfort, Milo headed for the crater hole and thinking better of it, used a jump spell to vault himself upwards.

- - - - - - - - - -

Mikka clapped once and his sleeves unfurled in a carnival of trinkets.
“as you can see gentle sirs, I am a trader of the finest wares,” soothed Mikka, his voice treacle in the knights ears, “and such luck to find me at a time like this! Perhaps you are a blessed of Tymora? Well, if not, you can be! With this beautiful and honest-to-Tyr blessed by the Lady of Luck herself. Woven on the elven isles and stretched on a black dragon’s hide, these lucky scarves could give you that extra ounce of luck needed to make that promotion. Or perhaps there is a special lady? If so, let me inform you of this particular mark on the seam of the cloth…”
The knights, still mounted though fully entranced by Mikka, did not see Errilinth staring steely into the eyes of the horses. The animals lapsed into a serene state, and she was sure they would not move for anything less than an earthquake.

The knights applauded as Mikka bowed low, the scarves lain on his outstretched hands.
“Well shown dwarf. Well shown,” cried one of the knights, looking to his companion for agreement.
Mikka withdrew the scarves and still smiling drew his handbow, loaded with a leaf-green bolt, “I’m not a dwarf”. He fired and the bolt multiplied in the air. The knights ceased their applause as each took a dozen bolts to the chest. The horses held still as their riders slipped sideways and crashed to the ground.

- - - - - - - - - -

Milo reached the apex of his jump. Face to face with the Umberhulk for a fleeting second, he only had a moment to dart Sliverspike into a bulbous eye before descending again. He caught onto the ledge of the hole and looked upwards. The Umberhulk was nowhere to be seen.

- - - - - - - - - -

Torious crossed his arms as Thalin wiped the sweat from his head and tested his reattached leg.
“Thank you Torious,” said Thalin.
“Tyr moves in mysterious ways,” answered Torious, somewhat perplexingly.
Vaerana frowned, and then helped Thalin to his feet. Thalin looked at her for a moment then forced a smile.

Milo jogged back to the party after a number of minutes (he had to twice return to that accursed social in the cottage) and asked what had happened. The halfling held a summoning coin in each hand, ready to throw. He was distraught he had missed Thalin’s limb loss and subsequent healing.

With a small effort, the heroes pulled themselves out of the pitfall and sat well clear of the Umberhulk’s lair. After a moment, Mikka appeared and informed the party of the two dead knights. Torious thanked Mikka for dealing with the situation, though was surprised it had not gone awry as usual. Thalin promptly took the gauntlets from Milo and magically identified them. As he held them, the gauntlets were feather-light. His magical analysis ominously told him that they would soon gain in what they lacked. However, they could enable the user to fly, so Thalin considered them an asset, but an asset not suitable for Milo’s backpack.

A decision was made to throw the dead knights into the pit of the Umberhulk, since each of the heroes now harboured a grudging admiration for the beast. Milo assured everyone that if it had been an Ankheg it would have been a massacre.

- - - - - - - - - -

In a jovial mood, the heroes approached the walls of Illinvur. The villagers were recounting their fortune of having the heroes save them, and being offered passage through the pass. Thalin tried to talk to Errilinth, but the aged woman was for the first time sullen and distant, only confirming that she “had to accept what would happen now”. Thalin didn’t quite understand, though accepted the strange offer of a non-magical ring with the initial of “M” emblazoned on it. Errilinth said she no longer had any need for it, and told Thalin it was his to keep.

Vaerana too had adopted a sullen mood. Torious attempted to bolster her spirits, even offering to bless her, but he was rejected each and every time.
“What’s the matter?” Torious pressed, his eyes glancing up at the gates of the town.
Vaerana paused for a moment, then looked up at Torious with eyes charged with regret, “I’m so sorry Torious, I didn’t mean for this to happen at all. Just remember that.”

Torious halted his walk, perplexed at Vaerana’s words. The gates opened as they approached and Torious pushed to the front alongside Milo and Thalin, ready for a heroes welcome. The heavy doors parted to reveal a line of knights, dressed in red plate.

Torious started, his hand reflexing to Freedom’s Edge. The boulders that formed the road to the gates suddenly sprouted a shadowy wall of crossbowmen, their weapons trained on the crowd of villagers.
“What is this?” cried Torious as he whirled around to see every escape cut off.

The knights parted and Robar treaded forwards on his red stallion. Behind him stood the towering warrior of The Bear, and the thin, cloaked figure of a man that, amid the confusion, Milo suddenly recognised as the man from his dream – the one who had caught the falling comet.

The heroes were trapped and heavily outnumbered. Escape plans were hurriedly exchanged, though nothing covered both themselves and the villagers. With furious hesitation, the heroes threw their weapons down. Robar gave a wide, satisfied smile at the adventurers, and then offered out his hand. Torious looked dumbfounded as Vaerana pushed past and in a complete silence, walked the distance to the side of Robar.

Robar leant down and Vaerana meekly kissed his cheek, though her eyes averted the scar-lit gaze of Torious. With a bellowing order from The Bear, the crossbowmen herded the heroes and their wards into the prisons of Illinvur…

To be continued in…

Ice, Luck and Honour
Chapter 12: … And Into The Fire

The murderous Robar has captured our intrepid heroes! As the heroes come to terms with the treacherous Vaerana, the violence of The Bear and the wicked torture of Robar, Thalin, Milo and Torious’ plans of escape are suddenly given a glorious opportunity.

WAIT! stop stop stop. please don't reply to this thread - A new, reborn version of this story hour is at (here).The reason for the halt to this thread is the god-awful delays in updates; two years is pushing the best of us. Secondly, the tense jumped about when it shouldn't have. Thirdly, well thirdly, i've used every trick up my chaotic-evil sleeve to put people off, so the new link is an attempt at a neutral-good relaunch. Hope that makes sense.

Thanks to everyone who have hung onto this thread up until this point, I really appreciate it. Drop into the new thread and let me know what you think.

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