IG's "Those Left Behind" Chapter 2


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Talashia gathers up the hem of her skirt to her knees before hunkering down to get a better look. She gingerly pokes at its wingtip and scrapes its hide with a nail.

"This isn't a normal minotaur. It may well have been born on this plane, but not of mortals. Well...not only of mortals. I could almost feel sorry for its mother...or father as the case may be. Fiends don't have a reputation for being gentle with their paramours, of any species."

She stands up and wipes her hand off on her hip with a grimace.

"It's still here, so it probably wasn't called via spell."

(OOC - Taking 10 on a Knowledge: Planes check, basically. To save a little time, hopefully, I'm assuming that it's a Half-Fiend Minotaur...but if the knowledge check would reveal anything beyond that, or that it's wrong, let me know and I'll edit accordingly. :))

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Uulark Simental

"Oh, yes, I understand now. Hmmm, let me take a look at the beastie also," says Uulark.

Knowledge (the planes) check = 18
(oops! I forgot to copy the link)

Knowledge (religion) check = 22

Spellcraft check (to see if I can tell if it suffered a spell effect shortly before it died) = 8

"Why think you that we are faced with such extraordinary creatures here? Do we pursue a Summoner? And, anyway, aren't earthly minotaurs fierce enough for most people?"


Uulark notes that the creature appears to have been burned rather badly, but nothing else out of the ordinary considering the circumstances.

Shayuri said:
(OOC - Taking 10 on a Knowledge: Planes check, basically. To save a little time, hopefully, I'm assuming that it's a Half-Fiend Minotaur...but if the knowledge check would reveal anything beyond that, or that it's wrong, let me know and I'll edit accordingly. :))

ooc: Your assumption would be correct.


Uulark Simental

"Even the typical sewer air seemed a breeze in the springtime compared to the atmosphere near this....this thing. Let us hurry and leave it far behind us.

Mista Collins

First Post
"Just you wait until we come across some of the other things we left for dead down here. Burnt flesh is worse than burnt hair. Specially amorphous flesh." Tanith says as she steps around the body. "They will make this minotuar smell better than the morning dew on the first day of spring."]



While the others examine the dead thing, the dwarf consentrates on the geography of the area.

OOC: Are their any areas we didn't explore? If so he'll lead the party that way.


There was the door Friadoc was trying to get through when the cave-in happened. There is also the second corridor back by the iron gate that you came through. Rogash should be able to get there relatively easy from here (meaning that, in the interest of getting things going, I'm not going to make you fumble your way back through this f'd up maze again. ;) ).



OOC: Many thanks! The corridor near the gate if you please. Rogash is none too eager to return to the scene of one of our failures.


Briefly, Friadoc seems more tenative down in the sewers, however after a few moments his courage takes hold and he'll continue to share point, doing his part, with his low-light seeing friend.

"The oddity of the traps in this place made for our previous foray to be a bit harrowing," says Friadoc during one of the points he is closer to the main group.


Uulark Simental

"You fellows know the lay of this place, at least compared to me, so I'm ready to follow wherever you choose to lead me.

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