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Immortals Handbook - Ascension Discussion

paradox42 said:
Congratulations UK. You finally can see some more money roll in for this at least.

Thanks, although I think the delays took some of the shine off things.

paradox42 said:
I know I'm responsible (in part) for at least six of the recent purchases, since my game has been using IH rules for some months now and I extracted promises from my players to buy the book when it became available before I shared the full rules with them. It did sort of become necessary with PCs ascending left and right, though, and most of them getting new Portfolios (that is to say, Portfolios not detailed in Ascension) to boot. We've been making lots of new material, we have- and it's still going on.

Wow, I don't know what to say. Thanks ever so much. Its really appreciated, although you know that financially (now that I have this part time job) I'm actually doing great. Gone are the days when I was living on about £15 per week.

I don't think I am in a position to exist solely on what the writing brings in. Although thats more a case of speed rather than sales figures. I'd probably need to release a new book every 2-3 months to be as comfortable financially as I am on this part time job. In theory thats possible, in practice its a different story though. :uhoh:

paradox42 said:
And, not sure whether you missed it above or just didn't want to reply, but would you mind showing us the list of Metempiric Abilities? I'm just very curious. :D

I'll have a hunt for them, I am sure I have them buried in some notebook. I do know that a handful were folded into the Omnific abilities.

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Howdy Adslahnit matey! :)

Thanks for the feedback. I'll go over your list and make sure the relevant changes are made for the next update.

The next update will probably be next Tuesday. I just got my rota and after the next two nights I will have six days off in a row, so I should get those chapter heading illustrations complete and hopefully one or two others.

By the way, those waiting on 3.1 via email, I'll send it in about 10 minutes. ;)

Alright, alright, please don't shoot me for this. Let's take a 40 HD outsider (with the usual 20 integrated class levels) with the lesser deity template. He has the body of a male human, he has double Fertility portfolios, he's traded in most of his feat slots for divine ability slots, and he has 40 Intelligence and 55 Charisma somehow. Among his assorted feats and abilities are the Egg-Born epic feat, the Epic Presence (Egg-Born) divine ability, the Nescience divine ability, the Sweat-Born divine ability, and the Divine Presence (Sweat-Born) cosmic ability.

Does this let him do what, *ahem*, what I think it does? More importantly, is his offspring born from eggs that hatch instantaneously, or from drops of sweat that spontaneously spawn babies? The Sweat-Born divine ability isn't clear on whether it's just a super-fast-incubation-and-hatching upgrade for Egg-Born, or an ability that literally lets you give birth to babies from sweat.

Oh, and can you trade in bonus feats for divine ability slots? A 72nd-level human fighter with the intermediate deity template has 36 fighter bonus feats to spare, which could be traded in for 6 divine abilities or 1 cosmic ability.


The EN World kitten
I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to try and answer some of these. I'm the editor for the book, so the onus for this partially falls on me. I can't answer everything, but I'll try to answer what I can.

EDIT: Oi gevalt. This was so massive I had to split it up into three posts! :eek:

Adslahnit said:
Woo! I just got my PDF of Ascension 3.1; I am going to have a field day with this stuff. Anyway, I've scanned through it for things that need corrections or clarifications. Here's what I've found so far:

All over the book: Intelligent beings encompass all creatures with 3+ Intelligence, not just +4 Intelligence. Afte all, animals only have 1 or 2 Intelligence, and 3 Intelligence is the minimum for taking class levels.

You're right about this one.

All over the book: How does the quintessence system interact with the xp system? As it is, the way to gain both HD and divine ranks is very unclear.

I don't think it's unclear at all. Gaining experience and gaining quintessence are two different things. You can be an epic-level mortal without any quintessence, and you can likewise be an immortal with a lot of quintessence and few Hit Dice (though the divinity templates themselves have minimum HD limits, so that effect is partially mitigated until they do gain enough HD). Deities that don't have much HD would probably be killed by competitors pretty soon anyway.

All over the book: Can you turn abilities on/off at will? For example, can you turn off Soothsayer so that you can hear someone's lies? If so, then does it take a full-round action, a standard action, a move action, a swift action, or a free action to turn an ability on/off?

I don't believe you can turn the various abilities on/off unless it specifically says you can.

All over the book: A ton of abilities need to specify what kind of action it takes to activate the ability. For instance, Divine Immensity does not specify whether it takes a full-round action, a standard action, a move action, a swift action, or a free action to change your size.

The SRD lays down that supernatural abilities always take a standard action (no AoO) unless they specifically say otherwise.

All over the book: Several abilities use the saving throw DC formula of 20 + relevant ability score modifier + divine rank. Shouldn't they use instead of 10 + relevant ability score modifier + divine rank instead?

I assume U_K did this on purpose, to make divine abilities a bit harder to resist. I didn't have a problem with it, myself.

All over the book: I really think that you should put a note about conflicting absolute powers cancelling each other out below each header for each tier of abilities. Right now, the note is secreted away below large tables in a few places in the book

I don't find the placement to be an issue, myself. It's there if people are looking for it.

Page 19, Epic Spell, Divine Ascension: Shouldn't the "permanent" duration be an instantaneous duration instead? That way, you won't get your divinity abruptly torn from you if ever you get hit by, say, a Mordenkainen's Disjunction.

Good point, that probably should be changed.

Page 23, Table 2-6, Godly Realm Expansion: The heading on the right side of the table should read "Rate Godly Realm Expands", not "Rate Divine Aura Expands".

Right, good catch there too.

Page 25, Creating Your Own Deities: 1 Outsider HD with 1/2 an integrated class level is worth 1 actual class level, right? So 80 Outsider HD (with 40 integrated wizard levels) is +80 ECL, and 80 wizard levels is worth +80 ECL as well. But how much ECL is added for each size category increase? For example, an 80 HD Outsider has enough HD to qualify for Colossal size, so if the creature opts to be of Colossal size, how much is the ECL increase for that? For that matter, how is the base size of an immortal determined at all?

Size categories don't count for ECL, under this system. They have relatively balancing capabilities (ability bonuses and penalties, attack/AC bonuses and penalties, etc.), and there's plenty of abilities and effects that can change a creature's size anyway. As for the base size of an immortal you create, it can be any size you want it to be, though the upper-tier divinity templates require a certain minimum size.

Pages 37-44, Divinity Templates: Do the hp multipliers for sidereals and eternals only count hp from HD, or do they encompass other sources of hp such as Constitution and Improved Toughness?

They multiply everything that grants permanent hit points (such as Con bonus, Toughness, etc).

Page 47, Closed Cosmology: It sould be "only one immortal per portfolio template (or double portfolio template)", not "only one portfolio template (or double portfolio template) per portfolio".

Whoops, yeah, that's probably right.

Page 48, Creating Your Own Portfolios: The reference to Table 3-3 should point to Table 3-2 instead, and all references to Table 3-4 should refer to Table 3-3 instead. Also, the

You're right that the first paragraph under Table 3-2 mistakenly calls it Table 3-3. That said, you kind of trailed off in the middle of a sentence here.

Page 48, Creating Your Own Portfolios: The three separate portfolio-divine ability exchange rates given in Table 3-2, Table 3-3, and the upper right of page 48 don't seem to match up at all. For instance, Table 3-2 says that the benefits of a single portfolio give an intermediate deity ECL +8, but Table 3-3 states that a single portfolio's powers give an intermediate deity 11 divine abilities (ECL +11), and the upper right of page 48 (even the example given) is completely out of whack. It's really confusing. I'll assume that the upper right of page 48 was a total error, so it's got to be either Table 3-2 or Table 3-3 that's right; which is the correct one?

I disagree with the assessment given here. Table 3-2 gives a portfolio's total projected ECL adjustment, and takes into account things such as portfolio weaknesses, spell-like abilities and domain powers, and other aspects of a portfolio that aren't strictly divine abilities. For example, and intermediate deity with a single portfolio gains +8 ECL worth of abilities, and -3 ECL worth of weaknesses, for a net gain of +5 ECL. Table 3-3 says it'd have +11 equivalent divine abilities, but the text says that's a closer projection than the approximations in the previous table.

Admittedly, there is some disconnect between the two tables, and the four bullet points in the upper-right part of the page. Presumably, though, Table 3-2 and the bullet points are generalities, and Table 3-3 is a closer examination.

Page 56, Negative Energy Absorption: Does this mean that if you get hit by any negative energy attack (no matter how weak or strong), it heals you for 5 hp per HD you have?

Presumably so.

Page 62, Fertile Loins: Riiiight... what happens when you use "unorthodox methods", or what happens if you get intimate with an "unorthodox partner".

This one largely seems to be GM fiat. You could say, for example, that it only applies to a sexual encounter with a member of the opposite sex. On the other hand, you could say that it applies to any type of sexual contact you have with any creature.

Page 95, War Realm Hazards: "Your wisdom modifier replaces your movement speed." Uh, what?

It's Wisdom Realm Hazards, and it's exactly what it sounds like. A creature's speed (that is, feet moved during a single move action) is now measured by their wisdom modifier. The wiser you are, the faster you are. That seems apropos.

Page 97, Metamartial Maneuvers: Do these reduce your actual BAB for the attack, or do they just impose an attack penalty? Base attack bonus and attack bonus are two very different things.

I agree that some clarification there would be helpful. As written, I think they assign a penalty, but don't reduce your actual BAB when used (since that'd screw with things like iterative attacks and such).

Page 98, Metamartial Maneuver, Mighty Attack: Assuming that you're in a solar system that has roughly the same setup as the real world's solar system, the sun should be ~490,813,648,000 feet away from the Earth. Let's say that you're some hotshot Medium biped immortal with 253 Strength (light load of 7,036,874,417,766.4 tons), and some insolent tarrasque (70 tons) foolishly attacks you outdoors at high noon. With Mighty Attack, you can uppercut it God Hand-style to knock it 502,633,886,983 feet in a direction of your choice. You presumably have to make a ranged touch attack roll to make the tarrasque land into the sun, but what's the virtual AC for said attack roll?

Page 99 actually. That said, what do you mean "virtual AC"? You make an attack roll (with a -15 penalty) and if you hit, the Tarrasque would make a Fort save (DC equals your attack roll) and if it fails, away it goes. No further attack roll is required - the text even says that you could knock someone into the sun with that.

Don't forget to make that the Tarrasque would have to make a Reflex save or be knocked prone! :lol:

Page 98, Metamartial Maneuver, Quicken Attack: The first line is "A successful attack can daze your opponent." I'll assume you meant "You may take an extra attack in a full attack, but at the expense of accuracy" or something along those lines.

Another oopsie there. Yeah, that should be changed, though I don't know if it'd need to necessarily be only as part of a full attack.

Page 98, Metamartial Maneuver, Throw Attack: How does hurling your opponent work? Does the distance formula work like Mighty Attack?

Good point, there's no measurement formula for distance here.

Pages 102-103, Epic Feat #4, Automatic Metamagic Capacity: Is there any cap to the amount of AMCs any given immortal can take? There's nothing stopping a deity from loading up on Multifaceteds and taking an insane number of AMCs.

The only limit is how many feats a deity can take.

Page 103, Epic Feat #17, Double Standards: I'm sorry, the name of this feat is just too bad a pun for me to bear.

Grin and bear it. U_K is pun-ishing us all. :p

Page 103, Epic Feat #19, Eclectic Shot: If you shoot a snake or chicken from a bow (or from a crossbow by using your EPIC skills to jam it in), does it do lethal bludgeoning damage as if it were a blunt arrow, or does it do only subdual damage? And can you shoot a two-handed weapon from a bow, to do 2d6 damage with a greatsword shot, for example?

Things shot with this feat do lethal damage, not nonlethal (it hasn't been "subdual" damage since 3.0). You can indeed shoot a two-handed weapon.

Page 106, Epic Feat #49, Improved Finesse: Does this apply to only melee weapons that are finessable, or all melee weapons?

Page 105 there. I believe that this should apply only to weapons that are finessable, but this one is ultimately U_K's call.

Page 106, Epic Feat #61, Legendary Archer: Does this take into account the target's attacks from BAB, or does it include extra attacks from Flurry of Blows, Mercurial, Quicken Strike, and other things that let you make extra attacks in a full attack? If it's the latter, then how do you determine how many missiles that the target can deflect, if the maximum number of attacks he can make in a round is variable? Can the target only deflect a number of missiles equal to the number of attacks he made on his last turn?

Presumably, this is equal to the total amount of attacks a target can make on a (theoretical) single full attack action, as judged on the turn when the missiles are fired at him. For example, a 20th-level monk has five attacks per round, counting their flurry ability, and so could only deflect five missiles from someone with Legendary Archer. If hastened, that monk would have six attacks per round on a full attack, and so could deflect only a maximum of six missiles per round against someone with this feat.

Obviously, the Quicken Attack metamartial maneuver should not be taken into account when judging this.

Page 106, Epic Feat #66, Mantic Frenzy: What kind of action does it take to enter a Mantic Frenzy? It lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the character's what? Constitution bonus?

Hm, that does end in the middle of a sentence, doesn't it? U_K, some help here!

Page 106, Epic Feat #68, Mathesis: What counts as a "martial class"? Anything that provides 1/1 BAB?

Presumably, this falls under GM fiat. But your way is a nice solution.

Page 107, Epic Feat #72, Nosodic: Does this cause a Charisma penalty, Charisma damage, or Charisma drain? And can't you abuse this by being immune to Charisma penalty/damage/drain and then contracting diseases like Typhoid Mary?

It says Charisma penalty, so you essentially have a penalty applied to your Charisma score while diseased. Theoretically this is open to abuse, but so are most combinations, and as far as that goes, this would be a minor abuse, since you can only use one disease at a time like this.

Page 107, Epic Feat #78, Piercing Shot: "But each time you pierce the target the missile loses 5 points of strength modifier" makes no sense, because ranged attacks use your Dexterity modifier. Just make it say "The missile receives a cumulative -5 penalty on attack and damage rolls for each target pierced." Also, I find it strange that if a Colossal creature were to pierce another Colossal creature with an arrow, it would still count as 16 creatures pierced; shouldn't it count as only 1 creature pierced instead? Make it so that Piercing Shot compares your size category to your targets' size categories instead.

The Strength modifier does apply to damage rolls for thrown weapons and composite longbows, but otherwise you're right. That should be changed to simply being a -5 penalty to attack and damage rolls. I'm less confident about changing the size categories based on the attacking creature's size category, though. Larger weapons will do greater damage, and so will naturally go further anyway, since they can stand to have more of their damage reduced by the penalty per creature shot through.

Page 109, Epic Feat #98, Superior Cleave: Can you do this more than once per round?

It says "as part of a cleave attempt" (emphasis mine). Hence, when you make multiple cleave attempts via Great Cleave (which is a prerequisite), this feat would apply.

Page 109, Epic Feat #102, Superior Whirlwind Attack: Can the step be made between each attack, and if so, can it be done more than once per round?

There is no "each attack"; a whirlwind attack is a single attack roll, made against every opponent you threaten. This lets you take a single step while doing that, so you count every opponent you threaten in the spaces before and after your step.

Page 110, Epic Feat #112, Titanic Wild Shape: This should be an epic feat, because Colossal Wild Shape is an epic feat as well.

This feat (along with Timely Dodge, Uncanny Charge, Vigorous Rage, and any others without the epic tag) should all have the epic tag after them. Every feat in this section is an epic feat.

Page 116, Immolation (Death Throes): Since it says "When a god's manifestation is reduced to negative hit points", there's a rare chance that Immolation activates even when an immortal is not dead yet (like at -1 hp). Furthermore, a construct or undead can never use an Immolation at all, because they're destroyed at 0 hp. Make it so that Immolation activates when an immortal would be killed or otherwise destroyed.

You're right about the wording needing to be cleaned up here.

Page 116, Strike: Is it intentional that this kind of [Effect] benefits three-weapon fighters MUCH more than two-handed fighters or two-weapon fighters? The bonus damage gets added to each attack regardless of how many attacks you have.

It also benefits characters that make melee attacks. If you make more attacks, however you make them, then it benefits you more. Fighting with multiple attacks is just one way to raise your attacks per round (another way is to just use Quicken Attack over and over).

Page 122, Divine Ability #1, Abnormality: No benefit is listed for having two extra tails. And the ability does not say "Special: This ability may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack." when you CAN take it several times.

Good catch here.

Page 123, Divine Ability #5, [Aligned] [Effect]: How does this work when attacking creatures that match the alignment's attack? Let's say a Lawful Neutral creature gets hit by an Axiomatic [Effect]; does he take no damage? How about if a True Neutral creature gets hit by an Axiomatic [Effect]; does he take half damage or full damage?

There's nothing here that specifically says that the target's alignment affects the damage that this effect deals, so it's reasonable to say that that has nothing to do with it.

Page 124, Divine Ability #19, Convergent Effect: When two immortals combine their [Effect]s, are two [Effect]s shot out (each at double damage), or is it just one [Effect]? If it's the latter, then that makes Convergent Effect a bit useless, since two immortals can just fire their [Effect]s separately. As well, what happens when two immortals (both with Convergent Effect) combine their blasts? Also, you should specify that one immortal has to ready an action to fire off an [Effect] at the same time as another immortal.

I believe that the way this should work is that it creates a single effect whose power is the combination of the two deities' effects. This may not seem like much of an improvement, but it helps to overcome things like high level resistances (as opposed to immunities), natural damage dice caps, etc. There's no reason that I can see to assume that, if each deity has Convergent Effect, it's somehow greater. Specifying that you must spend an action to improve another deity's effect might be worthwhile, though.

Page 124, Divine Ability #20, Cozen: The prerequisites include "Pick Pocket 40 ranks", when it should be "Sleight of Hand 40 ranks" instead.

True that. That should be changed.

Page 126, Divine Ability #39, Dragon Companion: Does this give you a penalty on your effective druid level for determining the abilities of your animal companion?

Hm, a good point here. Animal companions gain greater power when their master is at epic levels (though the cap on the dragon's HD will apply to effectively limit that), but there should be a note about that there.

Page 126, Divine Ability #48, Epic Presence: Is the feat selected when you take Epic Presence (and thereafter static and unchangeable), or can you select a new feat each time an ally enters your divine aura, turning it into a group Anyfeat? And can you receive the feat yourself?

I believe the intent here is that you select a feat, and until you select a different one, that's the feat that any and every ally within your divine aura gains. When you decide to change the feat, everyone already within, and who later enters, your divine aura now has that feat instead. Also, you must already have the feat, so questions of it applying to you are moot (that said, if it's a stackable feat, such as AMC, then it doesn't say it applies to you, so most likely it doesn't).

Page 127, Divine Ability #66, Heavy Handed: Double your Strength bonus to damage? How much of your total Strength bonus do you add to your damage rolls when... wielding a two-handed weapon? Wielding a pair of weapons for two-weapon fighting? Wielding a trio of weapons for three-weapon fighting? And does this work for only unarmed strikes, or for all melee attacks?

The prerequisites make it seem like this applies only to unarmed strikes, but as written it applies to all attacks that gain a Strength bonus to damage. In which case, figure out what your final Strength bonus to damage would be (from all other modifiers, such as if it's in your off-hand, etc.) and then double it.

Page 128, Divine Ability #67, High Handed: Isn't this just an exact copy of Perfect Weapon Focus, only with prerequisites more geared towards monks?

Yes, but as written Perfect Weapon Focus requires Greater Weapon Focus and Epic Weapon Focus, which only Fighters can take (otherwise forcing the monk deity to take Nescient, and then all of the prerequisite feats for Perfect Weapon Focus, which is a tad unfair).

Page 128, Divine Abilities #74-77, Intellectual _______: Wait, aren't these EXACT copies of the Cunning ______ abilities, only with circumstance bonuses instead? Is this redundancy intentional?

The Cunning abilities grant circumstance bonuses, whereas the Intellectual abilities grant competence bonuses. The redundancy is intentional, since then you could take both abilities and grant two different sets of bonuses to the same stat (e.g. Cunning Body and Intellectual Body).

Page 128, Divine Ability #83, Lord of Blood: If anything, this should be a handicap instead of a divine ability. The sunlight and water weaknesses far outweigh any of the benefits, and the fact that your blood drain only deals 1d4 Constitution damage and you still summon very weak creatures with Children of the Night is just sad.

The preprequisites are that you're already undead, so you're still gaining more than you lose. While the vampire template does have quite a few weaknesses, this is still a net gain (particularly since a divine vampire will have more options than a standard one). Otherwise, I'd agree, but there's third-party things out there to increase the power of a vampire (through complementary templates, and age modifiers).

Page 129, Divine Ability #91, Mime Ability: There's no limit to the level of ability you can copy? So an immortal can watch a time lord use an omnific ability and use it for himself? Make it so that you can only copy up to esoteric abilities appropriate to your divine status.

This might be a good idea. Though reasonable limits (e.g. an always active power that isn't visible can't be copied) should help curb this anyway.

Page 129, Divine Ability #92, Mime Ability Score: Once again, does this mean that an immortal can watch a time lord and spontaneously copy one of his super-large (and quite possibly infinite) ability scores? I suggest you impose a limit, but I don't know how high the limit should be.

I don't agree, simply because you can only duplicate this for "the round after having witnessed it in action." Duplicating a single ability score, no matter how high, for just one round won't tip the balance in your favor if you're THAT outmatched.

Page 130, Divine Ability #100, Obscure Damage Reduction: Why would anyone take this when they can just take Perfect Damage Reduction instead?

Flavor, I suppose, particularly since it has less marginally less prerequisites.

Page 132, Divine Ability #128, Razor Tongue: What the hell is "morale damage"? Make it "untyped damage" instead.

I think this is supposed to be the type of damage dealt by speaking harshly, but you're right that it comes off as odd. Untyped damage might be better.
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Adslahnit said:
Alright, alright, please don't shoot me for this. Let's take a 40 HD outsider (with the usual 20 integrated class levels) with the lesser deity template. He has the body of a male human, he has double Fertility portfolios, he's traded in most of his feat slots for divine ability slots, and he has 40 Intelligence and 55 Charisma somehow. Among his assorted feats and abilities are the Egg-Born epic feat, the Epic Presence (Egg-Born) divine ability, the Nescience divine ability, the Sweat-Born divine ability, and the Divine Presence (Sweat-Born) cosmic ability.

Does this let him do what, *ahem*, what I think it does? More importantly, is his offspring born from eggs that hatch instantaneously, or from drops of sweat that spontaneously spawn babies? The Sweat-Born divine ability isn't clear on whether it's just a super-fast-incubation-and-hatching upgrade for Egg-Born, or an ability that literally lets you give birth to babies from sweat.

Oh, and can you trade in bonus feats for divine ability slots? A 72nd-level human fighter with the intermediate deity template has 36 fighter bonus feats to spare, which could be traded in for 6 divine abilities or 1 cosmic ability.

Yes, I do believe that deity can easily overpopulate the planes. :) (I am willing to bet said deity would not be well received in most pantheons...)

I would think a Fighter could trade his fighter-feats for divine slots as long as said slots were fighter-related. (Since Fighter bonus feats have a select list of martial feats you can take, I would guess the divine power derived from trading them in should be reasonably so) In other words, He probably shouldn't take Alter Reality, but (assuming he meets the prerequisites) Legendary Strength would be OK. (And honestly esoteric powers have difficult prerequisites unless you devote one of your artifacts to reaching the requirements, which is risky should it be lost or sundered)
Additionally, I don't recall if it is still listed in Ascension, but I don't think the mortal fighter could take a Cosmic ability with some sort of DM concession. (The Esoteric power for mortals are divine abilities, and supposedly they are the highest level of power a mortal can obtain) But I don't recall if U_K has said otherwise.


The EN World kitten
Page 132, Divine Ability #137, Seeking Shot: "A target with the Deflect Arrows feat cancels out"... the effects of this ability, but does not deflect the arrow?

The sentence just trails off, that said, this should probably end with "this ability, deflecting the arrow as normal." Though it is a bit odd that a sub-epic feat would so negate an epic feat.

Page 134, Divine Ability #156, Superior Combat Casting: I don't think it should say "In effect you cast all spells as spell-like abilities", because that would mean that your spells would have no gp or xp costs, letting you cast Miracles and Wishes for free.

It's using that wording as an example of unbreakable concentration; that is, you never fail to cast a spell, no matter what happens to you. While I agree the wording could be better, I don't think anyone could think that it actually turns all of their spells into spell-like abilities unless deliberately misreading the text. That said, a change of wording might help.

Page 134, Divine Ability #161, Superior Manyshot: This already exists as a non-epic feat in the form of Greater Manyshot from the Expanded Psionics Handbook (and the SRD). In fact, the XPH's Greater Manyshot is even better than this ability, because it lets you target different opponents with each arrow, and also allows you to apply precision damage on each arrow.

Good catch! This feat probably needs a complete overhaul, in that case (or can simply be deleted).

Page 135, Divine Ability #169, Sweat-Born: Do you still have to lay an egg for this (as per Egg-Born), or does your baby spontaneously spawn from a drop of sweat?

This overwrites Egg-Born, I'd say. The child is instantly born, without need of laying an egg (or otherwise having to come to term).

Page 135, Divine Ability #181, Uncanny Cleave: How does this work? Let's say I make a full attack against one enemy (who's in the front line of an army). Do I get to move at my base movement speed between each attack, or do I get to move a number of feet equal to my base movement speed for the entire round?

The way this works is that, when you receive from having killed an opponent, you may then move up to your full speed listing. Figure out where you want to move up to your total movement; you may make an attack against everyone you threaten at any point during that movement. If you drop another such person (through Great Cleave) then you could potentially make a full move again, attacking everyone along the way, etc.

Page 135, Divine Ability #182, Uncanny Dodge: Change the name to something else, because Uncanny Dodge is already a class ability. Also, it should say "You can use your Dexterity modifier in place of the dodge bonuses from Dodge and Improved Dodge".

The name does need to be changed, but the special line says that it overlaps with both Dodge and Improved Dodge (the latter of which says it doesn't stack with Dodge), so that seems fine.

Page 139, Cosmic Ability #1, Abrogate: What happens when two immortals' opt to Abrogate each other's Abrogate?

Then both have effectively lost the use of their Abrogate ability, and suffer no other penalties from it.

Page 139, Cosmic Ability #3, Alter Reality: Don't sidereals and eternals already get this for free, minus the Quickened Wish at will (but you can go ahead and use the built-in sidereal/eternal Alter Reality to gain a Quickened Wish at will if you have 4 Automatic Metamagic Capacities, go figure)? Also, do you still have to pay the xp cost for the Quickened Wish each time?

Creatures of sidereal level or higher do already get this power for free; there are several powers in this regard that are really only useful as their own type of effect when taken as esoteric abilities by beings of a lower divine strata.

Strictly speaking, they don't need to pay XP for this power (since it's technically not supposed to be a wish spell-like ability, it just mimics it with a little more power - e.g. it can duplicate any spell of any level).

Page 143, Cosmic Ability #35, Doombringer: Does this permanently reduce an opponent's maximum hp by 25%? Or does it just inflict untyped damage equal to 25% of the target's maximum hp?

Page 144 here. There's nothing to say that it inflicts permanent damage. It just deals (untyped) damage equal to 25% of the target's maximum hit points.

Page 144, Cosmic Ability #36, Doppelganger: Whoah, whoah, whoah. You can shapechange into ANYONE and receive their exact form and abilities? What's stopping you from taking the form of a time lord or a high lord? There should definitely be a limit here.

Hm, yeah, I suppose some limits would help here. I'd recommend adding a Hit Dice limit; that is, you can't copy anyone or anything with more Hit Dice than yourself.

Page 144, Cosmic Ability #43, Gestalt: How exactly does this work? There's no in-depth explanation at all. Do you form a new being? Do you merge with another being? What's the HD of the gestalt being?

It says you combine with another willing individual, and the gestalt being has quintessence equal to the two of you. Presumably this increase's the combined being's Hit Dice to the minimum necessary for a being with that level of divinity template, but otherwise there's nothing to say that it alters any of your stats - it may have various abilities that alter stats, however. Presumably this ends whenever the combined being wants it to, though that could be better laid out.

Page 144, Cosmic Ability #44, Gravitic Effect: Is it just me, or is this waaaaay more powerful than even a Transcendental [Effect] with Inner Eye, given the way hp scales and how much hp sidereals and eternals have?

I don't think it's necessarily that powerful, since you'd still have to take this effect multiple times before it became truly scary, at which point you'd likely be an Eternal or higher anyway.

Page 144, Cosmic Ability #49, Inner Eye: This includes damage rolls, even for [Effect]s, right? Wait, if I use this with Astro [Effect], does that give me an auto-kill policy?

Hm, quite possibly so. Scary, the creature that had that combination. U_K, is that right?

Page 144, Cosmic Ability #46, Heavy Eradication: Does this follow the rules for trumping immunities, as per the rules for portfolio trumping? Or does it ignore critical hit immunity no matter how high the divine rank of your target is?

Presumably this functions against any being with critical hit immunity.

Page 145, Cosmic Ability #53, Legendary [Ability Score]: Does this count the enhancement bonus from artifacts too?

No. Your ability score is doubled; bonuses to your ability score are not.

Page 145, Cosmic Ability #54, Legion: Your real manifestation doesn't exist while the six avatars are present, right? What happens when one of them is killed? How do you regenerate avatars in the event that one or more get killed? What happens when all of them are killed?

Presumably, when killed, they follow the normal rules for what happens when deities die (e.g. they go back to your realm, or are destroyed if on their native plane). You don't "regenerate" them when they're killed, I'd say, but rather, when you reform you're down 1/6 of your hit points per avatar killed (though you can probably make six avatars again if you reform and then use this power again, but you'd still lose hit points proportionally). If they're all killed, you're killed also, unless at least one of them survived and was sent back to your realm (at which point you'd probably reform into your normal self, subject to the usual guidelines for when deities die).

Page 145, Cosmic Ability #58, Martyrdom: Is the damage split amongst all of your allies, or focused one at a time sequentially? And if your allies are truly willing to eat damage for you, do they HAVE to flee?

The part about fleeing is odd, I admit. That sentence seems to have ended rather abruptly. That said, when distributing the damage among your allies, I'd say divide it up equally among those you have there, with any left over being given to the one that's closest.

Page 145, Cosmic Ability #59, Metamorph: How exactly does doubling the power of an assumed form work? Does it just double the HD (and divine rank, if any) of the form? Also, this seems extremely overpowered when you use it together with Doppelganger.

My interpretation would be that, since it says "powers" you'd double all numerical effects of anything that was an extraordinary, supernatural, or spell-like ability. It could be pretty powerful if you use it with Doppelganger, but that's expected at this level.

Page 145, Cosmic Ability #65, Numinous: Does this work like Abrogate, such that any enemy within your divine aura has all of its feats nullified? If so, then it seems very overpowered, since it can subsequently lead to many divine/cosmic/transcendental/omnific abilities also being nullified if the enemy hasn't stocked up on the Nescience chain, due to prerequisites.

I think you're referring to Nullification here. Bear in mind that while feats may be nullified, they're still taken, so they still count for the purposes of being prerequisites.
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The EN World kitten
Page 147, Cosmic Ability #75, Redivivus: How do you determine the greatest past foe of an enemy that you (and the DM) have no real information about? And what's stopping you from using Redivivus again once your summon dies? Or

You trail off after starting another question, here. In the case of not having an idea of the foe's greatest enemy, it's GM fiat. That said, this power should probably be limited to once per day per enemy (and should be listed as working even if the enemy is dead or otherwise destroyed - see Alabaster's sword Dark Nemesis in the IH Bestiary for more about that).

Page 148, Cosmic Ability #87, Spirited Away: Don't you already get banished to your home plane when you get taken down to -10 hp (or in the case of constructs and undead, 0 hp)? Or does this simply remove the "banished for a century from that plane" and HD recovery ordeal?

This basically makes it so you aren't then stuck in your realm waiting to recover your strength. This is particularly helpful against powers that'd likewise destroy you utterly even beyond what can normally be recovered.

Page 148, Cosmic Ability #95, Thelemic [Effect]: This just punishes people for having nice and round numbers for their Hit Dice, doesn't it? Most immortals will have a number of HD equal to a multiple of 5 for cleanliness.

This power works based on several different multiples, which can be changed by taking it more than a few times. Likewise, how many Hit Dice most creatures have is up to the GM.

Page 149, Cosmic Ability #99, Transmogrify: With things like Legendary Strength (and later on, Infinite Strength), doesn't this let you grow to stupidly big sizes by raging for an extended period of time? 10 minutes spent raging gives you +100 size categories, easily pushing you past the Xona scale. There should definitely be a limit here.

I think you mean Legendary (and Infinite) Constitution. That said, I think that at this level, it's acceptable to have such high-stacking modifiers, if your rage last long enough. After all, there are ways to end rage, and unless your Con is Infinite, it'll eventually have to end anyway.

Page 150, Cosmic Ability #108, Writhing [Effect]: Does damage from this stack? For example, if I hit an enemy with Writhing [Effect] on one round and hit him with Writhing [Effect] again on the next round, does the damage for each stack?

The way I'd handle this is that, if hit with another Writhing Effect before the first has ended, treat the first as being overlapped by the second; e.g. you can only be affected by one Writhing Effect at a time.

Page 152, Transcendental Ability #2, Astro [Effect]: Just a flat percentage chance with no save and no possible defenses? Wow, overpowered. This means that you have the chance of erasing the Supreme Being if you get lucky and manage to land a shot on him.

Well, the Supreme Being can do literally anything, so I doubt that'd work, but otherwise, yes. When you get to Transcendental Effects, you're playing with the big boys now. You better have some sort of superior method of defending against or avoiding that attack to begin with.

Page 153, Transcendental Ability #8, Divine Nullification: Just like Numinous, this can get very nasty because it can wipe out cosmic/transcendental/omnific abilities too, due to the way prerequisites work.

See above. Having something be unusable does not mean you've utterly lost it. It still counts for prerequisites.

Page 153, Transcendental Ability #12, Evil Eye: Just like Inner Eye, does this affect damage rolls for [Effect]s too?

Yes, this affects damage rolls also.

Page 153, Transcendental Ability #16, Invincibility: This seems kind of useless. Considering how relatively low your saving throw bonuses are compared to your hp, anything that you can make the Fortitude save for is going to be negligible damage in the 3-digit range anyway.

Considering all the options you have to boost your Fort saves though, I'd say this is a pretty nice defense to have, especially since you can make it in addition to your normal defenses. Besides, it's still very useful against things like permanent damage.

Page 154, Transcendental Ability #24, Omega Effect: How big a transfusion of xp is required to restore a given amount of HD?

Presumably on a 1-for-1 basis. This effect basically makes you lose levels, so you'd need to be given enough XP to make you level back up.

Page 154, Transcendental Ability #26, Paradox: How often can you summon a duplicate this way? And isn't this another very overpowered ability, since you can quite possibly force the Supreme Being to fight itself?

You shouldn't use the Supreme Being as an example, since it can do whatever it wants, without limits regarding rules or abilities. That said, maybe there should be some limit here, but again, at this level, things like this are expected.

Page 154, Transcendental Ability #30, Rectify: What does "full effect", "half effect", and "one quarter effect" mean? Does it reduce the number of times you can reroll for Astro Effect? What happens if you kill your parents with Rectify?

The listings mean that you effectively use the Astro Effect on the listed people, with the percentage chances affected as listed. By this logic, if you Astro Effect your own parents, then the full percentage of it is then used against you! In short, don't Astro mommy and daddy. ;)

Page 154, Transcendental Ability #31, Sophism: Why would anyone take something like Invincibility over this? What counts as an "assault", and what's the formula for the DC?

Because they might not have this good of a Will save? The DC listing is missing, and should be the same as for Invincibility; an "assault" means basically any attack (that deals damage).

Page 155, Transcendental Ability #44, Transmigration: There's no save for this?

Nope. If your mental ability scores are higher, then you take them over, otherwise, you have to wait for them to be lowered.

Page 155, Transcendental Ability #45, Transmute: Can you change things into magic items too? If so, then what's stopping you from changing a rock into a magic item with an equivalent enhancement bonus of +999,999,999,999,999?

Presumably this power doesn't create enchantment out of nothing. You can turn a cloud into a castle, but you can't make a sword into a Hackmaster +12.

Page 155, Transcendental Ability #48, Transtemporal: This was nerfed a bit from the previous version (which made it so that an enemy without Slipstream could take no actions against you), but this is still an auto-kill policy against anyone without Slipstream (since you can just go back in time and murder them as a baby), forcing every sane-minded sidereal to take Slipstream.

Yes, it does seem obvious that every sidereal and higher would take precautions against having their time stream messed with. That said, things like eternals and higher probably came into existence fully-formed, since they're older than time. And not all creatures spent their formative years in this existence, so you might still have to travel through very dangerous places, even if you travel back in time.

Page 156, Transcendental Ability #50, Ultima [Effect]: See my note about Writhing [Effect]. If an enemy gets hit by Ultima [Effect] twice, does the damage stack?

I'd recommend the same solution here.

Page 158, Omnific Ability #8, Oblivion: What exactly does this do?

Exactly what it says. All of your effects - including all the damage that you deal - is permanent and cannot be undone.

Page 158, Omnific Ability #16, Omnipresent: Does this affect only the plane you're on, or the entire universe?

U_K's terminology regarding universe/plane/multiverse/reality is a bit muddy. I'd say this means only the plane you're on, but I'm not sure. A little help here, U_K?

Page 158, Omnific Ability #20, Tenth Sense: I won't even ask.

I don't see the problem here. :confused:

Page 162, Psionic Divine Ability #8, Power Shot: What benefit does shooting powers as missiles give you? What's so special about a Power Shotted Ego Whip, for example?

I think this is significant for the increased range (e.g. you can shoot them like arrows from a bow), though I confess to not being entirely certain.

Also, I haven't seen any real fix for the combo of Deflect Arrows, Snatch Arrows, Exceptional Deflection, Infinite Deflection, and Reflect Arrows yet. As it stands, ranged attacks are utterly useless in immortal play, making Beam effects ineffective, for example. Is there any fix to this?

What, doesn't Nullification count for anything? ;)

As you can see, there are a TON of things that need fixing. I hope you can rectify at least some of the problems in the next update.

I admit some stuff does need to be fixed, but I don't think it's quite as bad as you're making it out to be.


The EN World kitten
Adslahnit said:
Alright, alright, please don't shoot me for this. Let's take a 40 HD outsider (with the usual 20 integrated class levels) with the lesser deity template. He has the body of a male human, he has double Fertility portfolios, he's traded in most of his feat slots for divine ability slots, and he has 40 Intelligence and 55 Charisma somehow. Among his assorted feats and abilities are the Egg-Born epic feat, the Epic Presence (Egg-Born) divine ability, the Nescience divine ability, the Sweat-Born divine ability, and the Divine Presence (Sweat-Born) cosmic ability.

Does this let him do what, *ahem*, what I think it does? More importantly, is his offspring born from eggs that hatch instantaneously, or from drops of sweat that spontaneously spawn babies? The Sweat-Born divine ability isn't clear on whether it's just a super-fast-incubation-and-hatching upgrade for Egg-Born, or an ability that literally lets you give birth to babies from sweat.

My understanding is that this would let all of his (female) allies within his divine aura give birth instantly when they successfully conceived. That's still dependent on a fertile male having sex with them, and them conceiving from it.

I don't take Sweat-born to be literal. IMO, it just means that there's no time between conception and birth; the child gestates immediately (if you want it to stack with Egg-Born, rather than overlap it completely, then the woman immediately lays an egg which in turn immediately hatches).

Oh, and can you trade in bonus feats for divine ability slots? A 72nd-level human fighter with the intermediate deity template has 36 fighter bonus feats to spare, which could be traded in for 6 divine abilities or 1 cosmic ability.

I believe so (I did that in my write-up for Death).

By the way, U_K, the Fertility portfolio isn't exactly the most family-friendly portfolio in the book, even though it's very tame compared to things like the Book of Erotic Fantasy. You might want to change it a little, because the last thing we'd want is you getting a Cease and Desist from WotC or such.


The EN World kitten
Adslahnit said:
By the way, U_K, the Fertility portfolio isn't exactly the most family-friendly portfolio in the book, even though it's very tame compared to things like the Book of Erotic Fantasy. You might want to change it a little, because the last thing we'd want is you getting a Cease and Desist from WotC or such.

I strongly disagree here. There's nothing prurient or overtly descriptive, and (while they should be) I doubt WotC is at all aware of the IH. Don't make any changes here U_K, self-censorship is not the way to go.

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