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In defiance of Dragons--Homebrew 4E campaign starting up

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I'm very interested in the homebrew setting you seem to be crafting and in getting into a 4th edition game. I don't have time to fill out a deep background right now but I can cover the basics.

Jaden Henries is the only son of a prominent family of halfling fishermen. Much to his families dismay Jaden has become fascinated with the art of the blade. Due to his stature (being as young as he is he's still short even for a halfling) the town guards think it's ludicrous to think he could ever be as competent with a blade as a full sized individual. They more or less laughed at him all the way through town when he asked for them to train him as a future guard. The teasing spread and continued to ensue which gradually grew the chip on Jaden's shoulders to mammoth proportions. He has taken to practicing with the sword and shield on his own away from prying eyes. More than anything he longs to prove that he can be as good with a blade as anyone else.

Jaden is a halfling fighter
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Walking Dad

First Post
Got my 4e rules! Will post a full character soon.

I may add some additional background and dicription.

Perhaps we could interwind some more, renaug1?

Walking Dad

First Post
Penance, Tiefling Cleric (Battle Cleric; Raven Queen)

Penance is a follower of of the Raven Queen, deity of death, fate and winter, but due to his parents devotion to Pelor, he keeps his allegience to himself.


Personality: Penance seems hard-hearted and reserved to others. But this is only an acceptance of fate and death as part of life that results in a stoic, but not fatalistic worldview. He dutifully follows the Raven Queen's code.
In groups, he is quite adaptable to new ideas, but an unshakable voice of common sense to overly heroic ideas.

Background: Penance has never known his true parents. He only knows the human couple that raised him. Devoted followers of Pelor, they forced him to pray for forgivness of his unclean form and for the (imagined) sins of his true parents. But in his heart, Penance had known that this was wrong. He could not pray to a god who sees the world only in black and white.
But he found faith. Introduced by a pilgrim, he was taught in the ways of the Raven Queen. To her he devoted his heart and soul.
Because of the prejudices in a "town", that only prayed to the sun, that preached of light, but does nothing against the growing darkness and to a nature god that governed the wolves that preyed on their herds, he kept his faith a secret, despite being an ordained cleric of the Dark Queen...

Probable Feat: Raven Queen's Blessing
Probable At-Will Prayers: Righteous brand, Priest’s shield
Probable Encounter Prayers: Healing Strike
Probably Daily Prayers: Avenging Flame
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First Post
Okay here is some new refined concepts for Valamir.

[sblock]Valamir was the son of a fisherman, who lived in a house on the banks of the Thornwash. Valamir's father plied his trade on the waters in a small canoe, hooking and netting his catch for later drying and salting. He traded his bounty in Evenfall.

Valamir's mother assisted his father in preparing the fish for drying as well as doing paintings. She was well known in Evenfall for her watercolors. Her work varied from the beautiful sunsets paintings of the river and it's landscape, to the horrific, a realistic portrait of a recently gutted trout.

Valamir had two siblings, a brother and sister, twins. They were four years younger than Valamir. They were adept and repairing the nets their father used as well as helping their mother clean the fish. Valamir spent his days carving fishhooks from bits of bone, or collecting crusteaceans from traps laid near shore.

Valamir, as the oldest child had his room in the loft area of their small house. A skylight in the ceiling allowed most of the light in during the day, as well as an outlet for the smoke from their cooking fire. It also provided the family with drinking water. An invention from Phillian, Evenfall's wizard, helped collect rainwater and channel it into storage containers, all the while keeping it relatively dry inside.

When it was cold on clear nights, Valamir often slept beneath the skylight looking at the stars. His father told stories of the constellations, stories of the characters that they represent. Heroes of ages long past.

However, on balmy summer nights, Valamir often snuck outdoors, rowing the canoe out to the middle of the Thornwash. He'd throw a weight down into the water and sleep under the full of sky of stars, dreaming of being a hero like those in the constellations.

On one such fateful night, Valamir slept fitfully, perhaps he was getting to big to lay in the canoe or maybe he was just restless. He passed the night, staring up into the heavens, counting the stars. All of a sudden a shooting star, low and bright, trailed by white flame crossed over the constellation of Hevelka, Slayer of Dragons. It arced towards the horizon, and struck a hill with an loud crash.

Valamir started, he was certain his parents would come to investigate the noise, and find him lounging about in the canoe. But they never came. Valamir looked around nervously, then rowed the canoe towards the opposite shore. He walked for what seemed like hours until he saw the hill, where the fallen star smoked against the coming dawn. As he strode over to it, he saw a small crater had formed around it. The fallen star itself was broken up into pieces. Several black chunks of rock lay around a shiny, perfectly round silver piece of what seemed like metal.

When Valamir picked up the silver piece, it burned his palm, leaving an oddly shaped black mark the size of his palm. It caused him no pain, though at the time it smelled horrible. Valamir shoved the silver star into his pocket and returned home.

Neither parents noticed his absence, for he quickly got to work. When they questioned the burn, he said he had touched the pot in the cooking fire. They seemed satisfied that the burn caused him no discomfort and was not leaking puss or anything of the sort.

In the weeks afterward, things began to change for the child, he discovered when he was angry he could project a silver beam of energy from his burnt hand. He discovered this while gathering crawfish traps. He encountered a nasty snapping turtle that decided to challenge him for taking his meal away. After blasting the shelled one into oblivion, Valamir decided that this ablity could be related to the silver star he carried with him whereever he went. The star blast was only the least of his abilities.

Things then took a turn for the worse. Valamir doesn't remember much of anything from the night, but what he does is horrible. He awoke in his loft to a strange gurgling sound. He rolled to the edge of his bed, to find water a mere few inches lower than his bed. His entire house was flooded! He panicked, and in the process, the silver star fell from his pocket. Valamir dove for the object, and his hand clenched around it, just as it fell beneath the surface of the water. That is all that he remembers.

The next thing he knows, he is being tended to by a young girl in what appeared to be a large room. She said he was found floatingin the river by a pair of gold panners. An elf appears, announces himself as Phillian and that they are in his tower in Evenfall. Valamir demands to know where his family is. Phillian states that once his father stopped coming with fish, they investigated. What they found astounded even Phillian. The grass around the family's home was brown and dead. The entire house was waterlogged, as if it had been submerged underwater. Even stranger was that area around the homestead was untouched. His family could not be found

The second thing Valamir asks is where his silver star is. The elf denies knowing of the object(the wizard actually took the object for further study, he recognized magic within it). Valamir, once healthy, returns to the place he called home. He found the stories the elf told were true, and searched the home for his silver star. With his search fruitless, Valamir goes into a rage, nearly bringing the house down around him with his magic, until he realized he didn't need the star to power his magic after all.

After going back to Evenfall, for that was the only place he could go, he found himself adopted by several families. He soon proved his worth, as he brought home game from the surrounding areas, using his ability to fire star light at his targets.[/sblock]
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First Post
Oh, sorry Redclaw. I missed the PHB races bit.

Can I use a tiefling wizard (fey pact warlock training)?


When Galdr was born, his parents noted an odd, spider-shaped birthmark on his left shoulder, which, upon his mother touching it, burned her hand. As a consequence, his parents neglected the young tiefling and he grew up wild and mischevious.

His birthmark gave him almost an instinctive gift for wizardry, and he begged Phillian until finally the elf gave in and taught him magic. The spider mark, however, augmented his wizardry in an odd way.

The tiefling child got into an altercation with a mastiff owned by a local townsfolk. The frightened child attempted to flee but was cornered. In desperation he called up magic. His eyes burned with a silver flame and the dog withered under a mental assault. The spidermark had warmed on his shoulder. Thus were the powers of the fey awakened.

[sblock=Appearance & Personality]
Galdr is a tall, red-skinned humanoid with cloven hooves, massive ram's horns, and a forked tail. He wears a flamboyant feathered hat which is the most noticeable thing of his odd wardrobe, and carries an ebony wand. He is polite, intelligent, and likable due to Phillian's care.

I figure maybe he helpe Mirna with her crazy pranks. He probably knows her from hanging around Phillian's. What do you think, Graf?


First Post
Welcome to the process, OutlawJT. Halfling fighters shouldn't be at nearly such a disadvantage in 4E, which should be fun to watch. Is his only motivation for adventuring to prove the guardsmen wrong, or is there more driving him?

WD--I'm incredibly jealous. I haven't even gotten notice from Amazon that my books have shipped yet, so I'm worried that I won't have the books until Monday. :(
The new and improved Penance seems alright. What is it about the Raven Queen that drew him? What aspects of her teachings most appeal to the tiefling?

EvolutionKB--Valamir is taking shape, and you've certainly left some good openings for connection to Mirna. Thank you for making the adjustment.

Warlocklord--No worries on the races. I know how exciting new races can be. The quick explanation of Phillian training a tiefling lad doesn't quite work for me. He is an aloof elven wizard, and I need a bit more reason to believe that he would share his knowledge.

Thanks to all for the great ideas. I'm having a lot of fun reading these concepts, and I'm beginning to get truly excited about the campaign.

Walking Dad

First Post
Redclaw said:

WD--I'm incredibly jealous. I haven't even gotten notice from Amazon that my books have shipped yet, so I'm worried that I won't have the books until Monday. :(
The new and improved Penance seems alright. What is it about the Raven Queen that drew him? What aspects of her teachings most appeal to the tiefling?

I was just lucky to get them a little bit earlier. You will have your books soo, too.

It is more than one aspect that draws him near.
One thing is the opposition to Pelor, a summer god, and her, a winter goddess.
One other is the fatalistic few and the acceptance of fate, what drew him near.
And last, she is unaligned, what makes her appealing to him, as he "suffered" under fanatical belief in "good".

(And she uses a symbolic name, like him ;) )


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I've got the books, as of 5 past midnight (this morning?). Have not had much chance to look through them- probably over the weekend. I'll flesh out my concept ideas a bit more, but I really need sleep first.


First Post
I've got my hardcopy books as well. Really looking forward to getting to use the rules as a player - my RL DMing leaves me unable to play 4E face to face (we have two 3.5 campaigns currently running that really can't be converted at all, the next campaign to start is going to be Pathfinder, and the campaign I'm running for the Friendly Local Game Shop that got me my free 4E DMG requires me to DM that game rather than play in it).

It was astounding how many 4E books my FLGS had when I picked up my copies today. The bookshelf was full 5 or 6 deep of them, and he had 5 or 6 boxes in the back just for pre-orders. There must have been 100+ of each book in the store. And that was at 7 this evening when I got there for the store campaign I'm running.

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