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In defiance of Dragons--Homebrew 4E campaign starting up


Very interested!

Would happily play a wizard but I have some familiarity with the other classes so I could probably roll with anything.

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Here's a concept, just popped into my head.

Vergis Trammel left town a few years ago, after his mother followed his father into the great beyond. He left, bragging to all the world how he'd find a wife and a fortune. He's back now, around six months or so. Sometimes he flashes that old gap toothed smile but he's less smug and vastly more plesant than he used to be. To the point that some of the women have started talking about how if he'd been like this he'd never have to have left to find someone in the first place.

He's keeping his distance from people still but it's a matter of time 'til he settles down proper, or so people say.

Of course, there are rumors of lights on in his cabin and once someone swore they heard him talking in elvin to a drunken elvin traveler. Which is impossible of course, Trammel struggles to write his own name.

He seems to be hanging around the common room of the inn nightly, and not drinking very much, just watching people come and go.
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First Post
Hmmm, I like the Campaign setting. If there are still spaces available I would like to propose a Dwarven Cleric.

Dwogal's small mountain Clan was destroyed by a band of Ogres after a Dragon claimed their halls as its own. Taking a devastating blow to the head Dwogal was felled in the first clash of the battle and claimed by inky blackness. Eventually he awoke to find himself amidst the corpses of his clan who had sold their lives dearly.

Dwogal ashamed of his pitiful performance vowed to increase his combat prowess and devotion. A sad, but kindly fellow Dwogal attempts to help wherever he can to atone for his failure. He is ever ready with a reassuring pat on the back, or words of comfort and has been a firm friend to many of the outcast community in Evenfall.

"It's a hard world lad, that it is, but don't let it grind you down. Live for the little things, good ale, a job well done - that's where Moradin lays down contentment."


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Filling fast...

I would be very interested in playing 4e. Your setting inspired a nice idea for a half-elf warlord (would really like to play with the new classes).

Bheazir, Half-elf warlord and fugitive hiding out in Evenfall.

Lithe and lissome, Bheazir is not a very imposing figure, leaning physically closer to his elven than to his human ancestry. His mist-grey eyes are ever watchful under the strands of his blonde, almost white hair that could certainly use a new cut. His clothing is functional and well worn, showing patches and stitches in many places, but seems to be generally well cared for. His throat sports a "hangman's scar", a fine white line where the noose pulled tight.

Although an outlaw and a stranger in Evenfall, Bheazir has a friendly and genuine demeanor, and a knack for winning over (or persuading) people with friendly gestures and a smile.

Bheazir is not a native inhabitant of the Evenfall. Ever seens growing up in a distant dragon dominion, Bheazir exhibited a strong, sometimes fierce and uncompromising sense of justice, putting him at odds with the local authorities serving the dragons more often than not. When an haywire plan to start up a small-scale revolt backfired, Bheazir was unceremoniously hanged on the nearest tree.

As by miracle, the rope snapped just as Bheazir was losing is vision to a silvery white light. He found himself in the mud with his executioners long gone. Now an outlaw, he's come to Evenfall as a fugitive, hoping to outrun of his reputation (which may or may not have been come to Norsten Speakerson yet) for a few weeks at least, and to find some allies to help him get back on the feet.

The Build
I'd like to build this character as (an inspiring) Warlord (as I said, playing with new classes). He's a (little bit of a) seasoned guerilla fighter, having led and organised small acts of defiance already.

The Future:
I would use the half-elven racial versatility to dip into a cleric or paladin power. Depending on the story and make-up of the group, I'd love to start playing up his miraculous escape as a divine omen, picking up a religious vibe for the character (Bahamut?) by the 3rd level or so if it gets there. Given that theres lots of other people looking to play clerics or paladins, this is certainly not a must-have option (though it might make fun role-playing precisely with other religious guys).
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First Post
Just to make sure everyone knows, this is not a first-come, first-accepted game. We're going to have to wait until Sunday for everyone, or almost everyone, to be ready to stat up their characters anyway, so I won't be making any decisions until then. It's no fun to say no to interested players, but if it gets me a great group of players, I'm happy.

Walking Dad--A cleric of Pelor would fit the town well, and I'm interested to hear your thoughts on the tiefling. If you don't like Pelor's goody ways (and don't forget, alignment is getting an overhaul with the new edition), the warlord is a fine submission. Can you give some background ideas for the character(s)?

pathfinderq1--Nice concept on the dragonborn. A strong-silent type with a touch of protectiveness. I'm a little less sold on the ranger. I would kind of like to stick to characters who grew up in town. I like the childhood friends venturing out together factor, especially with PoL. :cool:

Rolzup--I think I'd prefer to stick to the PHB races at this point. I haven't had much of a chance to look over the gnome's changes, and there's so much new wealth in the standard classes I'd rather explore those for now.

WarShrike--A paladin of tiamat sounds interesting. With the alignment changes going on it might even work without disrupting the party dynamic. I'll have to read up when I get the books. As for the wizard, magic isn't entirely illegal, you just need the speaker's permission to use it. Anyone caught practicing without his permission is at serious risk, as the town is still very worried about upsetting the dragon that he represents.

EvolutionKB--Valamir interests me, and the manner of his arrival is a good hook. I'm still a bit hesitant on including PCs who didn't grow up in town, for a few reasons however. Could he be from a family in town, maybe fisherfolk or gold panners, the sole survivor of the flooding incident?

Graf--I like the prodigal son motif. Vergis sounds like he could fit the "wisened by experience" role well. I would love some details on what he experienced while away.

Halford--I like the character you've imagined, but again I'm a bit unconvinced on the outside Evenfall origin. I see how his experience dealing with the loss of his clan is significant to the way you've envisioned him, but I was really picturing townsfolk who don't know much of the world beyond their borders, at least at the start.

Zweischneid--Bheazir sounds like a great character, but a bit beyond our first level startup. I'm also wondering why the town would allow a stranger with clear sign of a trouble-making past, into their community. I see him eliciting a lot of worried looks, and attempts to move him along through town so that he can be someone else's problem.

These are just my first thoughts on characters (made after chaperoning an all-night graduation party, so minus most of my sleep-cycle). You should consider them in no-way indicative of anyone being selected or rejected at this point, I'm just trying to share my thought process.
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First Post
Redclaw said:
Zweischneid--Bheazir sounds like a great character, but a bit beyond our first level startup. I'm also wondering why the town would allow a stranger with clear sign of a trouble-making past, into their community. I see him eliciting a lot of worried looks, and attempts to move him along through town so that he can be someone else's problem.

Thanks for your thoughts, here come some of mine.

On beyond startup, I think the concept of "character on the run from X" is a fairly common cliché for starting characters, It is actively advocated in a number of examples in 4e book as well.

Whether it works in your campaign or not depends a bit on the mood you want to go for.

You'll expect the group to raise trouble and get on the wrong side of the town chief fairly soon (defiance of dragons after all), than I think this'll work fine. He'll just roll into town a day or a week (or a month? It's PoL after all, isn't it) ahead of his bad rep.

If characters are expected to stay low for longer stretches of (game) time and the campaign goes abit more cloak, dagger and paranoia, the character is admitedly less optimal.

He'll elicit worried looks true, a scarred stranger walking into town and tavern. It's a loveble, time-proven intro I was of course actively soliciting. Being asked uncomfortable questiosn, asked to prove his integrity or infact being just thrown out again could be fair beginnings to a first quest.

Anyways.. how bout this as a less drastic and more local alternative:

Bheazir is young and down-on-his-luck member of Evenfalls towns guard.
Ever seens growing up, Bheazir exhibited a strong, sometimes fierce sense of justice. He joined the guard to protect his people and quickly showed a knack for tactics and fighting.
His uncompromising view of things right and wrong however got him into trouble with his superiours more often than not. Rebelling against "unjust" methods merited him mainly harsh discipline.

The Build
I'd like to build this character as (an inspiring) Warlord (as I said, playing with new classes). He's trained in fighting and small-group tactics of the town guard.

The Future:
I would use the half-elven racial versatility to dip into a cleric or paladin power. Depending on the story and make-up of the group, I'd love to start playing up his sense of justice, picking up a good or lawful good religious vibe for the character by the 3rd level (but possible from the 1st with a multi-class feat too!)
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Ok, so I've been reading the classes a bit and would love to try out a dragonborn warlord (combing two new 4e ideas)

Kriv, Dragonborn Warlord (Tactical-focus)

Kriv is a follower of Bahamut, god of honor, nobility, etc., but due to Rhixallithen's close presence and forbiddance, he keeps his allegience to himself.

Appearance: Kriv's dull scarlet scales cover his entire body, starting from his crest down to his toes. He keeps his hornlike scales (which resemble hair) tucked into the clothes he's wearing, which are usually plain and unadorned. Standing at 6'7" and weighing over 350 lbs. Kriv is an imposing sight. He has bright gold eyes that glimmer whenever he's excited, which is usually before a battle. Kriv keeps his talonlike claws well sharpened and usually has his toothy grin plastered on his face.

Personality: Kriv is inspired by tales of Arkhosia, the ancient dragonborn empire, and aspires to live up to the heroes of those tales. Kriv is good-natured and it pains him mightily to see the current state of the town he grew up in. He's proud and a bit arrogant and has learned to be a reserved in the town as when he spoke his mind, he was punished.

Background: Kriv was born in town after his mother arrived carrying his egg with her. She was incoherent and delirious from her travels, without food or water. Luck was with Kriv that day as the local cleric of Pelor administered to the female, going against many of the townspeople's protests as they feared and mistrusted the dragonborn. His mother died shortly after his hatching and Kriv was left as an orphan. He was found a home in one of the guardsman's residences and was taken care of there. 16 years later, Kriv had already reached maturity and his 'father' thought to utilize his great strength and proposed to Bertran Mason that the young Kriv be trained and, perhaps, accompany patrols outside of town. The constable agreed, thinking that Kriv could be sent to some of the more dangerous locales and not have to worry as much about his men being lost. Kriv was trained in weapons and combat, learning quickly and practicing tirelessly. He began to travel with small groups of guards, cutting his teeth on patrols and quickly realized he had a knack for tactics. Kriv's suggestions were sound, but the humans of the town didn't want to listen to a dragonborn. Their jealously eventually caused them to bar Kriv from patrolling anymore and now Kriv will be wondering what the future holds for him as he can't strike out on his own, it's too dangerous, but he doesn't wish to stay here either.

Probable Feat: Enlarged Dragon Breath
Probable At-Will Exploits: Furious Smash, Wolf Pack Tactics
Probable Encounter Exploits: Warlord's Favor
Probably Daily Powers: Lead the Attack
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Walking Dad

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Penance, Tiefling Cleric (Raven Queen)

Penance has never known his true parents. He only knows the human couple that raised him. Devoted followers of Pelor, they forced him to pray for forgivness of his unclean form and for the (imagined) sins of his true parents. But in his heart, Penance had known that this was wrong. He could not pray to a god who sees the world only in black and white.
But he found faith. Introduced by a pilgrim, he was taught in the ways of the Raven Queen. To her he devoted his heart and soul.
Because of the prejudices in a "town", that only prayed to the sun, that preached of light, but does nothing against the growing darkness and to a nature god that governed the wolves that preyed on their herds, he kept his faith a secret, despite being an ordained cleric of the Dark Queen...

(I changed from sun to raven ;) )


First Post
WalkingDad, perhaps our step-parents could be the same people? It would be an interesting dynamic as there is conflict between the two races historically, plus both characters keep their faith secret, paying lip service to Pelor, but worshipping other gods privately.

Walking Dad

First Post
renau1g said:
WalkingDad, perhaps our step-parents could be the same people? It would be an interesting dynamic as there is conflict between the two races historically, plus both characters keep their faith secret, paying lip service to Pelor, but worshipping other gods privately.
Could be. But I envisioned his foster parents more of the fanatical, not quite understanding the "real" teachings, sort of folk.
I believe that a true cleric of Pelor would not force a child to pray for mercy because it has the "false" race...

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