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In Secret Of The Slaver's Stockade The Pcs can rescue A Duke's Nephew, would The Duke let his daughter marry A Future King who is also A Thief?

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"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
If playing Crusader Kings II taught me anything, it's that the Duke's willingness to let his daughter marry a future king very much depends on whether she's his primary heir or not. Unless the proposed marriage is matrilineal, in which case the answer will always be "Heck yeah!"
It also depends on just how the good the lineage traits are. Genius, beautiful, herculean heirs don't make themselves. :)


Do the rest of the Lords will allow a known thief to be the king, is the real question.
I'm assuming that as long as he's A Good King most of the lords will ignore the fact that he was once A Thief, their justification for giving him a chance will be them thinking something along the lines of "oh well we all made mistakes when we were young and foolish, and even though its very rare, and when it happens its covered up, even those that later in life were either the king or the queen made mistakes when they were young and foolish"


I'm assuming that as long as he's A Good King most of the lords will ignore the fact that he was once A Thief, their justification for giving him a chance will be them thinking something along the lines of "oh well we all made mistakes when we were young and foolish, and even though its very rare, and when it happens its covered up, even those that later in life were either the king or the queen made mistakes when they were young and foolish"
This answers the question in the OP about weather the duke would let him marry his daughter.

The question to ask is: why would you, a future king, want to marry his daughter. What does she offer- beauty, honor, redemption, wealth, soldiers, etc...

I'm assuming that as long as he's A Good King most of the lords will ignore the fact that he was once A Thief, their justification for giving him a chance will be them thinking something along the lines of "oh well we all made mistakes when we were young and foolish, and even though its very rare, and when it happens its covered up, even those that later in life were either the king or the queen made mistakes when they were young and foolish"
So you got your answer for the Duke, unless he stand aside usual Lords.


B/X Known World
The answer to this and the dozen other minor variation threads is: the DM can do whatever makes sense to them and their sense of the world. NPCs can love, hate, like, dislike anything you want. They can act however you want. They can feel and think however you want. It doesn’t need to make sense to anyone but the NPC in question. As long as they have a reason, that’s good enough. People will justify whatever they want to do…any behavior they want to display. Just decide and justify it. That’s about as much work as you need to do. That’s about as complex as most real people.

Politically, assuming the kingdom is more powerful than the duchy (not necessarily so), and he likes the kingdom and isn’t going to upset someone else by allying with the Future King, he’d presumably support this marriage.

But as a father, he may not like the match for his daughter. Maybe they have some other suitor in mind that they prefer, or some other reason to be against the marriage (she wants to be a celibate nun or cleric, she wants a career first, she’s a lesbian, or they just don’t like the adventurer).

Could be many reasons to possibly delay as well.

As many have said, the DM can roleplay the NPC Duke any way that makes sense to the DM.

About the younger kid who might have been a slave … Slavery doesn’t exist in most of Greyhawk, which is where the Slavers series is set. The primary lands the Slavers attack don’t have slavery. The nearest Duke is likely the Duke of Urnst.

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
Really the way to answer this is:

1. Which way sounds more fun? That’s your answer.
2. Now ask yourself what cool, unexpected twist would make that answer more probable.

Maybe the Duke is entangled with a bad guy (demon, crime lord, evil necromancer, etc.) and is acting under orders, or thinks this will cleverly trigger a cancellation clause in the infernal contract, or the thief can steal back the thing he is being blackmailed with.

Or whatever.

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