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(Inactive) Psion's Return to the Tomb of Horrors (IC)


This is the in-character thread for Psion's Return to the Tomb of Horrors game. Please see the OOC thread for extended OOC discussions.

Main Threads:
Important Posts:

The Tale Begins...

The major city in the region is Bluffside. Bluffside has been primarily fed by sea trade and trade from the Dragon Sands to the south. However, settlements have been expanding across the north end of the continent of Escurus. Prospects for north-bound land trade have been limited, but recently, some mountain passes have been cleared of hostiles.

[sblock=OOC](this is an activity that your characters may have been involved with.)[/sblock]

The northern coast of the continent Escurus is populated by squabbling petty kingdoms. Your characters may have been involved in battles on behalf of what has become known as the Western Alliance, a small array of client states allied with Bluffside.

At the behest of your patrons, faiths, or allies, you are tasked to travel to Blackston, a small but growing trade town on one of the rivers just on the other side of the mountains from Bluffside. There have been strange occurances in the area: appearances of ghastly creatures, kidnappings, and mutilations. This could be due to cults, warlords, or renegade mages that you have run afoul in the past.

Blackston is the seat of a rogue principality that broke off from the nearby kingdom of Indevica. Its small size and remote location have kept it fairly safe from attentions of its parent nation and rival nations and warbands. However, its growing role in trade and transport might be changing that.

Gathering at Khale's

The erstwhile companions have agreed to gather in Blackston to set about their investigation of the events at hand. Lodgings have been secured for the party at an inn and tavern called Khale’s Place, the largest inn in the city. Khale’s lies on the riverfront near the bazaar.

As you arrive at Khale’s, you think it none too soon. As dusk draws close, an unseasonable chill blows up from the south, accompanied by a mist that seems to blanket the river and its banks for many miles.

The decor in Khale’s reflects the nature of much of the river-working clientèle. Decorations include riverboat replicas, thick hawsers arranged decoratively, supporting column make up to look like sail masts, paddles on the wall, and the like. The bar itself resembles the prow of a riverboat.

Please feel free to describe your arrival and meeting at this time. Discuss details about how you might know each other in the OOC thread.[/sblock]
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Opening the door to the inn's common room and admitting himself to the warmth of the tavern, Peja closes the door behind himself and stamps his booted feet to divest himself of some of the town's mud. Wrapping his yellow cloak protectively around his trunk to ward off the chill of the day, Peja shivers then looks about the common room to find a vacant seat.

Settling on an empty table for six in the middle of the room near the hearth, the dwarf seats himself, orders an ale, and settles in to wait for the others to arrive, privately counting his anticipated companions to himself, "Doorgath. Ari...Arirorumvorax...no...Aribella..blast it, Ariwhatsit? Ari'll have to do for her. Spunky thing, wonder what mischief she's been up to of late? And whether it'll require sorting out after she arrives."

With a chuckle of anticipation, Peja has a sip of his brew and sits, waiting for the others.
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First Post
[imager]http://users.gmpexpress.net/adkohler/game/Doorgath_100_120.jpg[/imager] The door of the tavern opens and a big and tall dwarf make his entrance.
Har-har-har, Peja, ye old wolf, how'r you faring????
Ummm?? Stop pestering me, tall and funny-looking guard, I'm bringing Reisha where I want...

The guard shivers as a gargantuan creature behind him roars her approval. A savage-looking bear big as a wagon sits down and smells the interior of the tavern. The visitors look alarmed.

Bwa-ha, c'mon, don't fear little Raisha here. She as good as a wolf...umm...well, maybe ye won't understand this. Stay here Raisha, and please don't eat anyone. Har-har, just kiddin' , old man, go on your duty.

Doorgath closes the door and approaches Peja. As soon as he sees the beer his face shines with enthusiasm.

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First Post

Garrel Kalumar ambles up to the tavern where the sounds of merriment inside are unabated despite the gloom of the fog... And a ridiculusly large bear outside. He eyes it warily for a moment, but it does not seem to be eating passers by, and seems to match the description that Peja has mentioned for Doorgath's bear.

"This must be the place then", he thinks to himself as he stoops a bit to enter. Being a Goliath, that was just par for the course. "No humans ever built big enough. . . Well at least it was better than the contortions that he had to undergo when visiting the dwrven areas. heh."

Inside he instantly spots Peja, with a drink of course, and another Dwarf who almost surely must be Doorgath.

He notes to himself, "Well thats three of us then... I thought there would be at least two more. No matter. We will probably not start until morning anyway, plenty of time for them to arrive."

He walks over to their table and says, "Peja! Glad to see you. And you must be Doorgath. Greetings unto you as well (nods). "I am Garrel Kalumar, priest of Enaul." And then proceeds to pull up a chair given that the usual introducitons are now out of way.
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First Post

Once more the door opens, and a slender woman enters, accompanied by small tendrils of the mist outside. She smiles as she sees the dwarves sitting together, and the serpentine scales only accentuate the exotic beauty of her features.

"I'm terribly sorry I'm late," Ari says, taking a seat with them. "I was dicing with some fellows down by the docks, and they were so pleasant I just lost track of time."

She turns her attention to the goliath seated with them. "My name is Ariornvuraurix Turalisj Thurkear," she says, extending a hand. "But please, call me Ari. All my friends do."


As mentioned in the OOC thread, a Dire Bear is aversive to going inside and would probably cause some damage entering if he tried. I'm going to assume for the moment he is outdoors[/sblock]

As the evening wears on and the chill sets in, a barhand stokes up the fire. The fog you saw rolling in is now thick, and the mist clings to the windows.

As night sets in, you gather round and share pleasantries, you glance up as a large fellow in dockworker’s garb opens the door to exit Khale’s. Beyond the doorway lies a dense fog like a physical barrier. The man waves a brief goodbye to the barkeep, then steps out into the foggy night. His form is dimly visible for a few seconds as he stands just outside, still illuminated by the light of the tavern.

Suddenly, the man’s figure is jerked forward, drawn almost instantly out of sight into swirling whiteness by an unseen force! What can oly be the man’s voice screams out, "What the. . . By the Lords of Light! No, let go of me! Oh no, no, NOOOOOOO . . ." His last piercing scream seems cut off as if by a knife’s edge, plunging the tavern and the night beyond into utter silence.

All the locals in the taproom sit in stunned silence for a few silence, after which a frightened babble of voices breaks out:
"What was that?"
"Did you see that"
"Something's out in the fog!"
"It got Caspan!"

What do you do?


First Post

"By the scales!" Ari exclaims. "What was that?" She picks up her spear and heads for the door to see if there is anything she can do for the poor fellow. If the fog is too thick to see clearly, she will move cautiously, listening for any signs of danger.

I'll assume that Ari's Quickening of the Blood for today was a meditation on Chronepsis the Silent, giving her +7 to her Listen checks and the use of the Silent Spell feat for the day.

Also, I should mention that each day, after learning her spells, she casts superior resistance on herself, giving her a +6 on all saves for 24 hours -- so in essence, unless something stops her from being able to follow her routine that day, her saves are actually 6 higher than indicated in the Rogue's Gallery.[/sblock]


First Post
Doorgath stares for a moment ar the swirling fog outside the door, as if he doesn't really understand what happened, then he looks suddenly alarmed.
"Reisha!!! What's happening, boy??? Are you well??? Reisha!"
His face shows anger, as he walks towards the open door, mumbling "stupid magic mischieves"
As he approaches it, he stops for a moment, saying some strange words and making a gesture with his left hand. Then he storms out, shouting "PEJA, I may need backup"

[sblock=Psion]Casting Freedom of Movement
Spot +24, Listen +24[/sblock]
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First Post
Nightbreeze said:
His face shows anger, as he walks towards the open door, mumbling "stupid magic mischieves"
As he approaches it, he stops for a moment, saying some strange words and making a gesture with his left hand. Then he storms out, shouting "PEJA, I may need backup"


Garrel no sooner has time to exchange greatings with the attractive Ari then trouble seems to break out.

Figuring this must be something to do with all the reports of trouble they were sent to sort out he quips with grin, "We are suppose to get to sleep before trouble starts. Please Mr. Bad Guy we want a do over."

Even though Doorgath called for Peja, Garrel figures sneaky mysterious dangerous things are right up his ally... he gets up quietly (kinda odd for a guy in adamantine full plate) and makes his way defensvely to the door, with his bow ready, to see what can be seen.

spot 22, darkvision, see invisible
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[sblock=Garrel]The fog is too thick for Darkvision to be of much use[/sblock]

You don't proceed far from the inn when you come upon the grisly remains of the dockworker; in the fog you almost stumble over it. The body lies in a pool of spreading blood. One leg has been torn out, and the corpse's head looks half bitten of.

Before you have time to examine further, Doorgoth's companion joins you as it emits an agitated snarl. Looking up, you notice multiple dark shapes emerging from the fog. As they approach, some of you notice that the figures appear as rotting remains of drowned humans:


Ari (22)
Doorgath (16)
Garrel (9)
Peja (4)

Ari's up. CB said she'd be out this weekend, so we'll see if anything's left by the time her init rolls around.[/sblock]

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