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(Inactive) Psion's Return to the Tomb of Horrors (OOC)


This is the OOC thread; please direct all comments about the ongoing game here. Recruiting requests should go in the recruiting thread.

Main Threads:
Important Posts:


The IC thread will be up shortly, after I post the PC pics and samples. Players are invited to stake out a quote color, but make sure the color shows up in both the standard and stealth skins.

Please review the conduct of the game post before posting to the IC thread.

Please remember to post your character image at the beginning of each post in the IC thread; this will more strongly anchor the dialog to your character. Use the "imager" tags to do this. I have hosted all the character images. My next post will have the code you need to access the images.
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Image code for characters. Quote reply to this post to get the code for your character. All other active players please get me an image for your PC (or let me know if you need one) in the ORG thread.






The IC thread has been posted:

Please check the Rogues Gallery thread for any last changes I've asked for before posting in the IC thread. The characters are assumed to arrive at Khale's place in the order they post in the IC thread; please describe your character and your arrival at Khales.

Discuss how your characters might know each other... or any other extended OOC discussion regarding the ongoing game... here.


First Post

[imager]http://users.gmpexpress.net/adkohler/game/Doorgath_100_120.jpg[/imager]Doorgath grapples the puny wizard. What d'ya think you're doing??


Edit: ok, it seems fair good. Is slate gray good?

Now, as for how I know the other characters:

Doorgath believs that all arcane magic is foul and corrupted. He works wih the divine spellcasters and warriors in order to cleans the land of all that is evil. He can work with an arcane spellcaster sometimes, as this would be to use an evil against a greater evil.

So he will probably know Peja as they worked in the same team some years ago. (he is a dwarf, too, and that helps). As for Ary...maybe he knows her as a mercenary and may work with her only because she is not evil, even if she uses evil means to achieve her victories.
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Let me know if Sandy Brown as a font color for Peja doesn't work for you.

I'll post for Peja late tonight. Thanks for getting the IC up! Am looking forward to this game and its infamy. :)


CanadienneBacon said:
Let me know if Sandy Brown as a font color for Peja doesn't work for you.

It's a little light in stealth, but it'll do.

Here's do a quick test

Dark Olive Green
Dark Orange
Dark Green
Dark Slate Blue
Dark Slate Gray
Dark Red
Dark Orange
Slate Gray
Dim Gray
Sandy Brown
Yellow Green
Sea Green
Medium Turquoise
Royal Blue
Deep Sky Blue
Dark Orchid

Yellow, Cyan, and everything after Dark Orchid are too pale to show up in stealth.

Doorgath and Peja will certainly know one another fairly well, then. I figure Peja knows Ari, if only in passing. Ari's charismatic and probably everyone either knows or knows of her. I've gone ahead and posted for Peja just now in the IC and have given him some curiosity regarding Ari and what she's been up to. I'll work off the assumption that he knows her but maybe hasn't seen her in a few years.

Psion, I figure Peja has been on "temporary" assignment, working out of the Bluffside Temple of Delundar for maybe 20 years now. While primarily assigned to the Temple of Delundar back in his clan's home in the mountains, the clan didn't want Peja around so they arranged for him to be shipped off to Bluffside, ostensibly as a representative of their clan and to conduct trade arranging shipments of goods to be sent back home. If it makes it easy on you, I'll offer to come up a cadre of NPCs within the Peja's temple both in Bluffside and back home. If you'd rather do that, that's fine too.

I'll have a final look at Peja's sheet in the RG here in a few hours. Right now, I feel like I'm not going to take the scroll of death ward, mass...as an 8th level spell, Peja would have to make a check to get the spell to work and if it didn't, I'd be wasting 3k in gp. I'll be interested in a scroll and/or adding that spell to his cleric list once he gets either closer in level to 8th-lvl spells or earns them in full, but for right now I think I'll just stick with the wand of death ward that he already has. And cross my fingers that waiting doesn't prove a hindrance. :p


First Post
[imager]http://users.gmpexpress.net/adkohler/game/Ari_150_120.jpg[/imager]"Well, hello," Ari says.

/end test

As CB says, Ari likely knows, or at least is known of by, everybody. She's friendly to everyone, at least at first, but Doorgath puzzles her -- arcane magic is in her race's blood, and did not the gods make her people? But she doesn't trouble herself with arguments, so long as his beliefs aren't harming the innocent.

I'll polish off the RG entry for her shortly.


Well, it's good that we've got things underway. Alas, the cable picked today to go on the fritz. I'll be intermittently limping along on dialup until the calbe co gets their act together.

Thought I'd post a few notes about Bluffside for background purposes. Bluffside's major export is adamantine. It rests of a vein of the valuable metal. However, Bluffside's beginnings were as an archeological site. Ancient buildings still stand in Bluffside that are remnants of the powerful civilization that once stood here.

Bluffside proper sits atop a seacliff. The actual docks are on a city situated on an island in the bay below called Sordadin. Cargoes are ferried to and from the bay by means of mechanical elevators put into place by the so-called "steam gnomes".

Bluffside proper is split into several walled "quarters" that almost stand as separate cities. Though it has been some time since the last major raid, the city stands ready to defend itself from goblin hordes that are still known to exit in the moutains.

The "quarters" of blusside are:
  • Old City: The Old City grew up around the archeological sites in the palace and the ruins of the ancient city of Sem La Vah. The palace eventually became a center of government, and the old city became home to several other important governmental buildings such as embassies and the courts.
  • The Mining District: The mining district is flush against the nearest mountains, and is the center of mining and smelting activity in Bluffside.
  • Temple District: The temple district is the home to various religions in Bluffside. The temple district was one of the last districts to spring up; houses of worship sprung up in here after the rest of the space in the valley were occupied. No one else wanted this particular tract of land due to the many crevasses in it. Though most of the keyed locations are houses of worship, there are some other interesting sites such as the Dine Divine, where religious arguments are settled in a ring, and the Street of Sorrows that is full of street preachers and various other loons.
  • The Wizard District: The obsidian tower that is located here became an object of fascination for many curious wizards. Soon they became a power in Bluffside and a district dominated by wizards sprung up around it. However, sorcerers are technically barred from the district; the tower's magical effects on sorcerers only encouraged wizards to formalize their disdain for sorcerers and made it into law.
  • New City: The New City is built over the tunnels that eventually lead down to the docks in the bay below. As Bluffside became more commerce oriented, this district became more important. The New City is possibly the most mercantile of the districts of Bluffside.
  • The Ruins: Right in the middle of the city is a section of haunted ruins that have never been totally excavated or explored.
  • The Undercity: In addition to the various districts of the city, there is an extensive tunnel system that exists underneath the outer portions of the city (beneath all the above sections but the old city and the ruins. The undercity has its own sections, including the sewers, the warehouse district near the docks, a seedy marketplace, a secret arena, mines, and the dwarven halls.
  • Sordadon: Sordadon is a floating city in the bay, and has districts all its own. It was originally built around shipwrecks of ships that had been smashed against the reefs, but eventually grew into a whole floating city.


Waiting for Ari to show up at the inn...

Voidrunner's Codex

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