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(Inactive) Psion's Return to the Tomb of Horrors (ORG)


Status: The game is over. Thanks everyone who played!

This thread is now the "recruiting and organization" thread ("ORG").


Main Threads:
Important Posts:

Adventure and Setting:

The adventure is the 2e adventure, Return to the Tomb of Horrors. Adaptations to 3.5, and to fit the levels of the characters, will be made. Though I will be using existing resources as a reference, do not expect any particular conversion to hold, either fan conversions or the official conversion of the original Tomb of Horrors by Wizards of the Coast.

The original relied on many puzzles and traps. 3.5 relies more heavily on character skill to solve certain issues. While that will generally hold here, player input will still be a major determiner of the flow of the adventure.

The Setting:

The traditional setting of the Tomb of Horrors/Return to the Tomb of Horrors is Greyhawk, it's my tradition to not use Greyhawk. :) The game world is not particularly important in this case, but may determine some background details and resources available to the characters.

The game world is Baelish, an "under construction" homebrew game world that utilizes many third party d20 products. This could be pertinent for some interludes and forays into the city. The nearest major metropolis will be Bluffside, as published by Thunderhead Games/Mystic Eye Games/Ronin Arts.

To Apply:
Post the following:
  • When you can post (evenings, weekends, weekdays, etc.) and how often.
  • Two characters you would like to play, including race, classes and levels. (E.G., Aasimar Paladin 13, Human Wizard 10/Loremaster 4, Halfling Rogue 8 / Skull Clan Hunter 6, etc.)
  • The following facts about your knowledge of Tomb of Horrors: Do you own it? Have you played it? Have you run it? Do you consider yourself familiar with it?
  • The same question for Return to the Tomb of Horrors.

Player Roster:

Active List:
Olaf the Stout - Kullrund Grishner - Half-Orc Barbarian 14
Kafkonia - Ariornvuraurix Turalisj - Spellscale Sorcerer 9 / Fatespinner 5
CanadienneBacon - Pelargir Breakstone - Dwarven Male Cleric 14 (of Delundar)
Nightbreeze - Doorgath Erebrim - Dwarf Druid 14
nonamazing - Davreya - Illumian Rog5/Div5/Loredelver 4

Wait List:
Joshua Randall - Teristiand Arna - Human Male Fighter 14

Liquid Blue - Ahrim Whisperwind - Air Gnome Beguiler 14
Fenris2 - Garrel Kalumar - Goliath Rogue 1/Cleric 4/Shadow Bane Stalker 6/ Divine Oracle 2
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[sblock=WotC Core]
All classes from the PHB allowed, with some alterations:


* - Rulings apply to this class
[sblock=Clerics]There are no "godless clerics", though clerics might follow a relatively obscure minor spirit. See the deities post for major world deities.[/sblock]
[sblock=Paladins]Paladins are considered to be a subset of the Green Ronin Holy Warrior. Using the Holy Warrior rules, you can make a holy warrior of any good alignment, and corresponding to a specific deity's ethos. The Holy Warrior Handbook can be had at the EN World Download Store for $4. (link)
Rangers are permitted and encouraged to use additional combat styles and spellless variants from FFG's Wildscape. This can be had at the EN World Download Store for a mere $5. (link)
The trapfinding ability is changed. Any character with sufficient ranks in search may find a trap. However, the rogue gets a free search check upon entering the vicinity of a trap or its area of effect, similar to the elven ability to detect secret doors.
Specialist variant rules from Unearthed Arcana allowed. (Summarized here)

[sblock=Other WotC]
Ardent* (CP)
Favored Soul (CD)
Hexblade (CW)
Lurk (CP)
Psion (XPH)
Psychic Warrior (XPH)
Swashbuckler** (CW)
Wilder (XPH)
Wu Jen (CA)

(CA) - Complete Arcane
(CD) - Complete Divine
(CP) - Complete Psionic
(CW) - Complete Warrior
(XPH) - Expanded Psionics Handbook
* - Rulings Apply to this class:
Ignore the text about the ardent being entitled to learn any power they could manifest per their manifester level. Instead, the ardent has a maximum power level column identical to the Psion's
* - I am currently debating replacing the Swashbuckler with the Duelist (from Swashbuckling Adventures) or the Unfettered (from Arcana Evolved). I consider these classes more suitable for play than the swashbuckler, but the Complete Warrior is more accessible. If you have one of these other books and want to try these alternates, let me know.

Eldritch Weaver (APM)
Holy Warrior (HWHb)
Martial Artist (BM)
Shaman (SHb)
Yogi (CGR or YBd20)

APM - Advanced Player's Manual (Green Ronin)
BM - Beyond Monks: The Art of the Fight (Chainmail Bikini/Goodman Games)
CGR -Complete Guide to Rakshasa (Goodman)
SHb - Shaman's Handbook (Green Ronin)
YBd20 - Years Best d20 2004 (Malhavoc)

[sblock=Banned Classes]

These are core and prestige classes I have already considered and explicitly decided to exclude from the game for various reasons:

[sblock=Base classes]
Duskblade (PHBII)
Samurai (CW)
Shugenja (CD)
Spellthief (CAr) (This class will NOT stand up to the rigors of the Tomb.)

[sblock=Prestige classes]
This list is far from exhaustive. Further determinations will be made on a case by case basis.

Radiant Servant of Pelor (CD)
Kensai (CW)
Ronin (CW)

Q: Why do you disallow classes?
A: While I feel the existing core classes can be expanded upon, I prefer to limit the number of base classes to keep them managable. I cull the list by the following criteria
  1. If there is a choice between two specific base classes and making an existing base class more general, I will always take the latter option and kick the specific base class to the curb.
  2. Again on the specific thing, if I cannot picture a specific base class existing in an apprentice form in the game world(s), then I feel the concept is better handled as a prestige class. If this is the reason I am rejecting a specific class, there is some wiggle room here. If you are willing to invest some creative energy into creating a culture in which the base class makes sense, I may allow it so long as none of the other criteria are violated.
  3. If a candidate base class is, as a concept, acheived as well or better by an existing combination of base or prestige classes, I prefer that route.
  4. I have some specific cosmology and campaign assumptions as well. Some classes don't fit well with this.
  5. Some are just broken, strong, weak, inflexible, or otherwise problematic to use in the game.
  6. Core classes, though some are rather specific, get a bye. Cool, well done classes might get a bye.

Q: If a class is on the banned list, can I change your mind?
A: No

Q: If a core class is not on the banned or allowed list, can I play it?
A: Maybe. My "allowed" list is a cobbling together together of accessible and preferred classes appropriate to the game. If its not there, it may have fallen afoul one of my criteria, but if your concept is good enough and possibly with a little creative effort on your part, I may allow it. Strong or weak classes may need some tweaking.

Q: What about prestige classes?
A: I don't feel the same need to winnow down prestige classes to a well defined list that I do core classes, but prestige classes are still subject to my approval. Some prestige classes may need to be tweaked (stronger, weaker, altering specific rules, etc.) to bring them in line with the needs of the game, and should have themes appropriate to the setting and cosmology.
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There are several pantheons of deities that watch over the world. Most operate in guises or are known by different names among different cultures.

All divine casters must have a deity. Druids are a marginal exception, following nature aspects of the great tree, but ultimately fall in the same boat.

Most other characters in the game world at least give lip service to the pantheon of their culture and recognize the power of the gods and their place in the universe. Some specifically revere certain patrons as appropriate.

I am NOT using core deities.

I am using, as a basis, the deities in the following products:

[sblock=Maelstrom Deity List]
(Nice summary)

(Good and Neutral Deities Summarized With Core Domains; other domains will be added as needed)

Jasamai, Goddess of Magic - LG - Good, Knowledge, Law, Magic
Tayne, God of Honor - LG - Good, Law, Protection
Throntis, God of the Sun - LG - Law, Strength, Sun
Aeridyn, God of the Night - NG - Good, Protection, Travel
Salarian, Goddess of Integrity - NG - Good, Knowledge
Syrtolin, Goddess of Culture - NG - Good, Healing, Knowledge
Vendaneran, God of Wisdom - NG - Good, Healing, Knowledge, Sun, War
Zandaraon, God of Earth - NG - Earth, Good, Plant, Sun
Felicityn, Goddess of Song - CG - Chaos, Luck, Trickery
Lhuramni, Goddess of Love - CG - Chaos, Good, Healing, Protection
Whogam, Goddess of Woodlands - CG - Animal, Good, Plant
Ankaris, God of Fire - LN - Fire, Law, Sun, War
Arcannis, God of Justice - LN - Law, Strength, War
Chaulatae, Goddess of Law - LN - Law, Protection, Stength, Sun, War
Delundar, God of Commerce - N - Luck, Protection, Travel (Trade)
(to be continued)

Most Maelstrom deities are known by other names amongst other races.

[sblock=Book of the Righteous]

(Good and Neutral Deities Summarized With Core Domains; other domains will be added as needed)
(Domain lists pending)
  • Urian (NG) - God of the air and sky. Similar to mythological sky figures such as Zues and Ukko.
  • Rontra (LG) - Goddess of the Earth. Mother/grandmotherly figure similar to Gaea and Dannan.
  • Shalimyr (CN) - God of Water. Similar to figures like Poseidon.
  • Eliwyn (N) - The Tree of Life. Essentially non-sentient, the source of power for druids and wellspring of life. The tree bore the fruit that lead to most mortal races.
  • Morwyn (LG) - Goddess of Healing and Wisdom
  • Terak (LG or LN) - God of War and Valor
  • Zheenkeef (CN) - Goddess of Wine, Madness, and Inspiration
  • Tinel (CG or N) - God of Magic, Knowledge, and Truth
  • Mormekar (N) - God of Death and Rebirth
  • Maal (LN) - God of Law and Justice
  • Darmon (CG) - God of Travel, Wealth, and Joy
  • Aymara (CG) - Goddess of Love and the Arts
  • Korak (NG) - God of the Forge and Artisans
  • Anwyn (LG) - Goddess of Home, Hearth, and Servants
  • Naryne (LN) - Goddess of Nobility, one of the "three sisters."
  • Canelle (CG) - Goddess of Victory and strength, one of the "three sisters."
  • Thellyne (NG) - Goddess of Woodcraft, Nature, and the Hunt, one of the "three sisters."


(Good and Neutral Deities Summarized With Core Domains; other domains will be added as needed)
(Summary coming)


[sblock=Book of Hallowed Might 2]
All deities of the river:
  • Dorana, Lady of Storms (CN_ - Air, Chaos, Retribution*, Water
  • Enaul, God of the Future (LN) - Civilization*, The Future*, Knowledge, Law (Planning)
  • Essoch, Lord of Primal Sight (CN) - Chaos, The Future*, Knowledge, Strength
  • Kulaj - Mother of the Celestial River (LN) - Animal, Law, Magic, Plant, Strength.
  • Mallock - The Deceiver (LE) - Evil, Law, Temptation*, Trickery
  • Urgan - Forge Lord (NG) - Earth, Fire, Forge.

Edit: Added a few more deities, SC domains, and the Book of Hallowed Might 2 pantheon.
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I want to play. I can post on weekdays, M-F. I'm a stay-at-home mom and my days are largely my own. I want to play a dwarven cleric 14 as my primary concept, or a halfling bard 14 as my alternate. Thanks for running this and hope I make your cut!

The original module is sitting on my shelf but I haven't read through it yet. I had been saving it to run at some point in the future. Playing through it seems like a darn good way for me to familiarize myself with things. :)

edit: changed race on cleric from human to dwarf, and race on bard from half-elf to halfling.
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These are the main resources appropriate for this game. I will consider other books on a case by base basis. Regardless whether a book is listed here, character options drawn from non-core books are subject to my approval.

WotC resources recommended:
Core books (Character creation and options)
Expanded Psionics Handbook (Various character options)
Complete Warrior (Various character options)
Complete Divine (Various character options)
Complete Arcane (Various character options)
Complete Adventurer (Various character options)
Complete Psionic (Various character options)
Complete Mage (Various character options)
Unearthed Arcana (Racial Variants, Specialist Variants)
Spell Compendium (Spells... duh)

Third Party Resources:
Arms & Armor 3.0/3.5 (Bastion Press) (Items)
Complete Book of Eldritch Might (Malhavoc) (Spells, Items, PrCs)
Dragon Compendium (Paizo) (Feats, Spells, PrCs, Items)
Eldritch Sorcery (Necromancer Games) (Spells)
Hyperconscious (Malhavoc) (Psionic Powers, Feats, PrCs)
Monte Cooks Year's Best D20 (Malhavoc) - (Feats, Spells, PrCs)
Relics & Rituals (Sword & Sorcery Studios) (PrCs, Spells, Items)
Any other resource cited in the "classes" post.

WotC resources explicitly not used:
ANY world specific material (FR, Eberron) unless otherwise specified.
Tome of Magic
Magic of Incarnum
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CanadienneBacon said:
I want to play. I can post on weekdays, M-F. I'm a stay-at-home mom and my days are largely my own. I want to play a dwarven cleric 14 as my primary concept, or a halfling bard 14 as my alternate. Thanks for running this and hope I make your cut!

The original module is sitting on my shelf but I haven't read through it yet. I had been saving it to run at some point in the future. Playing through it seems like a darn good way for me to familiarize myself with things. :)

edit: changed race on cleric from human to dwarf, and race on bard from half-elf to halfling.

Hey CB!

I'll be posting the deities list in a bit, but most good deities from Races of Stone should be suitable. But it might help me to know if you are looking for any special domains for your cleric. I don't define any for my existing deities, but can easily add them.

I don't own Races of Stone. :( I'd be happy to use something from that book, but without having it in my own hands, it'd be kind of untenable. I do, however, own Complete Warrior, Complete Divine, and Unearthed Arcana.

Regarding domains, I think what I'll need to do is do up a sheet on paper here at home. Working on paper helps me think. Can I get back to you later tonight or tomorrow on domains? Am I allowed to look through Deities and Demigods, CD, or the FRCS for inspiration? Thanks for answering these questions.


CanadienneBacon said:
I don't own Races of Stone. :( I'd be happy to use something from that book, but without having it in my own hands, it'd be kind of untenable. I do, however, own Complete Warrior, Complete Divine, and Unearthed Arcana.

Regarding domains, I think what I'll need to do is do up a sheet on paper here at home. Working on paper helps me think. Can I get back to you later tonight or tomorrow on domains? Am I allowed to look through Deities and Demigods, CD, or the FRCS for inspiration? Thanks for answering these questions.

For Dwarves, most of the Domains in FRCS and DDG are in Spell Compendium too, so are ok.
Most of the Dwarven deities in FRCS are stolen from the core, so also applicable. Or you can wait and see when I get the deities up. Is there a specific deity concept you are interested in?

Speaking of Complete Divine, I do use the errata on Divine Metamagic limiting it to one feat. If you were planning that.

Oh, wow, Relics and Rituals! I own that and love it. When I sit down later this evening (after children are in bed) to work on my dwarf, I'll have a go at that book with an eye for any interesting spells. I'll run ideas by you to check for kosher-osity. :D


First Post
I'm definitely interested. I have a couple of ideas, but thought I'd ask about Races of the Dragon, since it's not on either the recommended or banned list. What is your opinion on the Spellscales, in particular?

Until January I'm home from work, so will be able to post fairly regularly. Starting in January I'll be working until 7, and will thus be able to post in the evenings (8 pm+ EST) and on weekends.

I've never read/purchased/run ToH or RttToH. I know only what I've read on the boards, and most of that is very vaguely remembered. I stopped reading posts about it when you mentioned you might run it.

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